Not fair!

OMG, I've been really strict with my diet all week and trained for 30 minutes twice a day - so an hour's running every day - and haven't lost a single thing :(

Feeling really p****d off this morning.

Kat x


  • estherpab
    estherpab Posts: 59 Member
    I know what u mean !!! Well there are a few factors to consider, I'm by NO means an expert, but I see no one has relied so I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents worth... How long ago did u start this? Cause if it's only been a week, u need to give your body more time to adjust.

    Are you drinking a lot of water? Ur body needs more if you are working out 2 xs a day and you need to be eatting...I didn't see ur calorie limit but u should be eatting more than 1200 cals..

    According to what I've read ur body has to adjust to this change and you need to eat. Read up on tdee and make sure u have the right deficits And be pAtient it's not an overnight process unfortunately. How much are you tring to lose? If you are only losing vanity pounds like me, then you need to give it TIME. Good luck!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    You only have four pounds to lose. That is not a lot of weight, and a week is not a long time. It takes time to lose it, and given your profile stating you've already lost a fair amount, you know this! Slow and steady.

    Additionally as someone else mentioned, there are lots of factors. Hydration, sodium intake, the weather, your sleep cycle, stress level, all play a part.

    Definitely make sure that you're eating more that 1200 calories, and if it's only four pounds that you're wanting to lose, you're really going to have to be picky as to where those calories come from. Lean protein! Fresh veggies and fruit! Healthy carbs!

    Good luck :)
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Well I agree with the previous poster but with a closed diary kind of hard to give advice. I agree that a week of hard work seems like you should get a return but plateaus are common as we figure out what we need to do to coax our bodies into a sensible shedding of the pounds. That said, Your weight as you know is a fragile idea, water weight, regularity, body adjustment to a new routine, all can affect how fast you begin to see results, Be Patient!
  • erh12275
    erh12275 Posts: 40 Member
    OMG, I've been really strict with my diet all week and trained for 30 minutes twice a day - so an hour's running every day - and haven't lost a single thing :(

    Feeling really p****d off this morning.

    Kat x

    It can happen. For a week and a half I was stuck at 222 even though I had busted my butt working out 7 days a week...a day with my trainer.... and eating below calories. Then I went out of town and didn't do anything for 3 days. Came back to a 5lb loss. And then a 1lb the next day. I could say it was the doing nothing...but instead I am going to think that all that work just took a lil while to catch up. Maybe yours will catch up next week?
  • Merrilies
    Merrilies Posts: 32 Member
    I should have added that I've been dieting and training for 2 years now, so it's not a recent thing! I got down to 104 pounds, then put on another 4, which I want to lose again, but am finding it really hard to lose them. I stepped up the training from one 30 minute session to two but still didn't lose anything.

    It might also be that I'm gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat anyway.

    I just couldn't believe that all that work did nothing!

    But, hey ho, back to work I go :)