The Nutrition Program for "INSANITY"

tsaustin Posts: 52 Member
Is anyone following the nutrition guide with the Insanity program. If so, are you eating the 5 meals a day? It just seems like a lot to me. I know I need to eat extra protein but I find it difficult to eat 1200 calories a day. This program suggests a minimum of 1500!! I want to be successful so any advice would be helpful!

Thank you,



  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I have Insanity, but I haven't done it yet. I have done P90X and m doing it again, and what's worked for me calorie wise is that I have my daily calories set to my BMR (1450) then, if I'm hungry, I eat back some or most of my exercise calories. I've found that on the days where I workout hard, I'm really hungry so I have no problem eating a ton of food lol.

    The best is to do what works for you :). If you're not hungry, then don't eat, but if you are hungry, by all means grab a snack or have a bigger meal :).
  • krash1012
    You're going to be burning so many calories with Insanity you need to eat those 5 meals throughout the day to have energy. It seemed to me to be made for average sized people, so play around with the calories you need to eat. If you are not losing weight eating the way you are now, crazy as it sounds, you may need to eat more. Go to This guy has tons of stuff on nutrition and Insanity/P90X.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Also, if you're finding it hard to eat even 1200 then try adding in some healthy higher calorie foods like nuts of peanut butter. One ounce of almonds has a whopping 150 calories or so lol.