Easy Low-Calorie Snacks?

bopeep91 Posts: 15 Member

So I was just wondering what kind of snacks you all are eating. I know fruits are a great snack, but are there any other easy snacks you have fallen in love with and would like to share?



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Popchips, Special K Crisps, Low Fat popcorn.
    Low fat pudding
    40 cal fudge pops

    also have this if you want to take a look. yes all under 100 cals

  • blandwriter
    blandwriter Posts: 50 Member
    String cheese, Laughing Cow's BabyBel minis, almond butter on celery, cashews and roasted, unsalted almonds (the 100-calorie packs are great too), Atkins daybreak bars. Some of my go-to snacks.
  • aksunshine
    aksunshine Posts: 62 Member
    Special K crisps are great. 27 chips = 110 calories - and not that I have too many issues, but the whole bag is only 385.

    I've been using the paper bag popcorn trick I learned on Dr. Oz - put popcorn in a paper bag, fold it over and put in the microwave - so easy and so little calories.
  • mermaidNpink
    Greek non-fat yogurt with fruit
    Suno mono
    Sugar Free jello
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    I have to go to the grocery today, so hopefully this thread gets longer before I leave and will give me some ideas lol
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    POPCORN!!! 2 cups popped (about 1/2 bag) = 50 calories

    that and I do lowfat/nonfat yogurts too.... anywheres from 70-110 calories depending on brand , size, etc....

    M&Ms each one has 5 calories ( for when you need your chocolate fix) 5=25 calories.. 10=50 calories
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Beef jerky
    Frozen Fruit Juice pops.
  • bopeep91
    bopeep91 Posts: 15 Member
    These are great! Thank you all!
  • joannecharb
    Celery with almond butter is a good one for me. I sometimes even eat that for breakfast.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Skinny cow ice lollies. Under the 100 and deliciously naughty!
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    1 Tbsp peanut butter on whole wheat bread, hard boiled egg, 100 calorie microwave popcorn, hummus with vegetables or eat on low carb tortilla wrap, greek yogurt, regular yogurt, 1 c skim milk with 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, fruit, vegetables, nuts like almonds or walnuts, 100 calorie packs by Nabisco, low fat mozerella cheese stick, peanut butter on celery, dill pickles, protein bar like Cliff Bar, oatmeal with frozen blueberries Good luck to you!
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    Orvilles Light butter popcorn = 1 bag (2.5 cups) = 38 calories

    Tootsie Pop = 1 pop = 60 calories

    1 cup Almond milk + 2 tbsp Ovaltine = 100 calories (Yum!)

    Strawberries w/ xylitol sweetener = 1 cup sliced = 49 calories

    Musselman Applesauce unsweetened = snack cup = 50 calories

    Publix cool lime sherbert = 1/2 cup = 100 calories

    These are some of my favorites and not to bad on the calories :smile:

    Keep calm and Carry on,