Trouble with Constipation since I started eating clean.



  • I run into this problem a lot too lately. I even have IBS and this clean healthy diet helps with it. Eating a lot of red grapes, raisins, or have some dark chocolate once in awhile. All natural laxatives. A handful of red grapes at every meal will keep you normal. Or even as suggested earlier Miralax is a gentle and natural laxative. Make sure you don't keep it all stored up for a week or longer. It does allow toxins to build-up.
  • sollyn
    sollyn Posts: 179
    I was really expecting to leave all that behind! I don't understand why it is so! But I have been reading patrick holford and he recommends taking prebiotics and probiotics to sort out the general bowel health. I have just started this and will give a progress report next week!:explode:
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Metamucil, 15 mins before a meal (try it at home first, just in case!), also a good appetite suppresant.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me but this was almost a year after I started losing weight. I try to have a banana a day and that helps me with my constipation or just upping my fiber a bit.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Yep, I had the same problem. I made sure to drink lots of water and things got back on track. I would go maybe 2+ days which was very unusual for me but everything is good now. I drink half my body weight in ounces of water, or at least try to. Good luck!
  • I think with all the added fiber you need to drink much more water. I noticed this as well on the diet. Congrats on losing the weight, it made me puffier.
  • 2kidsmckinney
    2kidsmckinney Posts: 39 Member
    Lemon in my water helps with constipation. I find that if I have a glass of lemon water before bed I have success the next morning. I have struggled with the same issue until I saw someone recommended it.
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Probiotics. Lots of them!

    I need to deal with this too. I'm having a really, ahem, hard time lately. After having IBS for so long, not being able to go is an issue! I'm taking a laxative 2x a week right now. And I drink plenty of water, and eat plenty of fat. Pretty sure I'm getting enough fiber too.

    I do have an issue with veggies though. Maybe that's why? Ever since I had my gallbladder out, I go through bouts where I cannot stomach veggies of any sort. They cause intense stomach pain! That's a whole other topic though.

    I hope you get situated!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Most people are constipated because they're too busy to be regular. Also, any change in your daily habits can affect your bowels, because you "go" when your brain-bowel neurological connections are trained to expect it. If you usually went after a big meal and now you're eating frequent small meals, you may need to retrain your brain. If you're stuffing your fitness routine into a busy schedule, that can do it, too.

    Pick a time of day when it is convenient to go, and when you can reasonably expect not to be interrupted. After a meal is good, because your bowels naturally start moving when more food is coming (gastro-colic reflex). Go sit in the bathroom for a while whether you feel the need or not. Maybe bring something to read that you don't read any other time of the day. Have a big glass of pulpy juice at that meal (prune juice, apricot nectar, unfiltered apple cider, etc.) After a while, your bowels will start getting the idea. Then you won't be able to read that particular type of literature without getting the urge, so choose your reading material wisely. :laugh:

  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Has anyone else experienced this? I did a 180 in my eating habits almost 2 weeks ago. Carb/fat loaded diet to whole grains, lean proteins and fresh fruits and vegetables. I've been a bit of a mess since then. Is this normal because it has me worried...and a bit discouraged. I've lost 13 pounds and I can't tell. My pants are tighter than they were when I first started! I've tried OTC remedies, nothing is truly helping. I'm considering a semi-fasting day...water and fruits only to see if that helps. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    YES! I had this problem...I bet if you look at your fiber intake, it is way high now especially if you are eating as much as I am (5-7 servings of fruits/veggies). Mine is sometimes over 40 mgs. So with all that new fiber, you need lots of water or it has the reverse effect. I now drink close to a gallon of water a day and I am so much better! Eight cups a day of water is not enough if you are eating a lot of fiber...... Good luck!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Probiotics. Lots of them!

    I need to deal with this too. I'm having a really, ahem, hard time lately. After having IBS for so long, not being able to go is an issue! I'm taking a laxative 2x a week right now. And I drink plenty of water, and eat plenty of fat. Pretty sure I'm getting enough fiber too.

    I do have an issue with veggies though. Maybe that's why? Ever since I had my gallbladder out, I go through bouts where I cannot stomach veggies of any sort. They cause intense stomach pain! That's a whole other topic though.

    I hope you get situated!

    Take Metamucil instead of a laxative. It does not make you dependent the way a laxative does. Take a laxative that frequently and you will need them forever.
  • the fiber can be hard to digest, it can be binding rather than stimulating, I tried it all this is a very common problem, 2 tablespoons of udo oil before bed is good
  • melr789
    melr789 Posts: 35 Member
    Had the same problem, just increase your water intake, You need an adequate fluid intake so that the fiber can absorb it; otherwise your stool may become hard and constipation may worsen
  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    An abrupt change in eating habits is always going to take a little while to adjust to. >_o Upping you water intake should hep a lot.

    Some people have suggested metamucil or other fiber supplements: considerin gthe big change for you might just be a sudden increase in fiber, that's not the route I'd go right now. If it becomes a chronic problem, then yeah, the extra fiber can help a lot, but it might not be the answer right now.
  • habsfan802
    habsfan802 Posts: 61 Member
    An insoluable fiber supplement (something with psyllium husk is great) will help. Also make sure that you have an excellent probiotic as it will help with the gas. Don't be afraid of farting - it helps to relieve the gas. I know are taught that passing gas is "bad", but really a normal adult should pass gas about 14-20 times per day.

    I need you to come to work with me on monday and explain this to my co-workers
  • ariant23
    ariant23 Posts: 161 Member
    Think about it the opposite way... if you have loose stools (diarrhea) you eat ABC/BRAT Apples-Bananas-Cereal(non whole grain) or Bananas-Apples-Rice(white)-Toast(white). Pick whichever acronym you can remember. So if you're constipated.... AVOID these foods. Eat plums, prunes, pears, berries of all kinds to loosen things up.
    As for fiber... read the warning on the side of any of the fiber one products about adding too much fiber too quick.. it will constipate you. And yes, add some fluid, and caffeine, it's a stimulant, it will stimulate your digestive tract.
    If you recently added a multi-vitamin, it could be the iron in it. If you opt to purchase something in the pharmacy section, try a stool softener first, before a laxative. Softeners don't have the same "dependent" effect that laxatives can create.

    *edit... oh yeah, it's the pectin in the apples/bananas that binds up the stool (the same way pectin makes jelly, well, gel).
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    That happened to me as well. Increased water intake, started taking 2 caps of Metamucil before meals (plus makes you fuller faster), started taking fish oil and increased fats in diet (avocado, peanut butter). Haven't had problems since!
  • icandothis318
    icandothis318 Posts: 40 Member
    I actually struggle with the same thing. When eating cleaner, I go much less often (and sometimes hurt- but not all the time). But, when I eat junk, I have a nice, healthy looking BM 1-2x a day. It is crazy...(I eat lots of fiber and drink close to 2 gallons a day, so it isn't either of those). It is so weird.

    I am the same exact way. It seems like I go more (even though that's not often either) when I am eating horrible. Nowadays, I am eating a pretty clean veggie, water, fiber and all the good stuff type diet and.... nothing or not frequent, I should say. But if I were to go the diner right now and get my corned beef hash and eggs breakfast, I would go about 20 minutes after and it is just as natural as can be. It leads me to believe, with my system, it is something with fat and perhaps eating clean I am not getting enough. The ironic part is that I do get fat now as I am not caught up on the fat free thing but I don't get the kind of fat I would get from that diner meal. Not sure what to do!
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Thank you for all the responses! It was a too little fat issue for me too. At breakfast I started taking 1 tablespoon of whole golden flax seeds and toasting them over med-high heat until they start to pop. I pulse them in a coffee grinder for about 10 seconds. Mix into 1 tablespoon freshly ground almond butter, spread on Ezekiel bread and voila! Not a problem once since then.

    Edit - The already ground flax didn't work. The oils break down too fast and the seeds should be kept refrigerated.
  • charlybu
    charlybu Posts: 47 Member
    I had the same problem for about 3 weeks after I started. I suggest Fiber supplements, coffee, and my personal favorite Swedish fish =) ( They're made with mineral oil, natural laxative!) Things should normalize after a little while.