Wait gain during college :(

Hey everyone!

I am pretty new to My Fitness Pal. I thought it was about time to get on here and get serious with my weight loss. I really need some accountability and encouragement.

I have struggled with my weight my whole life but got a pretty good handle on it in high school. I realized that I needed to eat healthy and developed good eating habits. I weighed 135 when I graduated high school and was pretty happy with my weight, determined not to gain freshman 15.

I get to college, and did really well my first semester. Well second semester came around and I went through a rough break up. I ended up gaining about 10 pounds that semester. I lost a good bit of it the following summer, but then this past fall I started to really get in the habit of emotional eating. I am so bad about it and it is such a tough habit to break and unfortunately, I still struggle with it. I am not proud of it, but I really need to be able to share and I thought it would be good to talk about it on here. I am just so frustrated with myself.

I now weigh almost 165. I have never felt this horrible about myself and I am so ready to lose the weight. It's just I do so well for a few days, but once i cheat a little bit, I go crazy and eat way too much and start feeling guilty and horrible about myself all over again. It is such a vicious cycle to put my body through, physically and emotionally, but I just can't stop even though I want to so badly. Has anyone struggled a lot with emotional eating? Any tips or suggestions on how to stop for good? I just need a lot of support and accountability. I am so tired of feeling so down and horrible about myself :(


  • ellen1123
    And I just realized i spelled "weight" wrong in my topic title. Sorry about that. I promise i can spell :)
  • MsDreaB
    MsDreaB Posts: 97 Member
    just sent u a request! Welcome and the first step to losing weight is admitting there is a problem and that you want to fix it :)
  • robynelizabeth1234
    Hi Ellen,
    I am also new to my fitness pal! I was going to write an intro post aswell, then came across your post and felt i had to reply. I can 100% relate to what you were saying about emotional eating.
    God its annoying and i am SO sick of it
    I am trying a few new things such as:
    - if i do want to eat more than my calorie allowance i can- as long as its really healthy low carb and low cal foods such as yoghurt, fruit, veggies. tuna, cottage cheese etc (otherwise i tend to freak out and start eating biscuits and chocolate etc)
    - i am going to say that saturday (or friday) nights i can have a cheat night where i have any dinner i want, and a treat after dinner (like a chocolate bar NOT the block)--> i hope this will decrease the feelings of deprivation i feel when i restrict calories
    - exercise in the mornings so the day is off to a good start- hopefully will make me happier and make me not want to waste a session in the gym by over eating.
    Hope this help and good luck
    Robyn :)
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    This is literally my story exactly. Pound for pound as well as the emotional eating. It'll be okay. I'm going to add you :)
  • ellen1123
    I know exactly what you mean! I have a little bit of a bad day and get the mindset, "Oh well, I might as well enjoy some more chocolate and get back on track tomorrow." Before I know it, i eat tons and tons of bad food. Like the whole pint of ice cream, or a whole giant bag of M&Ms. I end up feeling sick and horrible, and it effects me the next day, maybe even the day after that. It's like all my hard work from the past few days go to waste in one night. You would think with how mad at myself I get, and how horrible I feel in my clothes that I would be motivated to stay on track and never cheat again. But I somehow have found myself repeating this cycle for almost 6 months. I have a binge night, and get mad at myself. I tell myself "Okay, last time. This is never going to happen again." Then i do great with my eating the next few days, maybe even for a week. Then I cheat a little bit. Then the whole cycle repeats itself. It sucks because i have skinny friends and roommates who eat a ton and dont have to watch a single calorie. It makes me even more upset, but its not like I feel comfortable talking to them about my weight issues, so of course I turn to chocolate and feel sorry for myself. This is just so unhealthy and I really need to stop, it is just so so hard once you get into this horrible habit :(
  • dmf711
    dmf711 Posts: 141 Member
    adding you!! i just graduated college and i swear, once i moved back home it was much easier to deny temptation and stick to a better plan. i know how hard it is and i'd be happy to link up for motivation!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    Be sure to start off on the right foot!

    check this link below and get set early!
    Youll do great!

    If you have any questions please PM me anytime!

    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/ Do the Military Body Fat Calc first, then the BMR tool. The BMR tool will give exact calories to eat on a daily basis. Add 20% to this number to get your TDEE. For Fat loss plans set up macros at 30% Protein/Fat each.<<<<<<<