Pepsi NEXT.... have you heard of it/tried it?

yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
Hi all,

I found a 12-pack of Pepsi NEXT at CVS this morning and just had to try it when I read the box ("60% less sugar than regular Pepsi").

Has anyone else tried it? What are your thoughts?

It reminded me of when I mix regular and diet soda to cut calories but keep the real sugar taste (I do this with Coke and Dr. Pepper at soda fountains).


  • sweetmspea
    i have never tried it or even heard of it. but i drink pepsi max. absolutely love it.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    sucralose in the ingredient list means I won't even be trying a sip. No thanks :)
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    i have never tried it or even heard of it. but i drink pepsi max. absolutely love it.

    It's the one diet soda I just can't give up. It's so good. It's like coffee but it's pop. And it is full of artificial junk. And no cals. Annnd it's basically a double-edged sword; a big, delicious double-edged sword. lol
  • patricknsmith
    patricknsmith Posts: 261 Member
    Haven't heard of it, but I will find it and try it. I still wish they'd bring back Pepsi Clear!
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    i miss clear pepsi
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Wow, I thought I was the only one who liked Pepsi Clear. Most people have never heard of it. Apparently the caramel coloring they use in colas is now bad for us. Maybe that will be incentive enough to bring it back.
  • JustLiftJess
    JustLiftJess Posts: 30 Member
    this is why i won't be drinking pepsi ever again.
  • patricknsmith
    patricknsmith Posts: 261 Member
    Wow, I thought I was the only one who liked Pepsi Clear. Most people have never heard of it. Apparently the caramel coloring they use in colas is now bad for us. Maybe that will be incentive enough to bring it back.

    Man, the old days were the best. Van Halen's Right Now playing while watching this amazing bottle of water, wait...that's Pepsi? And it's clear!? LOL. Maybe one day.
  • mbourke8
    mbourke8 Posts: 27
    Wow, I thought I was the only one who liked Pepsi Clear. Most people have never heard of it. Apparently the caramel coloring they use in colas is now bad for us. Maybe that will be incentive enough to bring it back.

    You were definitely in the minority. I recall Pepsi Clear being really strange tasting! Appearance is very important for taste
  • spriite
    spriite Posts: 3
    the only pepsi I will drink is pepsi throwback. that uses real sugar. Sucralose HFCS and all those other artificial sweeteners are 100x worse than sugar. Only artificial sweetener i deal with is Stevia.
  • piperjon
    piperjon Posts: 157 Member
    this is why i won't be drinking pepsi ever again.

    Please tell me this is satire...
    If it's not, I have some swamp land in Arizona I'd like to sell you.

  • theNurseNancy
    this is why i won't be drinking pepsi ever again.

    You seriously believe EVERYTHING you read on the internet? Wow.

    I've tried it and it's pretty good for those trying to transition from full cal sodas to no cal sodas. I don't drink soda, so its not a huge thing for me. I just wanted to try it :)
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    Haven't heard of it, but I will find it and try it. I still wish they'd bring back Pepsi Clear!

    OMG me too! I loved that stuff!
  • piperjon
    piperjon Posts: 157 Member
    this is why i won't be drinking pepsi ever again.

    Please tell me this is satire...
    If it's not, I have some swamp land in Arizona I'd like to sell you.


    Okay, in case you (disturbingly) believe that crock of bollux to be real,
    Also very unnerving is the Nazi-stink on some of other articles...

  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    this is why i won't be drinking pepsi ever again.

    Please tell me this is satire...
    If it's not, I have some swamp land in Arizona I'd like to sell you.


    soylent green is made of people!!!!
  • piperjon
    piperjon Posts: 157 Member

    soylent green is made of people!!!!



    What will I make my snacky-mix with now?!?!?!!!

  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member

    soylent green is made of people!!!!



    What will I make my snacky-mix with now?!?!?!!!


    ummm.... pepsi?
  • JustLiftJess
    JustLiftJess Posts: 30 Member
    do your research, believe me or don't. your life won't be affecting mine, just thought i would share.
  • ariant23
    ariant23 Posts: 161 Member
    Never heard of it. Sounds good, and like the 10 calorie Dr. Pepper "for men" my husband likes.
    As for the hysteria surrounding soda and artificial sweeteners... ugh. i too have oceanfront property in Kansas to sell.

    yes, caramel coloring is thought to be carcinogenic, the cans are lined with BPA, and the phosphoric acid in some sodas will inhibit the absorption of calcium.

    BUT... my family has been drinking diet soda since the early 80's when we lived in a really bad industrial area and the water was horrible... and diet soda on sale was cheaper than water. so if it really was that bad, we'd all be dead.
  • piperjon
    piperjon Posts: 157 Member
    do your research, believe me or don't. your life won't be affecting mine, just thought i would share.

    I do my research, carefully, thanks.
    I do not believe you, because it's uniquely ridiculous to believe that human fetus cells would be used in a food product.

    T-cells (routinely used in biomedical and industrial research) ARE being used to replicate taste cells, like on your tongue, and were obtained from a line of cells first obtained in the 70s, from an aborted fetus.

    They do NOT, can not, will not put, use or otherwise dedicate "cells from an aborted fetus" in any kind of "taste enhancement" that enters the food chain.

    It's unfortunate, however, that sanity and good sense can't effect your life. But as a citizen of the human race, you are absolutely allowed to hold any truth with which you feel comfortable, regardless of it's relation to reality.

    So, about that swamp land...?
