Someone help me

Been going to the gym for the past month.. I have only lost 3lbs.. I am currently doing an hr on the elliptical, 30 day shred (day 2 now) walking 20 minutes and strength training.. I weigh 355 I want to lose and gain muscle at the same time..can someone tell me does the Elliptical build your butt up or what? and what do you suggest I do.. My calorie intake is around 2000


  • niceMarly
    niceMarly Posts: 89 Member
    Hi KB

    Could it be possible that you are building up muscle weight? Are you losing inches? You also could be on a plateau; that will break and you'll drop a chunk at once.
  • Motivation4KB
    Motivation4KB Posts: 68 Member
    Hi KB

    Could it be possible that you are building up muscle weight? Are you losing inches? You also could be on a plateau; that will break and you'll drop a chunk at once.

    I think I am building muscle and I do see a difference in my clothes .. I know i've lost inches... I do eat good and drink lots of water..
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Gah at people and their hidden logs.

    You could be over-training.
  • NotParis
    NotParis Posts: 26 Member
    This is what I would tell you but I am not an expert. I was working out, doing time here, doing time there, but it was not until I signed up to take some classes that I learned what it means to push myself. Now, I don't know how hard you are pushing yourself and I am not here to judge you, I just want to help you. I found that I lost the most weight when I worked so hard at my exercise that I couldn't breath, couldn't talk, barely even remain standing. I would sweat, A LOT! There are times now, even after 2 years that in my spinning class I am certain that I am going to die....but I don't! That is when I saw the most results. There is truth behind the "feel the burn" phenomenon! haha Interval workouts are great too, bring your heart rate up, bring it up high, then bring it down, then back up. Go as fast as you can on the elliptical until you just can't anymore then rest to bring your heart rate down. Interval workouts are supposed to burn more fat.
  • MamaSonyaP
    MamaSonyaP Posts: 90 Member
    This is just me, you can take or leave this advice...
    Do cardio for the bulk of the weight loss, then to tone or gain muscle, start when you've lost what you want to lose. Your metabolism will be greater, flexibility and ability to recover (henceforth BUILD muscle faster). If you try to lose weight WHILE building muscle, you might not see the scale move too much because you're body is working against itself. You can tell me to shut it if I'm way off.
  • MerriAlbert
    What's your sodium intake like? Keep it to 1500mg. This is hard if you're eating processed foods and sauces.
    Are you drinking 8-10 cups of water a day (minimum if you're exercising that much)?
    Are you honest with your food dairy (measuring food and logging everything)? Are you getting enough fat (recommend Omega 3&6 capsules each day) and veggies? Also you might want to try being more moderate with your exercise. Make sure you take a rest day or two every week.

    That's my couple of thoughts.
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I have an elliptical and I love it! I use the training levels. I like to get my heart rate up really high for 2 minutes, then drop it down 2 minutes...and so on.
    You are probably building muscle right now.
    Stay off the scale....that's my main problem. I get discouraged easily when it doesn't go down....but I think back on the GOOD things I've accomplished...and that makes me feel better.
    You'll be fine.
    Keep up with your water, do intervals on the elliptical (use the programs....that's what they are for), get plenty of protein.
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    I think measuring inches is a better measure of progress especially if you have alot to lose and you are strength training. Muscle is heavy. I had the same problem it took my body bout 3 weeks or so to figure out what the heck I was doing. Focus on goals like pressing more weights, going longer on the elliptical instead of the number of the scale.

    Sometimes we stress over stuff and you will hold onto the weight. Just keep what you are doing and if you are eating right and exercising and still no progress I would visit your dr could be any underlying issue.

    Good Luck! You can do it!!
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I you're losing inches, the pounds will follow.
    One thing though, if you're eating back your calories, and you should, try and be as accurate in determining how much you really exercise - HRM, MFP and equipment rarely see eye to eye...
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    When you work out, glycogen, sarcoplasm and water are pushed into the muscle for repair. Its where you get the pump.
    The pump weighs BTW so you typically will weigh more after working out in the gym.
    After 2 days of recovery and no activity you should get a true weigh in.
    This is why recovery is sooooooooooooo important!

    Stop killing yourself!
    You can only lose so much fat in a day, everything else is lean mass!
  • Noorkitty
    Noorkitty Posts: 15
    I agree, do lots of cardio and then strength to tone up. Like even once or twice a week weights is fine.
    But I think the problem could be calorie intake. Sugar and wheat are culprits. Mainly sugar. Reduce sugar and let me know what happened.

    I do heaps of hard cardio etc but sugar is my downfall so been struggling to lose even a measly 3 kilos. But when I cut that out, was successful only for 2 months, omg I saw the difference.
  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member
  • Noorkitty
    Noorkitty Posts: 15
    Been going to the gym for the past month.. I have only lost 3lbs.. I am currently doing an hr on the elliptical, 30 day shred (day 2 now) walking 20 minutes and strength training.. I weigh 355 I want to lose and gain muscle at the same time..can someone tell me does the Elliptical build your butt up or what? and what do you suggest I do.. My calorie intake is around 2000
    Sorry one more thing to add - muscle will come, just doing 'weight bearing' exercise is fine like walking- up and downhills etc. For now just concentrate on cardio.

    And building core like planks pose, or boat pose.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Log absolutely everything.

    1. Calculate your TDEE.
    2. Create a 25% deficit and eat this amount regularly. Eat balanced.
    3. Eat 1g protein per lb of lean body mass
    4. Excercise 3 x per week.
    - you won't be doing planks at your weight. I don't know why someone even suggested this.
    - do what you are capable of doing. Incline walk, walk, jog at a level of intensity where it's slightly challenging to maintain a conversation.
    - incorporate some resistance training if you find it enjoyable. If you feel like you don't have a good understanding of it or lack the knowledge of what to do, research and ask for help. Otherwise I suggest focusing your efforts on cardio.
    5. Drink water throughout the day.
    6. Patience, persistence and willpower / discipline to keep on a plan.

    Eating correctly is 80% of it. It took your life to get to where you are today and it will be no easy task to undo what's done.
  • Motivation4KB
    Motivation4KB Posts: 68 Member
    What's your sodium intake like? Keep it to 1500mg. This is hard if you're eating processed foods and sauces.
    Are you drinking 8-10 cups of water a day (minimum if you're exercising that much)?
    Are you honest with your food dairy (measuring food and logging everything)? Are you getting enough fat (recommend Omega 3&6 capsules each day) and veggies? Also you might want to try being more moderate with your exercise. Make sure you take a rest day or two every week.

    That's my couple of thoughts.

    Sodium I haven't had sodium in 10 years..I only have it when its already in food.. Not to big on sauces.. I drink nothing but water... I am very honest with my food intake i don't hide nothing and I love veggies could eat more tho.. rest days are sundays...
  • Motivation4KB
    Motivation4KB Posts: 68 Member
    I have an elliptical and I love it! I use the training levels. I like to get my heart rate up really high for 2 minutes, then drop it down 2 minutes...and so on.
    You are probably building muscle right now.
    Stay off the scale....that's my main problem. I get discouraged easily when it doesn't go down....but I think back on the GOOD things I've accomplished...and that makes me feel better.
    You'll be fine.
    Keep up with your water, do intervals on the elliptical (use the programs....that's what they are for), get plenty of protein.

    I weigh myself once a month.. I honestly don't care for the scale because if i constantly looked for numbers i would have given up a long time ago...I love the elliptical i do intervals and on other days i just do the regular ..
  • Motivation4KB
    Motivation4KB Posts: 68 Member
    I think measuring inches is a better measure of progress especially if you have alot to lose and you are strength training. Muscle is heavy. I had the same problem it took my body bout 3 weeks or so to figure out what the heck I was doing. Focus on goals like pressing more weights, going longer on the elliptical instead of the number of the scale.

    Sometimes we stress over stuff and you will hold onto the weight. Just keep what you are doing and if you are eating right and exercising and still no progress I would visit your dr could be any underlying issue.

    Good Luck! You can do it!!

    Thank you I finally pushed myself to an hr on the elliptical.. I have been to the doctor I am good health besides blood pressure and being over weight.. nothing is wrong with my thyroids.. I can't eat a lot because i have a hard time digesting my food,bc of no gall bladder.
  • Motivation4KB
    Motivation4KB Posts: 68 Member
    I you're losing inches, the pounds will follow.
    One thing though, if you're eating back your calories, and you should, try and be as accurate in determining how much you really exercise - HRM, MFP and equipment rarely see eye to eye...

    I don't eat my exercise calories back.. I've tried eating them back and that is just to much... My body can't digest that well so I have to watch what i do eat and when i do eat it.
  • crawpapa
    crawpapa Posts: 156 Member
    I disagree with eating your workout calories back. I have not been doing this and it seems to have worked for me. Maybe if you were at a point where you were trying to maintain your weight, but not when you are trying to eat in a deficit. You are basically re-learning how to eat healthy and incorporate working out. A balance between cardio, some sort of resistance weight training and eating is going to be the most important. Resistance training can be using bands to doing body weight exercises, at least certain ones, to weights. Didn't look to see how old you are, but think about how long it took you to gain the weight, so it's going to take a good amount of time to lose that weight.
  • Strodtbeckp
    My guess is your over working the muscle toning if you want to see weight loss. Do more cardio till you get around your idea weight if you need to see more weight loss quicker. I am doing this. I plan in the next six pounds to begin toning again. I muscle weight can discourage you. Plus it does not have to be too much. I remember people saying in the fitness realm that 30 minutes a day is all you need and going yeah yeah. But when I lost weight after my kids were born I found this to be true. Unfortunately I let myself go and did not even remember to do 30 minutes and gained. So I am losing and doing cardio, then when I get to a weight I am happy with I will strength train. Still don't want to do go over board. I want to do workouts I can see myself doing for the long haul.