Can't do level 1 30 day shred



  • Stoonloveskeith
    Stoonloveskeith Posts: 46 Member
    Definitely keep at it!! The first three to four days are killer, but you can do this!! I wanted to quit so bad but I pushed through it and now I am on level 2 and going strong! Go at your own pace, but just keep going!!
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Keep going! And as others have said modify where you need to. :smile:

    Also you don't HAVE to move up, so maybe use level one for a few weeks till you feel ready?

    You will see progress - I certainly did so well done and keep up the great work!
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    Just keep doing it! Seriously, I couldn't do ONE real knee push-up Feb 1, and I just did 30!!! of them on Wednesday with perfect form, and I'm about to transition to full push-ups. You will be surprised at how quickly you gain strength if this is your first time working out seriously.
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    do what you can and try again tomorrow.... you will get better
  • merapp9
    merapp9 Posts: 153 Member
    KEEP GOING! :) Even if you feel like you're not doing much keep moving and it'll get better. It's better to keep moving than to give up. You can do it!
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I'd try to modify the jumping jacks until you can do them.............I had to modify the knees can't handle them! :frown: Keep at it though!
  • rachelgoutos
    I felt like I was having a heart attack after jumping jacks, I can't even do a knee push up properly, so unfit and upset :(.. what to do?

    This is me too! Just don't give up! For the jumping jacks, I job in place while moving my arms as in a jumping jack. For the push-ups, I do as many as I can while taking no more than a 5 second break in between. I found that those two items were my worst. For me, I'll know I can move on to level 2 when I can master level 1. Dont go too fast, and just do what you can. Modify the moves if needed. Just keep moving. Oh - and dont belive Jillian's BS about "if a 400 lb person can do it so can you". Her 'motivation' is not very motivating... just keep it up, and work towards the next level. THe longer you do the program, the better you will get over time. The key word is TIME! Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is mastering 30DS. Good Luck!
  • fozzie500
    fozzie500 Posts: 177 Member
    before you put the dvd on again spend 5 mins visualise yourself doing and completing each exercise.
    put you favorite (high tempo) music on.
    even if you can't do it exactly as they do it in the dvd,do the best you can and keep at it
    imagine in your mind what you want to look like after you've completed the dvd.
    push yourself, and remember, your mind gives in way before your body does.
  • nk17
    nk17 Posts: 141 Member
    Have you been doing other cardio prior to this? If not, I'd recommend to start off with a vigorous walking or treadmill or elliptical campaign to build up your stamina first. I am so overweight that I am still unable to do the first day myself. I am working on losing a bit more and then I'll try again. I can do the cardio part. My issue is flexibility. I'm working on it myself, so I feel your frustration.
  • aray1107
    aray1107 Posts: 75
    Just keep at it! It WILL get easier. I did the entire 30DS a while back and the first day I was like "are you KIDDING me?!" It does in fact get easier the more you just stick to it and do what YOU can do. You'll have bad days- just like anyone. Just stay motivated and before you know it, you'll be at Day 30.
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    Here are my modifications. For jumping jacks (I can't do them, I know JM says "everyone can", but not me), I hop on the stationery bike, peddle like crazy and do the arm movements (do that for butt kicks, too. I have a balance issue when both feet aren't on the ground...). Keeps the cardio up (point of those exercises), and engages arms and legs toegether. I can do knee push ups, but you can also do standing push ups against a wall. It helps, and eventually you'll be able to "graduate" to knee push ups!
  • aimster23
    I didn't read all the posts, but I'm going to say pretty much the same as the ones I did read, keep it up. Modify the workouts to Feel comfortable doing them, but still work up a sweat.
    If you don't do it in 30 days don't worry!
    I do the shred every other day and I'm on level 2 finally after a few weeks on level 1. You actually get used to it!
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
    Have you been doing other cardio prior to this?
    Yes, I've got a crosstrainer which I would use twice a week, but I've been using it everyday for an hour on the harderst resistance (8) for the past week, that's why I couldn't understand why it was so hard for me.. but I'll keep trying, after reading all the comments I tried to try it again and did 15 mins, will be just adding time and see how it goes..
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
    I can do knee push ups, but you can also do standing push ups against a wall. It helps, and eventually you'll be able to "graduate" to knee push ups!

    Will try , thanks :)
  • valenief
    valenief Posts: 134 Member
    Just keep at it before you know it you will surprise yourself!!! It's hard but just keep with it and before you know it you will be on lvl 3! :D