Just starting.........again

Will try to lose about 20 pounds. Difficult to stay with a program.


  • bumchicken
    Hi Allan,

    I know the feeling! I'm just returning to the website after a 'relapse' haha :-P I too want to lose 20lbs, although I find it difficult to stick with the calorie counting (even though I know it works!).
  • Allan4570
    yes, to me it seems I do not have ANY will power to quit eating the wrong foods. So, I'm trying not to eat as much. :happy:
  • BlessedShauna777
    BlessedShauna777 Posts: 118 Member
    You can do it!! :) im trying to lose 20 as well.
  • lozzae85
    lozzae85 Posts: 35
    Right we all need to get back on it then. I have been away for a few weeks and I have been dreadfull! Think I have probably put on more than I lost originally - the shame ha ha!

    I want to lose about 20lb too so we should follow each others progress!
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    we're all starting fresh! just know that you are worth it because you are!!! feel free to add me!
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I'm a re-joiner too! Glad I'm not alone :-)
  • snmcfarland
    I am restarting as well. However, I have a lot of motivation. I am only 36 and just diagnosed with carotid artery disease. I need to lose about 20 to help with my health and fitness. This time I am determined to win!
  • Heck04
    Heck04 Posts: 7
    Hey Allen,

    Looks like we are all in the same situation... 20 pounds is my first goal.. Been dong this for a week and my first meeting with the scale is Monday however the weekends kill me... So far so good..