Moms/ posture/ targeted exercise

Hi. I was just curious to see if any other moms postures have changed after the pregnancy. I find that I slouch way more than I ever used to. I don't know if it is from the extra weight in the ta tas, and being able to rest them on the belly during the pregnancy or if it is just a lack of exercise. I thought about getting a bra zapper. You can put it on your bra strap and after your set your posture level. it will give you a light little zap to remind you to sit up straight. unfortunately, it's like $60. So if anybody has any exercises they know of that I can do at would be greatly appreciated!! :}


  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    A couple of observations from a 4 x mother:

    1. You are exhausted, which causes a definite droop of the shoulders.
    2. You constanly carry baby, diaper bags, carseats/carriers, groceries, laundry, etc...your shoulders are just plain TIRED, Mama!
    3. Between bigger, heavier tatas and almost always having a baby nursing, it's just going to be more comfortable to slouch.

    Posture is primarily habit. The device you mentioned could help, I guess, if you used it as a behavioral therapy for several weeks, to cement the habit of standing up straight. Seems like there could be a lot of variation in the setting, tho? And would the habit stick once you stopped wearing it? (They used to make a posture-bra that was like a COULD NOT slouch. But as soon as you stopped wearing it, the old habit reasserted itself.)

    I would probably skip the gimmicky-sounding purchase, and just try to concentrate on molding a new habit. Also, I believe a weight-training program could be beneficial to strengthening the muscles responsible for posture and alignment. (Plus, if you got all cut and awesome, you'd stand up straight cause you'd be proud as he!!.)

    Good luck on whatever you decide!
  • Thank you for this! Yea probably shouldn't waste money that I don't have on gimmicks.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566 Member
    One thing i would add is use proper form when lifting. After i had my second child i threw out my back from using my back to pick up my kids not my legs. It took about a month to get over and after that i was aware of what not to do and have not had an issue since.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i've never been pregnant but i developed a severe case of the shoulder hunchies from sitting 10+ hour a day at a stressful job.

    exercise wise you can try doing things to strengthen your upper back and chest. upright rows are especially good, and really make sure to pull back as far as possible since that will help your scapula

    but what really really helped was breaking the habit. i would set a timer that went off every hour or so. when the timer would go off, i'd consciously think about pushing my shoulders away from my ears and back. eventually i started thinking about it more and doing it on my own and eventually i got to the point where i my shoulders were always where they are supposed to be