Taking antibiotics for Strep throat. Can I run?

I get cranky if I don't get to run or exercise for some reason :smile: I started feeling bad a few days ago and tested positive for Strep Throat yesterday. I started a z-pack yesterday and took the 2nd dose today. I'm starting to feel pretty good and anticipate feeling almost back to normal tomorrow. So you think I could try to run tomorrow morning since I will have been on the antibiotic for about 36 hours? Or, will it affect my recovery?


  • erineddy81
    erineddy81 Posts: 43 Member
    Well if you can I don't see why not. When I have a sore throat i tend to cough alot, especially when I get to moving :) Especially if you are on antibiotics, you aren't contagious...I say go for it, but then again people tell me Im crazy for all the running I do :D have to be on my deathbed to skip a workout, or if the weather is absolutely heinous I will bring it inside to the old dreadmill :) Just make sure to drink lots of H2O
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I run when I'm sick unless it is effecting my respiratory system. If it is just your throat, go for it!
  • oharabears
    The general "rule" is that if your symptoms are above the neck (cold, sore throat), go ahead and work out if you feel up to it. Below the neck (severe cough, tummy/intestinal stuff), skip the workout 'til you feel better.
  • C4r4W4de
    C4r4W4de Posts: 27 Member
    This is kind of what I thought. I think I'll go for it! THANKS!
  • skydivelife
    skydivelife Posts: 83 Member
    Light to light/moderate exercise boosts your immunte system while anything beyond dramatically lowers it. check out the "J-Curve"
  • cohophysh
    cohophysh Posts: 288
    ask your doctor
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 392 Member
    The general "rule" is that if your symptoms are above the neck (cold, sore throat), go ahead and work out if you feel up to it. Below the neck (severe cough, tummy/intestinal stuff), skip the workout 'til you feel better.
    ^ this is true... and I would think that the antibiotics may cause some side affects, but they hopefully won't affect your running. If you don't feel well, don't run either... but if you're feeling good, go for it!