Getting compliments at the gym

EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
This morning after my Body Pump class two older regulars stopped me and one said ," You look wonderful!" I was so happy even though I don't expect people to do that. This is probably the 4 th time its happened in the past 3 months even though I only have really lost 7 lbs during that time. I just had to share. It really reminds me that all my hard work is getting me somewhere..Yeah! Anyone else have similar experiences?


  • mommyparkes
    That's great! That's the kind of motivation that can really keep a person going! Keep up the good work.
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    Yesterday when I walked in the gym a guy said, "Hello muscle girl". I don't care what he meant by it.... I took it as a compliment! Made my evening.