Not really new, but first time posting...

Apa93 Posts: 57 Member
I've been a member since September and to be honest I haven't managed to lose that much weight, infact the 19lbs or so I have lost have been since January. But anyway, this is my first time posting just because I really need some support and motivation from people who are in the same situation. My heaviest weight was somewhere around 266lbs (19 stone), although it could have been more - I didn't really want to face the scales. Ideally I would like to get down to about 140lbs (10 stone), depending on how I look and feel. At the moment I weigh 248lbs (17 stone 10lbs,) so I am getting there. I was doing really well with my new diet in January (I got down to 242lbs) until I went to see a doctor about an unrelated condition, he was SUCH a complete and utter *kitten* who completely disregarded the 25lbs or so I'd lost at that point and was determined to drill into me that I'll be "dead by the time I'm 30," even though I insisted I was quite obviously losing weight. The appointment with him completely threw me off track and I went back up to 252lbs, which was really de-motivating. I've just got back on track although unfortunately I do have a follow up appointment with him in just under a month and I really want to get back under 242lbs just to rub it in his arrogant face and tell him where to stick it.
Anyway, I would like to lose around 2lbs per week which hopefully means I'll hit my target in a year or so, which sounds like a long time although I joined about 6 months ago (which really doesn't seem that long) so I could already be half way there by now :/ But hopefully it'll come round quickly; it always does.


  • Presley81
    Hello :smile: I"m also not new to site but haven't introduced myself yet. I am on here as often as I can though. This site always seems to keep me going. I wish you the very best and hope you reach you're goals. Are you doing anything in particular to help you along the way. Right now I'm doing Leslie Sansone Walk videos and eating 1200 calories or less a day. I have a lot to lose, a little over 100 to reach my goal. So I still have a long way to go but I'll get there eventually lol.
  • Apa93
    Apa93 Posts: 57 Member
    Hiya :) I was cycling every day for between 20-50 minutes and I do plan to start that again sometime in the future but unfortunately I had minor surgery yesterday and I'm not allowed to do any exercise and am pretty much bedridden but hopefully I'll be able to start again soon :)
  • skydivelife
    skydivelife Posts: 83 Member

    Keep at it! the weight loss you've achieved is incredible!
  • travelbypaige
    travelbypaige Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me!! I know you can do it, especially when you have something to prove to that stinkin' doctor! It's always good to have positive reinforcement to motivate you but sometimes a negative person can be even more motivating! Anywho...I just started the program this past Monday and am loving the support and tracking this site provides...for FREE! I am still carrying around some baby weight from my 2 year old son and would like to lose 48 pounds! Remember, YOU are the one who can determine your success in anything...not some silly doctor who could improve his bed-side manners!