Any last minute tips please...

I've signed up to do a 5K run TOMORROW...

On the treadmill, incline 1 it takes me 37 minutes. (My boss tells me that a decent time for a 5K is 30 minutes on the open road!!! I guess I will be lying to him on Monday!) I have a phone that I can play music through.

Today I went and bought:
*A Polar 7
*Hip belt thingy for my water bottle and Oyster Travel Card

1. What else do I need?
2. What sort of music should I put on my phone?
3. What should I programme into my HRM? I'd really like to use it to it's potential but I have NO idea what I'm doing!

Any other tips or suggestions most welcome!


  • MaudeBeige
    MaudeBeige Posts: 282
  • alawra
    alawra Posts: 8
    I would also like to know! I've signed up for my first 5k in May.

    Screw your time, if you finish it, that's AMAZING! And then you have a goal to beat next time! Good luck and have lots of fun :)
  • ImJDLookatME
  • Geckokat
    Geckokat Posts: 12 Member
    Don't worry about your time!!! Just do it. You will be so pumped that you did it! :) For a 5K I don't carry water or anything, because generally there is water at the end and I hate carrying stuff when I run. It's over before I am really thirsty.

    Good luck and have fun!!!

    I am editing because I realize I didn't answer your questions... oops. I tend to load punk and dance for running. Anything loud and upbeat. I think the important thing is that you LOVE your music, because you need it to motivate you to finish. I don't have any fancy gadgets, so cannot help you. And, as I said, I don't carry/bring anything for a 5K. I would put water and a snack in the car for after, and rely on the run for a banana and water.
  • houseofcarpenter
    houseofcarpenter Posts: 127 Member
    I downloaded the Rocky album on mine it's very inspirational (if you've seen the films!!) ... you have to delete the really slow ones for when his trainer died or you might not make it through!?! good luck. next time you might want to plan a bit further in advance - but this is something I would do so your forgiven!!
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    Don't worry about your time!!! Just do it. You will be so pumped that you did it! :) For a 5K I don't carry water or anything, because generally there is water at the end and I hate carrying stuff when I run. It's over before I am really thirsty.

    Good luck and have fun!!!

    This ^^^^ Good luck, have fun!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I wouldn't even worry about the HRM unless you have time to get it set up properly. The biggest challenge you are up against is going to be hills since you've been training on a treadmill. That said, get some upbeat music, like LMFAO and the Black Eyed Peas. You'll run faster than 37 minutes just because of the excitement of all the other runners.
  • fordguy74
    fordguy74 Posts: 108 Member
    I use to run everyday and ran alot of 5k's i found that listening to music ruined my form because i would run to the beat of the music. Most races have water stations on the course so you shouldnt need to take any. Just run at your own pace and finish the race, after that you will have a good starting point to improve on your time. who cares if it takes you 30 minutes or an hour alot of people don't even have the drive to run one. Be proud of yourself and good luck!
  • MaudeBeige
    MaudeBeige Posts: 282
    Thanks everyone for the kind words. Wonder how I will do tomorrow?!

    I don't think I will have the stamina to run without music - although I am a habitual run to the beat kinda gal!!!

    Will catch the train into central London - live over an hour away then run and then catch the train back again afterwards. I hope there's a Maccy D somewhere close by...




    To use the ladies... What were the rest of you thinking! :laugh: :tongue: :smokin:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    all races i've done ask that you not have headphones since you're running with a crowd and need to be able to hear directions or stuff like "on your left" or "on your right", but yours might be different.

    get a good night's rest, have a good meal, pack your bag the night before. and have fun! races are very social so be prepared to talk and meet new people, especially at the start line while you wait and at the end when everyone is clamoring for those free post race goodies :smile:

    oh and i wouldnt worry to much about time. i find that my race time is quicker than my alone time. there's something about having other people there that pushes me to a quicker pace.