does spinning + big girl = insanity ?



  • As a spin instructor too, I just want to agree with what's been said so far - the instructor is there to guide you but ultimately it is your own ride. It's an "acquired taste" but with the right person it can be very addictive. I tell my new people that if they feel like it's too much, just dial the resistence back and ride until you feel you can catch up again. Stay seated if standing is too much. I always hear people say they could never do cycling because they think it could be too hard, but really it's the only class you can take where you are in complete control and no one really will know. Try it and I'd love to hear what you thought! :)
  • vb2012
    vb2012 Posts: 134 Member
    Yes, go for it!! I had been majorly(!) intimidated by spin class for years, until last year when a friend and I decided to face it. It greatly helped to have a friend go in with me for support. It was a first for both of us. I showed up just as the class began (mistake!) and just sat on an available bike and rode. It was not adjusted to my height, so I was very uncomfortable. But I was also so self conscious that I didn't stop and fix it. Then when the standing up part came, I simply refused to stand up and rode it sitting. Ouch! I didn't know how to adjust the resistance so the standing ride would be smooth. That was the worst class and thought I would never do it again. But the next week we went back, early this time, a different instructor and that made ALL the difference in the world :) She was welcoming, helped with the settings and showed how to ride standing. I've been riding at least once, often twice, a week for a year now and LOVE it!

    I'd definitely recommend what everyone else has already said: Go early, ask for help with the setting, try riding standing, try different instructors to find the one you'll end up loving, try to get a friend to go with you for support. And most of all ride at your own pace and resistance. Enjoy the ride! Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • fasttrack27
    fasttrack27 Posts: 324
    You've received a ton of great advice - nothing more to add except another vote for 'go for it!' And certainly try it several times before making a decision if you like it or not. I've seen young skinny cute girls leave after 15min because they couldnt take it, but we have some regulars that are over 60, others that are quite large, etc. so ya cant judge a book by its cover. Just start easy to get a feel for it. You'll get better with time
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    yay go for it, let us know how you get on x
  • LuvsToSpin
    LuvsToSpin Posts: 52 Member
    I got hooked on spinning a year ago, and I love it! Yes the seat does hurt the first couple of times...feels like the "mommy parts" have been a little violated - but after your 3rd class or so it gets much better. The seat doesn't even bother me anymore. Just like everyone else said, this is a personal workout. A good instructor will guide you, but no one else is looking to see what you are doing. It's a great workout and you will definitely burn the calories! Don't forget the water bottle and towel, you will need it!

    If you don't like the instructor, try a different instructor. They each have their own way of teaching and you will find 1 or 2 that you enjoy. Have fun and watch the pounds sweat off onto the floor!
  • trimdownwithdan
    trimdownwithdan Posts: 2 Member
    Hi...I have been reading through some of the post and thought you sounded very reluctant to try a class....Do it! You feel such a sense of accomplishment when you are done. You set your own cadence ( speed) and your own tension, you will not look like a fool because everyone else is so intensely set on their own ride...if you can't stand, don't, wait until you are comfortable, you will only get better the more you do it like anything else! I have been addicted to spinning for almost 2 years now and started off with reluctance like you! You can do this, don't let anything or anyone hold you back!