Can't do level 1 30 day shred

I felt like I was having a heart attack after jumping jacks, I can't even do a knee push up properly, so unfit and upset :(.. what to do?


  • dvs1962
    dvs1962 Posts: 6
    Keep at it. Every day you'll be able to do a little bit more.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    What to do? Keep at it and do your best! :) It's a tough workout, especially if you're just starting out, but if you stick with it, you will see your strength, endurance and flexibility increase quickly. Hang in there!
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    Keep at it! Just modify to your abilities. If you can't do the jumping jacks still do the same movements but don't jump, or just march in place while they do them. And don't worry about the 10 day per level...keep doing level one until you're comfortable and have conquered it! You can do it.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Just keep doing it. You will be able to do more and get stronger everyday.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    keep trying at it and after about 5 days you should be able to complete it. Just push yourself a little more each day and if u need to take a 5 second breather do it
  • Jwanguy
    Jwanguy Posts: 115 Member
    keep pushing hun, It's not going to be easy. I'm on level 2 and it still kicks my butt. Whatever you do just don't stop.
  • mattack
    mattack Posts: 137 Member
    Whatever you do..... DONT GIVE UP
  • Pseattlegirl
    I is a tough workout! Try to do what you can then add a minute more each time! If your knees bother you do modified jumping jacks until your knees get stronger, or just continue to do modified jumping jacks.

    Find what works for you!!!
  • KSC811
    KSC811 Posts: 56
    i know what you mean. i'm over 260 lbs and jumping jacks hurt because everything jumps (funny and sad in a way) i need to get a better sports bra! i just push through it so i can get the most of my time, just keep at it and you will get stronger!
  • enginerd81
    Time how many minutes you can do today. Try to do 30 seconds more tomorrow?

    Try couch to 5K plan. That is a very slow approach to more and more activity.
  • s0ready
    s0ready Posts: 99
    keep least try your best at what they are doing...if it gets too hard for you just incorperate any other type of exercise that they that you are able to do....they key is to keep will get easier...never easy, but easier!!! If its easy your not going to get the results that you want....just keep going at it!!!
  • Toniithia
    Toniithia Posts: 50 Member
    I was in the same position 2 months ago! I tried it and could only do ten minutes of it. Thought I was going to die, and I literally felt like never doing it again, I just started again 6 days ago, weighed lighter and was in better shape, than when I started, and now I can do the whole thing without stopping, I cheat on the jumproping part, my knees are too weak to do that quite yet, so I just do high knees instead.

    good luck and don't give up just yet!
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
    Thank you guys just got to the part where she says " If you feel like you are going to die - stay with me" haha.. will try my hardest, I use crosstrainer but this 30 day shred is pushing me to the limits
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
  • marci423
    marci423 Posts: 130 Member
    DON'T give up!!! If someone started the shred and it was easy, then they probably have already been doing other stuff to get prepared for it :yawn: It wasn't easy for me and I have been going to the gym and working with a trainer, however, it gets easier with practice.

    just don't give up! log your progress in a notebook, write what you did, how many you did, and then when you do more, log that too and you will see more progress as the time passes :bigsmile:

    good luck, and remember, everyone on here started at different levels :smile: and move forward at different rates of success!
  • MrsSamB
    MrsSamB Posts: 144 Member
    Like everyone else says, keep at it. It really will get easier. And... invest in a good sports bra or two. I wear two of them when I do high impact workouts (jump and jacks count as high impact in my book).

    You can do this.
  • s0ready
    s0ready Posts: 99
    I cheat on the jumproping part, my knees are too weak to do that quite yet, so I just do high knees instead.

    lol i do the same thing...except its not my knees its my calves that burn so bad!
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
    i know what you mean. i'm over 260 lbs and jumping jacks hurt because everything jumps (funny and sad in a way) i need to get a better sports bra! i just push through it so i can get the most of my time, just keep at it and you will get stronger!
    I know! I felt like my skin was going to stretch heh
  • Squiggs67
    Squiggs67 Posts: 178
    It's always hard at the beginning but keep going because it will get easier!! After a week you'll notice a difference. Good luck :)
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    Keep going! ! Modify whatever you have to but keep pushing! ! You will be so proud of yourself!