What's your why?



  • I got tired of having nothing to wear that fit me properly, and now i refuse to buy any clothes unless at a smaller size. Also, seeing my friends start to have children and knowing that I couldn;t even try until I got my shyte together. I also love to travel, yet started to get really fearful to do so just in case I dont fit in the seat...
  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    My why is :

    I did a plank with my shirt off and learned what a bowl full of jelly looked like.

    Plus, chicks dig fit guys =P

    Ahah this is brilliant.
  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    Anyways - I almost put on 50lb with my daughter during pregnancy,

    I wanna get back to 140lb!
    I want my partner to adore my body.
    To stop feeling like crap everytime I see a lovely slim person.
    To get that amazing feeling everytime I leave the gym.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    I just want to open my own jars. Someday...
  • nattou
    nattou Posts: 14
    Mostly so I can fit into clothes sold on Asian fashion sites without being worried if they have my size.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I just want to open my own jars. Someday...

    That jalapeno jar really affected you, didn't it?

    I like feeling strong.
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I want to be able to DO the things I enjoy... not just sit on the sidelines because I'm too winded to participate.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I've been eating at least 70% clean and adopting other healthy habits for the past 7 years or so and I have hovered mostly around my current weight for the entire time. I decided it was time for my outside appearance to match up with my healthy habits (and my feelings about myself).
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    Straw that broke the camel's back was getting a muscle cramp when I was wiping myself. And the inability to fit comfortably into non-handicapped stalls, and being out of breath when tying my shoes.

    Just rolled back Type II Diabetes, next is my BP and Chol. meds.
    Wanted to be more fit so I can keep up with my 4 year old daughter.
    So that I could not repulse myself in the mirror, or my wife in bed.
  • _JamieB_
    _JamieB_ Posts: 417 Member
    Mostly so everyone is jealous of me :P
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Mostly so everyone is jealous of me :P

    Watch out for sabotage!
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    A combination of getting fitter so I don't get left behind when I go out hiking with my friends, and the fact I looked horrid in my graduation photo and I don't want to look like that again when I have to go to an awards thing in July to get my photo taken again.
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member
    I not terribly overweight but I could lose a few pounds. Mostly I want...

    1. To be strong enough to keep up with others in physical activities and sports.
    2. Competition. I want to look better than other women who are around my SO
    3. Turn back the clock. I may be getting older, but a strong healthy body will keep me feeling younger.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Mostly so everyone is jealous of me :P

    I'm not jealous.

    Want some ribs?
  • _JamieB_
    _JamieB_ Posts: 417 Member
    Mostly so everyone is jealous of me :P

    I'm not jealous.

    Want some ribs?

    Only if I get beer too!!
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,385 Member
    #1. Vanity... I want to be a hot 40-something. ;)
    #2. My kids... they outnumber me and move fast. I have to stay up.
    #3. I want to be a trophy wife for my husband.
  • philco41
    philco41 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm 71 and tell people I exercise, etc. to keep from falling apart any faster. Other reasons is wanting to enjoy my grandchildren as long as I can, and to keep my type II diabetes and blood pressure under control. I also want to avoid going on statins. I've been doing this for some time, but haven't really touched the last 20 lbs or so I'd like to lose. I joined MFP about 6 weeks ago and have started losing for the first time in several years. I need the structure provided by keeping careful track of what I eat and do. I eat healthy, but without keeping track, I tended to eat more "healthy" than I really needed.
  • Ls_505
    Ls_505 Posts: 14 Member
    My why is that I want to be more confident in myself. I want to feel good about what I eat. I always feel like crap when I eat junk yet i still eat it. I also want to set an example for my daughter.

    Another motivator is going into all the clothing shops and finding clothes I really want to fit into. I tell myself that i will be that size one day and when that happens i'm going on a big shopping spree=)

    It also helps when I go for my walks that everyone I come across that's jogging or riding their bikes is very friendly and they're always saying hi. I mean, i'm usually the type of person that avoids ppl for some reason but it always puts me in a good mood.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    1. My clothes (didn't) fit anymore (some do now!) and I wasn't about to buy new ones, so I was wearing sweatpants to work everyday!
    2. I realized there are only a very few family photos with me in them. I'm sure my kids would prefer to have pictures of me when I'm gone.
    3. Self-esteem. Yeah, I just want to look good, maybe even be considered a MILF :tongue:
    4. Stop depression.
    5. Sex ....
    6. I want to live longer than my parents did (they died at 55 and 66) and just about every other relative I had.
    7. Energy - I feel so much stronger and can keep up with my kids better. Being overweight and eating like crap just made me sluggish, tired and cranky.
    8. back fat is the grossest thing EVER
    9. to enjoy shopping again
    10. to never, ever, ever put on a pair of pants and find I have camel toe.
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    My weight gain over the 14 years (110 to 156 @5'4'') I've been raising children has more than just effected the way I see myself, it touches every aspect of my life. I wouldn't dress nice because, "I use to look so much better', and I realize raising four daughters two teens now I need to be proactive about being healthy, fit and show them what a realistic diet is for a healthy person. My 'why' is two-fold, I'm tired of being a sloppy mom of four, and I really want my girls to see me reach this fitness goal in a healthy way. It is hard and some days I just want to quit, but I've been quite honest with them about my journey, why I 'got' to where I was, and why I need to change. I don't want my girls to remember me as a mom who always wore yoga pants and plain target t-shirts, and cried on Sundays when I had to find something nice to wear. Pretty pathetic really.

    It is having a positive effect on my entire family, but mostly it is really changing me.