Anyone Military ?

Well I am trying to lose the weight to go into to Marines .
Anyone like me or can help?(:


  • erineddy81
    erineddy81 Posts: 43 Member
    I used to be in the Army and also have worked for the Army as a civilian, and am now married to a man in the Army. As for losing weight, its simple math hun, calories in vs calories out. Now if you want to prepare yourself for Basic, thats a whole nother beast ;)
  • destaniekristina
    Lol well I just restarted! (:
    So I am getting back into the grove of things!(:
    I wanna get ready for basic in the process too !
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Get into the habit of eating healthy food and exercising now, while you're still young. It'll not only help you achieve your goal, of being able to join the Marines, but it will help you throughout your time in and in life as well.
  • LenaMena87
    LenaMena87 Posts: 469 Member
    I'm in the same boat!!! My husband is Navy and he pretty much schooled me on nutrition and fitness. It's working so far!!!!!!!!!!! My goal is to apply to OCS by the fall.