Another milestone

mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
Yesterday was my first milestone. Today was my second. Yesterday I hit the 20 lbs mark of my journey. I'm 1/4 of the way to my goal. While I was happy about that, I realize I still have a ways to go.

But today was different. I am 45 years old, have been overweight since the mid 90's. I had my first son in 1990, and afterwards I weighed about 170, which wasn't bad for my frame. I know what the doctor's say and while I agree somewhat, I honestly looked ok at 170. I was about a size 14, (with no "W") and I was ok with that. After my second child, I hit the 200 lbs mark, and have slowly climbed to 250. My husband bought a new scale, and that was the day I decided things HAD to change. Since then I have worked my way towards that 20 lbs, knowing my goal is 80-100 lbs, but I have always wanted to run a 5k. I ran cross country in high school,and while I wasn't the best runner, I did a 2.38 mile in 16 minutes. A friend told me to try mixing things up, to maybe add a minute of running to my walking routine. I thought to myself that with all the excess fat, it's sure to be hard to do, but today I made myself run. For the first time in probably 16 years, I RAN! I ran 1 whole block, walked a block, ran a block, walked, etc. Overall I ran 6 minutes. My lungs burn, I'm still sweating, but I feel so accomplished. Who would have thought that something that most people, especially children!! take for granted would make me so happy? Crazy right??

Thanks for reading friends, and good luck on your journeys.:happy:


  • Andy876
    Andy876 Posts: 3
    Well done, you seem to be travelling really well down the road to success.

    You know where you're going and how you're getting there. Setting yourself little targets along the way AND celebrating when you achieve them.

    Well done, again, a really cheery story.
  • mikda999
    mikda999 Posts: 41 Member
    Well done! The other day I ran with my kids at the park and I felt so free. Sure I have a long way to go before I can run an entire block, but I could run from the swings to the slide. :)

    I admire people who can get up the courage to do what you do. It really means a lot to me when everyone posts their victories however big or small. That just means there is hope that I can do it too.

    Congrats!!! You rock! You will reach your goal!!!
  • zinok
    zinok Posts: 185
    That's awesome that you are setting yourself achievable goals and allowing yourself to feel pride when you reach them. (: So many people don't recognise the small milestones, but it's the cummulation of them that leads to results!
    Keep up the great work!
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    That's awesome that you are setting yourself achievable goals and allowing yourself to feel pride when you reach them. (: So many people don't recognise the small milestones, but it's the cummulation of them that leads to results!
    Keep up the great work!

    It's funny you should say that, because somewhere deep inside there's a little voice telling me I can't make it. I was jogging this particularly long block, (live in a small town, and the "blocks" aren't really all the same) and I came to about 20 steps from the end, and that voice was piping up, trying to talk louder than the one cheering me on. I almost stopped, but managed to shake it off and plug on.

    Thanks everyone for you cheering me on!
  • ncsjodi
    ncsjodi Posts: 102 Member
    I remember the day I ran 1/2 mile straight with no walking! And then it was a whole mile! You'll get there! Keep working and definitely keep track of the small milestones! They really do add up!

  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    That's awesome that you are setting yourself achievable goals and allowing yourself to feel pride when you reach them. (: So many people don't recognise the small milestones, but it's the cummulation of them that leads to results!
    Keep up the great work!

    It's funny you should say that, because somewhere deep inside there's a little voice telling me I can't make it. I was jogging this particularly long block, (live in a small town, and the "blocks" aren't really all the same) and I came to about 20 steps from the end, and that voice was piping up, trying to talk louder than the one cheering me on. I almost stopped, but managed to shake it off and plug on.

    Thanks everyone for you cheering me on!

    THIS IS AMAZING! I am really proud of you for pushing through. I try to tell myself. I will be ok in the end. Actually I WILL BE BETTER in the end. And that just because I am exhausted in this one moment, doesn't mean I am going to die. Five minutes after the work is over I will be going about my regular business, better than I was before.
  • shayray72
    shayray72 Posts: 2 Member
    You can ABSOLUTELY fricken do this!! I have that same voice that says I'll never make my's just too far to go but I'm totally ignoring it this time around. It's always there, especially on bad days at work or one of those triggers that make me reach for something to give me immediate gratification. I've just decided (and I'm only on week 3 so it's going to be a daily challenge) that I want this weight loss and NEW LIFE more than I want that immediate gratification. If I wasn't going to do it for myself (and I know I should and I am), I at least owe it to those who love me. Some days though, doing it for yourself just isn't enough.

    Don't listen to that voice. Remember how proud you feel today. You deserve to feel that more and more often. That new voice will win out sooner than you think. Keep up the great work!! :o)
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    that's so great! good for you. I am afraid to run. I am a clutz, and I think, no, I KNOW i will fall or turn and ankle. I do lots of cardio, but never run. If I get hurt, I can't work. with 3 kids to support, I just can't chance it.
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