Having a horrible junk food splurge today!

I don't usually do this, i do go over by some but today has just been awful! I am tired of fighting the " I want that so bad" so i have been just giving in tonight! Am i doing this wrong?? SHould i just fight it?? Hope by giving in today that omorrow i will be okay again!


  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    Tomorrow is a fresh start. Sometimes, you just have to satify a craving but don't let it get to you.
  • valenief
    valenief Posts: 134 Member
    It's ok hun just keep your head up!!! We all have those days just remember tomorrow is a new day!
  • lschuttem
    lschuttem Posts: 82 Member
    weight loss and lifestyle changes dont happen overnight!
    You had a splurge, and you're aware of it. I dont even think its really a bad thing. iTreats can help keep the moral up once in a while! I totally splurged on crap yesterday (double chocolate Xlarge cookie, a whole bag of M&M pretzels, and chocolate frozen yogurt) and i still managed to stay the same weight, so keep ur head up!
    Use this as a learning experience and stepping stone. Change doesnt happen overnight. Lets say you used to eat crap every day, and now you're only eating it once or maybe a couple times a week. Thats a HUGE success if you ask me!
  • I've been in the girl scout cookies a bit myself today.........I think an occasional self indulgence is gonna happen:drinker:
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Just becasue you give in on one day doesn't mean you have to throw in the towel. If you are doing it constantly then that might be cause for reevaluation. Guilt is a horrible thing, and guilt over a one day splurge is in my opinion wrong. Pick it back up tomorrow and press on like you have been doing. I am of the mind that if you really really want it, have it, cause if you don't, when you do you're going to go way overbaord. Just work a little harder, eat a tad bit less maybe (no Starving allowed!) and press on. I think everyone on here has had a day like this at one time or another.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I have found the only way to stop having the junk food binges is to not deny myself things I want on a day to day basis.
  • jsugihara86
    jsugihara86 Posts: 71 Member
    I am pretty sure I went close to 1000 over my goal today.. feeling awful about it too. I came here to see if anyone does this and its common, I feel a little better. Ill start over tomorrow.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Whenever you go over your goal put it into perspective. Firstly, going over your goal is different to going over your TDEE - your TDEE is your maintenance and going over that consistently is what results in weight gain. If your goal is 1400 but you ate 2400 and your TDEE Is 2000 then really you're only 400 calories in surplus. The best thing is, weight gain doesn't happen overnight, so it's possible to eat slightly less the next day and come out the same.. When I was counting calories, I looked at my deficit over the course of the week rather than over the day. As long as I had a deficit of 3500 calories, I was happy. You would have to eat 3500 calories OVER your TDEE in a week to gain a lb.
  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    I have found the only way to stop having the junk food binges is to not deny myself things I want on a day to day basis.
    I am so with her on this. I found I have to treat myself a bit everyday. I also found I have to incorporate a balanced meal. Also found for me if I eat processed sweet carb stuff at night I will crave more really bad. So if I want like cookies I'll have em earlier in the day. Also found water for me huge. I will tear through the cupboards feeling starving if I don't drink enough water.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I have found the only way to stop having the junk food binges is to not deny myself things I want on a day to day basis.
    I am so with her on this. I found I have to treat myself a bit everyday. I also found I have to incorporate a balanced meal. Also found for me if I eat processed sweet carb stuff at night I will crave more really bad. So if I want like cookies I'll have em earlier in the day. Also found water for me huge. I will tear through the cupboards feeling starving if I don't drink enough water.

    Water is a good idea.
  • spoil3d1
    spoil3d1 Posts: 1
    what is your junk food downfall?
  • I feel terrible about this week. I was doing great before my business trip to Washington. When I arrived in Washington I seemed to have no control over myself eating at restaurants or snacking on junk food. I realized I an emotional eater and I need to control it most when I am away on business trips. Anything sweet or desserts just control me.
  • leann74016
    leann74016 Posts: 242 Member
    spoil3de: yesterday was chocolate EVERYTHING!