I want to lose 100lbs



  • fourtolove
    fourtolove Posts: 2 Member
    You and I can both do this! I want to lose just a little bit more.

    I am actually commenting because of you thinking that salsa is fattening! Sooooo.... I just looked it up for you! Pace Medium salsa is a whopping 10 calories for 2 TBSP. Stay with me here... There are about 8 TBSP in a cup, so only 40 calories in a cup! And guess what, it's tomatoes which is a vegetable that you probably don't like by itself, Lord knows I don't, but I love it in salsa!

    Tomorrow night I am having a Mexican Fiesta with my Girl Scouts. I will be indulging in a big bowl of lettuce, rinsed off black beans, cucumber, seasoned lean ground beef, carrots, some cheese, and salsa for the dressing! If you need it creamier then you could add reduced fat sour cream to your salsa and mix 'em together before adding to the salad. You could also use fish or chicken in this salad.

    Another side note on salsa... For me, the heat of salsa reduces the cravings for sweets and keeps me begging for lots of water!

    Good luck, hang in there, and YOU WILL achieve your goals!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Forgot to say, I also started at 250lbs, 5'8" and want to get down to 160-170 and then reassess.
  • ashley67203
    The best advice I can give you is to try to cook as much food for yourself as possible. Processed foods just aren't good for you and can set you up for diet failure. I know you're young and the last thing you probably want to do is cook but once you get into the habit, just like hitting the gym, it turns into a part of your life and you can't imagine going back.

    I know it probably sounds silly but you might try Googling recipes for moms who are looking to sneak vegetables into their kids' meals. When we first started eating healthy we weren't getting nearly enough vegetables. I started shredding them up with a cheese grater and sneaking them into tasty foods like chili and casseroles. For months, my husband didn't even notice until I finally told him. It's an awesome way to bulk up your meals so you can eat more without adding calories and still get the nutrition you need to make you feel good.

    Be very careful with foods that claim to healthy but sound too good to be true. I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray only gets to claim it's calorie/fat free thanks to an FDA loophole. Because one serving (only a few drops) is under 1/2 a gram of fat and 5 calories - the company can round both down to zero on the label. One bottle actually contains 900 calories and 90 grams of fat. I just want to cry when I see my family members dumping that sludge onto foods and there's nothing I can do to convince them it's unhealthy for them because it says right there on the label that it's fat free.

    You are so strong for making and acting on the decision to get healthy. Don't let anyone try to stop you from reaching your goal!
  • chunkymonkey414
    chunkymonkey414 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks so much guys for all the kind words and motivation. I will try to make foods on my own and look up recipes and stuff. I LOVE SALSA!! and I will eat the veggies in there however, i do not know what to have salsa with considering I usually do it with chips but since I can't have any, I now have no idea... I do not like lifting, however, I will try it. I want to do something like an ab cruncher... I just don't know if I have it in my gym :sad: I will have to look.
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I started shredding them up with a cheese grater and sneaking them into tasty foods like chili and casseroles. For months, my husband didn't even notice until I finally told him. It's an awesome way to bulk up your meals so you can eat more without adding calories and still get the nutrition you need to make you feel good.

    Love this!!!!! I literally just offered a similar suggestion about putting spinach in smoothies - can't even tell it's there!!!! Great suggestion to google for recipes that mothers use to sneak veggies to kids!
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    Thanks so much guys for all the kind words and motivation. I will try to make foods on my own and look up recipes and stuff. I LOVE SALSA!! and I will eat the veggies in there however, i do not know what to have salsa with considering I usually do it with chips but since I can't have any, I now have no idea...

    You could put it on eggs, I know a lot of people like that a lot. Or eat it with leaves of romaine lettuce, one of my friends does that because he loves salsa so much he doesn't care what it's on! hahaha
  • Justice2012
    Justice2012 Posts: 84 Member
    I want to lose 100 pounds too.... :)
  • goddessmother
    Go with high protein low fat.
    For instance:
    2 egg whites with cheese and a yogurt for breakfast
    Snack: a cup of skim milk
    1 small can of tuna mixed with lowfat mayo and mustard, salt and pepper and eat it on one slice of bread or 6 crackers
    a cup of skim milk
    4oz cooked chicken breast
    fresh steamed veggies with salt and lemon(or whatever spice you like)
    A small baked potato with fat free sour cream
    A cup of Skim milk
    Also make sure you drink 6-8 cups of plain water and you will lose weight like you wouldn't believe.
    This is the diet they put people on who want to get bariatric surgery, it really does work, but it is not a diet really it is a complete lifestyle change. Good luck!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    For curiosity's sake, measure your wrist and ankle and look up a bone structure chart. If you have a large bone structure, your body might be happier when it's lifting than running. I'm 5' 9", 10.25 inch ankle, 8.5 inch wrist, so I have a large bone structure and I absolutely hate cardio, but I love lifting. I just got done squatting 270 lbs for 5 sets of 5 a few hours ago and I'm feeling the endorphine rush right now.

    I am 5'4.5"
    wrist: 5.75'
    ankle: 8.75"

    I probably have a "medium" frame but I have never been small. More like solid and muscular. I have always had big arms, big thighs and solid calves, no matter what weight I was at. But I am 100% sure my body definitely doesn't like running. A lot probably has to do with the fact that I have a big chest, but frankly I have never liked running for a long time. a sprint is just my speed. And then taking a break at a slower pace. In retrospect, I probably should have taken up sprinting as my activity in high school, I certainly have "sprinters legs." My parents were pretty anti sports, they cared way more about academic achievements and didn't encourage me to play anything, it was always last on their priority list in terms of my after school activities.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    I haven't done 100, but I would suggest you set realistic goals. Plan on this taking 2 years. Yes, you lost 25 lbs in 12 weeks before, but you regained it. You were eating so little you couldn't wait to go back to eating "normally." You want to reset your brain about what "normal" is. If you can't imagine yourself doing it the rest of your life, don't waste your time doing it now. Get a food scale, get a smart phone with the mobile app, measure everything, but set your calorie goals for 1 lb a week. You won't feel deprived. But you'll gradually learn to eat healthier food because filling up on broccoli means you get to eat more other stuff than if you fill up on chips.
  • Seahawk27
    Seahawk27 Posts: 72
    I agree to go high protein. I am currently doing Body By Vi and I have 2 protein shakes/day, 2 healthy snacks (carrots or cucumbers with salsa, low-fat cheese sticks, cottage cheese, laughing cow cheese, etc.)/day and then 1 sensible meal that is mostly protein and veggies.
  • sweetg150
    sweetg150 Posts: 17
    I am on the I want to lose 100 lbs too. At the first of the month I started counting my carbs. No more soda, chips, ice cream, candy, all my snacks went out the door. I actually threw them all out. I started drinking lots of water, only water really. I noticed I only lost 3 pounds in 2 weeks. So I decided so start counting calories, and then last week I started working out. In the last week I have noticed more of a change in my face and I've been losing about a pound every 2 days. I feel so much better just changing what I used to eat. At least 1 meal a day I eat a salad, and I can't handle drinking a soda anymore, and I used to drink 3 to 4 a day.

    So anyways, I am looking to also find friends who are working on losing weigh or who have lost it already. It would be nice to see how other people are losing their weigh. I am new at this.
  • ncsjodi
    ncsjodi Posts: 102 Member
    I love salsa too! I eat salsa on my baked potatoes and my eggs. I also make taco salads with ground turkey all the time!

    I'm down about 95 from January 2011 and if I can do it at 39, you can do it at 19!

    If the treadmill/elliptical gets boring, does your gym have group exercise classes? I absolutely LOVE zumba and kickboxing! Great cardio workout and it's so much fun that you don't realize you're working out!

    Good Luck!
  • 21patrice
  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    I am in the same boat as well. I want to loose over 100lbs actually. I have been signed up for MFP for awhile now but did the same thing you are where I would eat what ever I wanted just make sure I stayed under my calorie goal. It has been 3 weeks now that I am making my life change. I still eat "real" foods LOL!! But I eat five times a day and there is protien in everything I eat. More veggies of course. I also cut out ALL Soda including diet soda. I always thought as long as it said 0 calories I could drink it. But since getting rid of soda for the past three weeks my cravings are almost all gone. I can't believe the change. I don't know if you drink soda but if you do it is hard but so worht it. I feel so much better. I am still struggling through finding right foods to eat that don't leave me hungry in an hour. I did get a personal trainer and we work out 3 times a week and the rest of the week I work out by myself and it is so hard sometimes to find the time but after I start I already start feeling better. For me what kind of made me snap into all the changes was working out. My body is SOOO sore from all the working out and I don't want all this pain to be for nothing so it makes it easier to say no to the bad foods and go get a piece of fruit instead. But the past 3 weeks have paid off. I am down 11lbs and have lost 5 inches off my waist. I feel stronger and can't wait to kick some butt every week with my trainer. But I still have my bad days and getting on MFP and seeing everyone working so hard is what has been my encourgement to get up after 14 hours of work and go for a walk and do pushups!! Feel free to add me as a friend! I love seeing everyones progress and my diary is open if you want to take a look and see if it helps you out!! Good Luck!! I know you can do it!!
  • HittingHerStride
  • zumbaabby
    zumbaabby Posts: 59
    first of all, let me say go you :)! it's hard to decide to lose weight, and stick with it, much less lose a massive number. when I first set that 100 pound loss goal, i was so intimidated. I would look at that number and say holy crap...can I really do this? there's no way!

    a few suggestions that helped me...use whatever you like, if any :).

    *set small goals for yourself first. 10 pound increments or so. when I first started I kept getting disappointed because I wasn't getting anywhere close to 100 pounds. i started breaking it down...5 pound goal, then 10, and eventually 25 over the course of one summer. i felt much better about myself, and much more accomplished knowing that I was reaching a small goal. it was a big thing for me.

    *set yourself a reward. set a particular goal and allow yourself to have a treat for it. a new outfit, one sweet food that you love, etc.

    *find something you love. this was big for me. I was do weights and cardio...and was getting no where. literally, someone drug me into a Zumba class one day...the day that I had decided I was done with all of this exercise crap because I wasn't getting anywhere. I fell in love. that was three years ago. I've been an instructor now for roughly a year and half. I've made so many new friends (three of which became instructors with me.) I have a passion for Zumba, and I LOVE to be able to say that with the help of diet, etc, that I did actually lost 100 pounds! and I love being able to help other people with it as well. :)

    *never, never, never give up!

    you can do it! :)
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    I need some tips on losing weight. I have been going to the gym a lot and wiring out on the treadmill or on the elliptical for 30-60mins. I have started to count my calories but still have been eating whatever I wanted as long as it fit under my calorie goal for the day. I haves weighed myself yet and probably will tomorrow but I need some gym tips and some dieting tips. Please help. I did weight watchers for a while and was pleased with it but found myself not sticking to it. I find myself hungry between meals and I'm not sure what to eat. I'm also hungry after 10pm, is it ok to just eat fruits then?

    Hurray for you in starting on this path! I've got over 100 to lose too (about 120 left now) and it's a long haul. I was 336 at my heaviest and lost about 40 lbs before joining MFP, and another 30 since then (and up and down a bit the past couple of months...)

    I probably don't have anything new to add to the wonderful list of suggestions, but here are some things that have been helpful for me:

    - I eat anything I want to, but try to stay under - for me, making foods off-limits, just stresses me out and makes me want them. You'll see chocolate in my food diary most days. :)

    - That said, I try to minimize processed foods, cook for myself and I eat heaps of veggies - but that's easy for me because I like them. I find the less processed foods are, the more full I feel for longer.

    - Cooking for yourself is the best way to make sure you're getting whole unprocessed foods. It takes time and practice if you're not used to it. Check out the library for quick-fix cookbooks. I've gotten lots of ideas from the Biggest Loser cookbooks over the years.

    - Anytime you can do dual-duty cooking is a boon! For example, I'll make a double-batch of a white-bean chicken chili and freeze half for another quick meal later. Or put half a dozen chicken breasts in the crock pot for the day and shred them - the shredded chicken can be portioned and frozen for later use in chicken salad, enchiladas, pulled chicken sandwiches (you get the idea).

    - This site is designed for parents to "sneak" veggies into their kids meals without them noticing - I like some of the ideas for myself, and I'm a veggie-lover: http://www.thesneakychef.com/

    - I drink lots of water. Typically I'm good for 12 glasses a day. What helps me get there is not drinking coffee or diet sodas near as much as I used to.

    - Have exercise goals - aim to burn xxx calories per week, or maybe 5ks trying to beat your best time. Look into HIIT (Interval training) for cardio, and if you're thinking about a little running, try the couch to 5k program (C25k). I didn't think I could even try to do it, but with some friendly encouragement, I've been doing well with it! I've got a 5k run tomorrow and hope to do it in 42 minutes (my last one in December was 45.5). Yeah, it's slow, but someday I'll run one in 30 min and call it a success! :) I've also registered for two bike/run duathlons and a warrior dash. These events keep me interested in training - and a purpose for it too.

    - Weight training is a great idea - I've bought the New Rules of Lifting for Women book and plan to start that exercise program soon.

    - Try not to get too wrapped up in having 100 lbs to lose - that can be an intimidating number. Set mini-goals and rewards along the way. I've got some set in my profile if you want to have a peek.

    I hope that helps! You'll do great - just keep experimenting until you find things that works for you and fit well into your life. I keep striving to make eating well and moving a priority in my life - which is hard with work and school. Still - all we have to do is make good choices as often as we can. Simple, eh? :)
  • marci423
    marci423 Posts: 130 Member
    :smile: you go girl! You can do this! I am 1/2 way to my 100 and feeling so much better. I lost my first 1/2 by walking, a little at first then building up to as much as time would allow, sometimes 7 miles a day. I also lost by cutting out all added sugars, white flour, and reading the label to see exactly "how" much was a serving size..........yep, it is not a full bowl of ice cream........just sayin' :huh: it is instead, a half cup! they need to make bowls smaller I think :noway:

    You already have a better start than I did..........you have friends and support on this page so you should have no problems :o) friend me if you want, I will try and help you where I can.........

    as for no veggies? I saw where somebody posted add spinach to smooties? that works for me :o) can't taste it and is really healthy for you. Most of my foods now meet with the blender before meeting with me :bigsmile: takes longer to eat them if you mix it thick and fills you up. Add oatmeal, flax or chia seeds and it will help you feel full longer!
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    I LOVE SALSA!! and I will eat the veggies in there however, i do not know what to have salsa with considering I usually do it with chips but since I can't have any, I now have no idea

    Chips merely dilute the salsa goodness. I eat it with a spoon and consider it "gazpacho." :wink: