what do you notice when you loose weight?

I noticed I can touch my toes and walk more my back doesnt hurt like it did.. my big clothes are feeling more bagger that means more nice outfits... and I can get up off the couch without rolling on my side to do so.. most embarrassing thing that has happened to me I was bigger then I am now... I decided to have a nap and bent the frame on my bed.. wheels fell off and medal frame was bent... how do you explain that to your spouce.. I was soo embarrassed that I lost control of my weight... but since I have lost 7 pounds I can look at myself in the mirror and say well done.. I really have noticed in my face and chin.. I have more color to my face..


  • parsla
    parsla Posts: 11
    Congratulations for a great job! You did it! In my experience (I have lost weight before, and this is my second time now) losing the initial 4-5 lbs is the hardest part. Once your body recognizes that it speeds up the metabolism and weight loss is easier subsequently. This time, I have just begun about a week ago and although I havent lost much (only 1-2 lb), I can feel my fat loosening and I too can touch my feet, in fact I can place my palms flat on the ground while bending.
    Keep it up!
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    The first thing I noticed was that my husband can pick me up and throw me over his shoulder without making a strained face or having to struggle to get me up there. Haha. Ah, the little victories...congratulations on your success so far! Keep it up!
  • thanx soo much... I feel soo much better with the pounds comming off slowly.. its gonna be awesome my neice is graduating and I bought a awesom dress from avon.. I sell avon so there is alot of nice shoes .. dresses .. pants... shopping here I come
  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    I notice that i dont get as out of breath on the eliptical. My chest doesn't hurt after my carido workout, and i can go further in less time :)
  • its an awesome feeling.. before I could not even make a flight of stairs.. now I can do 6 flights 3 times best part my back doesnt hurt walking
  • spaceys
    spaceys Posts: 58
    i've only lost 20 lbs and have 70 more to go, but someone said they saw it in my chest, which makes me really happy :bigsmile:
  • ScarletShopaholic
    ScarletShopaholic Posts: 169 Member
    That my clothes are all too big and baggy, that I can walk for ages without getting hot, sweaty, out of breath and my back killing me. That I really enjoy walking my dog and I actually enjoy getting hot and sweaty from exercise. Still a lot of weight to lose but the exercise has given me a kick up the bum keep losing. :happy: me, and I should have started using the site way earlier too.
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    my shoes got a lot bigger!
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    The first thing I noticed was that my husband can pick me up and throw me over his shoulder without making a strained face or having to struggle to get me up there. Haha. Ah, the little victories...congratulations on your success so far! Keep it up!

    Contrats on the vistory!!!! No matter what it is, the first thing that you notice, and find that smile creeping across your face, feels soooo good! I LOVE that my husband can pick me up now (without straining lol). People have always told me how 'tiny' I am, but it is becuase I am 5 foot tall- even at 30 lbs. more, and very overweight, people would brush off any word of my 'diet and exercise' as pointless, but I love that I KNOW I am within a healthy weight, and it is so nice to not feel that pinch in the wasteband of your favorite pants, or even better when those favorite pants look silly even with a belt, and you have to hunt out a new favorite pair!! Worst thing is my wedding ring is too big now. Haha. What a nice 'worst' thing to worry about :)
  • Tivo8MyNeighbors
    Tivo8MyNeighbors Posts: 151 Member
    Shaving my legs is no longer the embarrassing fiasco it was when I was at my heaviest.
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    I've lost 6 lbs on MFP, but before that I lost 3 from running, so I'm down 9 pounds and I'm starting to notice my waist getting thinner. My back/side rolls are magically vanishing(; and I'm loving it! And I thiiiink that my arms might be a tad bit smaller(:
  • l3long
    l3long Posts: 153 Member
    How much easier it is to find something that fits nicely when I shop for clothes

    How much more energy I have. When I am eating right and exercising, I sleep better and don't wake up groggy.
  • mrselanco2268
    mrselanco2268 Posts: 38 Member
    I am able to walk the entire Super WalMart without feeling like I am about to pass out. I use to shop half the store and would choose another day to shop the other side. I can also walk up stairs without getting out of breath and work out for almost an hour now. I can even walk further in the parking lot without trying to look for the most up close. I am getting there. Congrats to you on your journey thus far as well. :happy:
  • ladyplaz
    ladyplaz Posts: 111 Member
    I have my sex drive back. :happy:
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I first noticed my fingers got smaller (unless I'm drawing, my hand still swells when I draw but that's always been that way) and about three weeks in when I had to show my ID, which was taken two weeks before I started my weight loss, I noticed I had a smaller face. I tend to bounce my knee when sitting and noticed my leg doesn't jiggle as much, if at all. I even have defined shoulders now from almost daily weight lifting.

    The thing I really noticed yesterday was I bought new shoes (I wore out my other ones from all my working out/general activity) and when I leaned down to put them on and tie them, I actually could have my chest touching my knee and thigh without feeling like I was holding my breath or having blood rush to my head. I was bent over, breathing normally, and tied both shoes no problem. For YEARS I used to have to tie them then put them on and adjust tightness accordingly because I couldn't breathe bending like that. Made me feel real good.
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    I can stand on my feet a lot longer, my knees and back don't hurt anymore, it takes much longer for me to get out of breath, and the best of all, I want to do more things. I'm a lot more adventurous now.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    My neck looks longer, my knees don't hurt as much, and boy howdy, do I need new clothes!
  • scottbe07
    scottbe07 Posts: 16 Member
    I notice it in my face/cheeks, which is awesome to see right away. And also in my hips. My pants kept getting smaller and smaller.... :)
  • I can do up my belt one more notch
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    I smile more. :happy: