wasn't exactly sure what topic to put this under... *women a

Is it normal for a woman to miss a period if she isn't pregnant? I last ended on February 16th, and it's been about 6 weeks. normally I only go about 3.5 weeks in between cycles. I have taken two pregnancy tests and they both were negative and I haven't had sex since about Feb. 17th. should i be worried?


  • MrsSamB
    MrsSamB Posts: 144 Member
    Go to the doctor!!! When something abnormal is happening with your body it is best to go see your physician.
  • AshleyMoe86
    You could go to the doctor and check it out, I know for me though it's not abnormal for me to be late on my period by a week or two. A lot of factors play into it, stress, new diet/exercise, etc. Ultimately you are the only one that knows your body so if you aren't pregnant and you are worried you haven't started yet make an appointment with your OB and make sure everything is okay.
  • lpblah
    lpblah Posts: 28
    That's almost exactly what's happening to me right now, but I stopped taking the pill last fall and haven't gotten regular yet. I was wondering if the new diet/excercise routine is making me a little off. I figured I'd give it a few more weeks and see what happens. Did you start changing your eating/work out habits after your last cycle?
  • TriTigress
    I second the "go to the doctor" post.....more than likely it is fine...but you need to go to make sure. Also, blood work will confirm whether or not you are pregnant.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I agree with the go to the doctor recommendation, but are you stressed out? Did something happen in the last couple of months that surprised or shocked you?

    When we think about things that can knock off our hormonal balance, there are a couple

    1. a shocking or traumatic experience
    2. high stress
    3. not eating enough, low iron
    4. pregnancy...(of course)
    5. medical conditions.

    I would still go to a doctor and get things checked out, but those are some of the things that can cause your system to go out of whack.
  • jeannine71
    jeannine71 Posts: 66 Member
    Happened to me too and I just found out what was going on....turns out I need to take a little vacation from the pill!

    Usually it's nothing big, the doc wasn't too concerned. It can happen if you're undereating and/or working out a lot recently. Good to get it checked out
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Of course, I feel obligated to advise you to see your doctor but...

    My body is extremely finicky. The smallest thing seems to throw my cycle out of whack, so I *personally* wouldn't blink about missing a period (once I ruled out pregnancy of course - now THAT would freak me out, lol). Mental stress, changes in diet, weight loss, and physical activity can all factor into a change in your cycle.