Jump Starting the Weight Loss

I know the recommendation is to follow minimum number of calories, eat back calories burned in exercising, etc. But has anyone had any success jump starting their diet with one of the fad diets or cleanse diets? I was looking at some info on the Lemonade Diet and it seems like starting with this for a week might be helpful, at least for me. I'm trying to lose about 60 pounds and I realize this is going to be a very long process, or rather a permanent lifestyle change. But by starting with one of these cleanse diets I feel like I will get some immediate satisfaction with the loss and I will be satisfied with my 1300 calories a day as soon as the cleanse ends.

I know everyone here could just give me the line on following the MFP plan, so what I am looking for is advice from someone who has tried one of these cleanse diets to jumpstart their weight loss. Was it successful or not?


  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    isn't lemonade full of sugar and empty calories?

    You;'d be better going low carb.. cutting out bread, pasta, potatoes but still eating healthy meals like salad with fish, chicken, turkey (not battered or breadcrumbed) or Quorn. you can still have your 1300 cals of healthy food!

    I use quorn mince as a substitute for red meat which will be higher in calories for chilli con carne and replace the rice with cauliflower whizzed up in a processor then steamed in the microwave.

    I cut them out completely at first and lost half a stone in the first week, did about 2 weeks the started re-introducing things just once a week and staying low carb either side of that day so didnt get loads of water coming back on.

    After experimenting I found wheat was doing the most damage for me in terms of how much water went on overnight so I've cut wheat from diet but still have other carbs I just ditched pasta, pastry items and regular bread but get gluten free bread so I can still have toast.

    Maybe worth experimenting to see if most of your weight is water and caused by a wheat intolerance? .. even if not you might still drop some initial water weight by dropping processed carbs for a few weeks.

    You need to start building up the time you can exercise too if you don't already. the weight is more likely to stay off then as you add the carbs back in later on. its worked for me.. 32lbs lost 13" off tummy and 7 " off waist.

    Good luck!
  • garlena03
    60 Lbs is a lot to lose. How I would lose 60 lbs:

    #1- Gotta change your lifestyle, no cleanse, diet pills, quick fix crap will help you. You gotta look at your self, habits, and make a decision to get rid of it. Unless it's a medical reason to why your overweight.

    #2-Devotion to eating right, working out, and taking care of your body.

    If you can say yes than I would suggest:

    Fix your diet first. Cut calories. You need eat as much calories as your activity level.

    Lastly, you gotta shed fat before you can get leaner. Emphasize cardio 3x wk, Cardio w/ weight training 2x wk.

    Record your training results to see progress and also to modify if need to be made.

    ****Stick to a routine, and results will follow*****
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Do you suppose there is a reason that almost everyone, especially the good contributors to these forums, will tell you that this is a bad idea?
  • NotParis
    NotParis Posts: 26 Member
    Any weight that you lose on one of those "fad diets" will be hard to keep off and you will disappoint yourself right from the get-go. You would be surprised how much you will lose just by adjusting your diet, whole grains, lean meat, vegetables, and fruit and adding exercise. These changes might just be the jump start you are looking for. It didn't take you 3 months to put on those 60 pounds, you aren't gonna take them all off in 3 months. This is a long, albeit rewarding task. Educate yourself, that is the best jump start you could have!!
  • mischa_12
    mischa_12 Posts: 137 Member
    You could try the 17 day diet, I'm on that right now...only day 2 though. It's HARD not eating the foods you did before and I miss chocolate so much :( but the only way to actually lose weight is through cutting down calories and exercise.
  • mischa_12
    mischa_12 Posts: 137 Member
    I gained over 10 lbs in 3 weeks! so much easier to put the weight on than get it off unfortunately :p
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    You could try the 17 day diet, I'm on that right now...only day 2 though. It's HARD not eating the foods you did before and I miss chocolate so much :( but the only way to actually lose weight is through cutting down calories and exercise.

    Yes, cutting calories and staying at a deficit is how this is successful. However, eliminating foods and being restrictive is not. If you can fit chocolate or something else you love into your calories and macros, then eat it. Don't make this more difficult than it should be.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    I used to be the queen of fad diets. I'd go on one from the gossip papers or some crazy eggs and tomatoes diet or the Mayo Clinic diet and lose a bit and then as soon as it was over, eat like a fiend and gain it all back and more. MFP worked for me. Slow and steady. I lost 11 pounds the first week by following the guidelines and eating fresh food. No packaged stuff and then slowly worked some of my favorite treats back in.

    It's up to you what you want to do, but MFP is sensible, as nutritious as you make it and sustainable. Good luck with whatever you choose.
  • mgd711
    mgd711 Posts: 1
    Shakybabe has the best advice, cut out the wheat!

    I started with the Dukan diet and lost 40lbs in 6 months. Since then I've not taken any wheat and only small carb's (white rice or sweet potatoes) and kept the weight off. Now the challenge is to loose the next 40lbs.
  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    I know some may disagree but I did yummy cabbage soup diet. Google zero points weight watchers soup by food.com. Its the one that encourages you to use beef broth, and I totally do! I make my own version and add extra spices. I also top it with two tbs Fat free tillamook sour cream, and garlic salt. You can add salsa or other low fat items to switch it up. I like to add hot sauce. Yum. I make a big batch of it once a week. It lasts about 5 days and each day it tastes more flavorful. I think its delicious! You have to add salt and make it something you want to eat. You can pretty much eat as much as you want so you're never hungry. I measure out 2 to 3 cups a meal. However this is not all I eat. I eat it first and then I can eat something else if I am still hungry. Protein is great. I eat about 6 egg whites a day, I put butter spray on them and paprika, dill and salt. Yum! I also cut up apples and oranges and pour diet 7 up on them for a fast snack and they keep in the fridge without browning. Plus the fiber from the apple make me full. I don't eat breads, and I don't crave them. I'm never hungry. I've lost 11 pounds so far in 17 days. I also cut out drinking a lot, I use to drink my total calories every day, and then ate on top of it. Sometimes its best just to cut out your weaknesses until you can manage them better. My name is Jai (Jay) you can add me if you'd like. Hope this helps. Good luck
  • starscreensiren
    starscreensiren Posts: 46 Member
    I know the recommendation is to follow minimum number of calories, eat back calories burned in exercising, etc. But has anyone had any success jump starting their diet with one of the fad diets or cleanse diets? I was looking at some info on the Lemonade Diet and it seems like starting with this for a week might be helpful, at least for me. I'm trying to lose about 60 pounds and I realize this is going to be a very long process, or rather a permanent lifestyle change. But by starting with one of these cleanse diets I feel like I will get some immediate satisfaction with the loss and I will be satisfied with my 1300 calories a day as soon as the cleanse ends.

    I know everyone here could just give me the line on following the MFP plan, so what I am looking for is advice from someone who has tried one of these cleanse diets to jumpstart their weight loss. Was it successful or not?

    My honest advice to you is to not jump start with a fad. It will make it harder in the long run. I speak from experience. I lost 70 lbs in 10 months and those 10 months FLEW by! Those 70 lbs are gone forever now because I made lifestyle changes over a fad diet. A couple of years ago I lost 20 lbs in a month and gained back 50 just as quickly..........ask yourself what you are really trying to achieve in the end. One step in front of the other and before you know it, you will be running.

    Best of luck.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member

    Yes, cutting calories and staying at a deficit is how this is successful. However, eliminating foods and being restrictive is not. If you can fit chocolate or something else you love into your calories and macros, then eat it. Don't make this more difficult than it should be.
