Thoughts on Insanity?

There is 61 days until May 23, 2012. This is the day I officially begin summer vacation. I have roughly two months to get what I consider a bikini-ready-body to go on vacation about a week after school lets out, which is the perfect amount of time to do 60 days of Insanity! So I would like to know what I'm in for. I don't know an accurate estimate of my body fat percentage, but online calculators have given me a range of 16-23 percent. My goal in the next 60 days: lower my body fat percentage! I know you can't spot reduce, so with a lower fat percentage comes a flat(ter) stomach and thin(ner) thighs...right? I hope, because those are my ultimate goals!

I hate to be the "can I lose (insert number here) pounds in (insert number here) days if i do (insert workout program here)?" girl. But I'm going to ask it anyway!

Here's my main insecurity, my stomach:
3-20-12 by wittlelacey, on Flickr
(^excuse the trash can hehe)

See that little bump from the side? It's a pest. Yes, it's about half as big as it was two and a half months ago, but I'm waiting for the day it's vanished! Bottom line: will Insanity help me shed the last 10-15 pounds (of fat, of course) and do work on this pouch of mine? Honest answers, please and thank you! :)))


  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    No one has done Insanity? ;)
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    Everyone has different results... It is an intense workout and you will have results... I would say go for it. I completed it and I lost inches not so much weight.
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    Everyone has different results... It is an intense workout and you will have results... I would say go for it. I completed it and I lost inches not so much weight.
    Thank you :) I think I am going to go for it. Starting the Fit Test later on today!
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    Welcome. Good luck :)
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    Welcome. Good luck :)
    Thanks a bunch :))
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Insanity is uh, insane. It'll definitely whip your body into shape if you stick with it. But you've got to eat right too. Diet is key and abs are made in the kitchen.
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    Insanity is uh, insane. It'll definitely whip your body into shape if you stick with it. But you've got to eat right too. Diet is key and abs are made in the kitchen.
    Sounds perfect! I need something that will whip me into shape :D
    I actually am facing health conditions that are going to force me to make better decisions in the kitchen. After this weekend, I'm going to be much more serious about what goes into my body!
  • OregonMatt
    OregonMatt Posts: 4 Member
    Go for it 100%. You WILL lose that little bump!! The Insanity workouts are HARD, thats no joke, but that ok, just keep MOVING, doesnt matter how slow. And just like they say in the video ads, every workout gets a little "less hard". Do the workouts, follow the food program (also very important), and you WILL get results!!! Good luck!!!!! (I am only on week 2, and my pants are already looser big time!!)
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    Go for it 100%. You WILL lose that little bump!! The Insanity workouts are HARD, thats no joke, but that ok, just keep MOVING, doesnt matter how slow. And just like they say in the video ads, every workout gets a little "less hard". Do the workouts, follow the food program (also very important), and you WILL get results!!! Good luck!!!!! (I am only on week 2, and my pants are already looser big time!!)
    Thank you so much :D This was the answer I was hoping to see! I'm extremely excited to get started and get to work on this belly of mine! So glad to hear you're already having results the second week in haha. I need to get moving! :) I won't be following the food plan, but I'll be improving my daily eating habits as of right now, hopefully that's good enough!
  • WJZR
    WJZR Posts: 98 Member
    If I was you honey, and that was all i had to lose, i would be dancing a jig. I am over 60 and have 30 pounds to lose. "You look marvelous darling", dont fret about that little bump. Just enjoy life, it goes by so fast.

    (and i am still only 17 in my head - and you dont know that till its too late!)
  • joec63
    joec63 Posts: 56 Member
    Don't mean to preach but dont be just good enough! Go the extra mile and dial in the nutrition and you'll se exceptional results. While the workouts are tough it's only an an hour a day roughly. The hard part is eating right the other 23 hrs. off my soapbox : )
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 412 Member
    If I was you honey, and that was all i had to lose, i would be dancing a jig. I am over 60 and have 30 pounds to lose. "You look marvelous darling", dont fret about that little bump. Just enjoy life, it goes by so fast.

    (and i am still only 17 in my head - and you dont know that till its too late!)
    This made me smile like an idiot :)))) Thank you so much! Being a young lady and not worrying about your figure is much easier said than done ;) Regardless, I will try to take your advice as best as possible!
    Don't mean to preach but dont be just good enough! Go the extra mile and dial in the nutrition and you'll se exceptional results. While the workouts are tough it's only an an hour a day roughly. The hard part is eating right the other 23 hrs. off my soapbox : )
    Haha you are pretty persuasive! We'll see :)
  • crossa75
    crossa75 Posts: 9
    Insanity is a great fast paced workout, you'll sweat your butt off! Follow the workout plan and eat right and I guarantee you'll get the results you want. Good luck!
  • chubby2fit
    You'll definitely get your butt whooped but it's a good feeling! :) You will most likely gain muscle so if you are going forward no muscle then, you might want to find something else.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    Insanity is AMAZING!!! went from a 5/6 to a 1/2...still weigh about the same...but everyone says "you have just shrunk!" Its hardcore, get ready for you @ss to be handed to you!!! Hahaha!! its the currently doing The Aslyum!
  • nattou
    nattou Posts: 14
    My best friend actually did insanity a few times in order to get herself ready for the physical test of the army (something like that) and she really lost a lot of weight and her body became more toned. She had a little pouch like you had too, and when I saw her in her wedding photos and honeymoon photos of her in Hawaii, her stomach was flat and toned. Her husband (back when he was just her boyfriend) did insanity too for the same reason, and lemme tell you, he wasn't exactly the fittest person in the world -- he's got a body to be proud of too.

    So I'd say that yes, insanity does work. Just as long as you diet and put your heart into it.
  • MarlaChandlerBarton
    MarlaChandlerBarton Posts: 141 Member
    I say, if you don't have any restrictions that could harm you, don't put your big toe in, put your whole "self" in. This way you are sure to "win" and be all you want to be.

    And don't you know that a small 'pooch' as you have, is totally regarded very sexy to most men? It's us girls that think it has to be flat. It doesn't. But working out is good not just for now but for always.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    No offense thou but I do believe I remeber you from before. Aren't you the girl who is tryin to lose weight to look good for your man bc he checks out other women? Correct me thou if I am wrong I don't want to say something that ain't correct.

    Anyways, I think for that lil bump... If you just eat clean you should be able to elimante without any problems. Abs are made in the kitchein... And btw I'd be happy with my body if it looked like yours! You really don't have much of a stomach @ all.
  • laurensohn22
    laurensohn22 Posts: 163 Member
    Bump * I want to know what people think about insanity as well
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I've done one and a half rounds of Insanity, starting the second half of round 2 tomorrow. I can assure you, YOU WILL LOSE THAT BELLY FAT. I can guarantee it. The whole focus on Insanity is your core. Shaun T is ALWAYS hounding you to contract your core, everything comes from the core. They do a workout called Cardio Abs. It is low impact, sitting on the floor total torture but really tightens the abs and oblique muscles. I would add that routine more often than it is scheduled. If you do that you will have a super flat stomach in 60 days. GUARANTEED!!!!!