Back in the saddle again.......

Hello to all! I am "new" to this site, although not new to dieting. I am looking forward to meeting many of you and leaning on your inspiring words and your own stories to keep me going. I have 104 pounds to lose. 11 of which I gained in the last 2 weeks trying other diets, Atkins and Weight Watchers to be exact. Several years ago my doctor told me to just stick to 1500 calories a day and exercise 3 days a week and watch the weight fall off. She was absolutely correct. The weight did come off but somewhere along the way I lost sight of either the goal or the need for accountability because I am right back where I started plus a few more. In the depths of my soul I know the only way to successfully lose this weight and keep it off is to make this a true journey, instead of a quick trip. I believe I have finally gotten to the place in my mind where I can say that I am ready to do this. Thank you all, in advance, for helping me through and keeping me going.


  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Hi there... Good to know that you are attempting to get back to losing some weight..:smile:

    One of the hardest things is to realise that it is a lifetime commitment...not just until you get to your goal!
    That's a very tough cookie to swallow but if you can get to a point where you can allow yourself a few calories perhaps every week to have something a small bar of chocolate,or whatever takes your fancy,... so at least you don't feel too deprived, then you can get into the general pattern of doing it all the time.
    Any blips that I have I tend to then alter my menu for the day so that the calories are included and then there is no suffering that awful desperation of having failed again.

    All the very best to you..:happy:
  • TaTaBonnie
    I too and getting back in the saddle. I'm hoping to find a few accountability partners to help me along the way. I've been on here for probably a year but didn't use it. My life has been hectic and out of control and so has my eating. I've decided that I am in for good and that even the slightest changes can make a difference. I'm committing to no soda, making a menu of some sort and logging my food intake on here for the first week. I want these changes to be for good so I don't care how fast things happen as long as I keep moving forward. Let me know if you'd like to be my "friend" and touch base for accountability. I have my first goal set for around 50 lbs but I have more to lose than that. I'm not super familiar with all the things this site has to offer,either. Bonnie