I can't seem to stop eating

I m allowed to eat 1500 but I am always over can't seem to close that mouth at 1500 cal. Don't know how to stop. Really need help and motivation


  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    How many meals your eating? What works for me is the intermittent fasting thing. I don't eat breakfast so my lunch and dinner meals are huge and I feel more satisfied as well. Also upping fats really helped with me with satiety.
  • Balance27
    Balance27 Posts: 76 Member
    What are you eating? Maybe more protein in smaller portions more frequently throughout the day can help. I also noticed that I can eat more food with less calories when I add really low calorie veggies to things like rice or pasta roni
  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
    I m allowed to eat 1500 but I am always over can't seem to close that mouth at 1500 cal. Don't know how to stop. Really need help and motivation

    You should try eating more on your workout days - eat those calories that you burn off. I usually eat around 2000 a day - I am set at 1700 something but I end up eating some of my workout calories back (not all).
  • shymom05
    shymom05 Posts: 16 Member
    are you eating because you are hungry? or because you are bored or stressed. if you need help with being full for longer try something with extra fiber it helps stay full longer. there are also fiber pills like fiber choice that help with staying full and also a new thing i just found and am trying called dr. tabors non naughty nibbles. they are high protein low cal snacks that are like chips and they taste good too. there is also a whey protein shake that i have been using called syntrax fuzzy navel and it tastes pretty good also. hope this helps. Also try eating small meals more durring the day. my personal trainer recomends eating something every 2 to 3 hours.
  • midoswife
    midoswife Posts: 35 Member
    No I m full but I can't stop eating. One of this bad habit after dinner after cleaning up the dishes I sit myself on the coach with cookies, chips and raisins. This is what I can't stop
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    I am sorry to break it to you, but you will just have to stop. Just stop. Don't get the junk. Don't do it. Just don't. If you do, you will stay fat. You just will.

    So what do you want more? The food or the fat?

    Go to the gym if you can and work out hard. That will help with your appetite. It did me.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    No-one here can help you with this as you know what you are doing. We cannot come and confiscate your food and ban you from buying it in the first place.

    I have found there is only one way to stop the evening junk eating, and that is to not buy it in the first place or to just buy in one thing, like a small chocolate bar, as a treat.

    There is no magic solution, only willpower and a real desire to change your lifestyle and to fill your time with something other than food, as it sounds to me like this is more habit and comfort eating, than anything else. Instead of sitting on the couch, go for a walk, or do some housework. Get into needlecraft or a good book, occupy yourself some other way.
  • Trealwoman
    Midoswife, I saw your post and wanted to share a webpage that helped me to START to tackle the same problem. I hope it helps you as well. http://www.yourfullplate.com/2012/09/14/bingeing/
  • gemstone29
    If your not hungry then the first place you should probably start is understanding why your eating. Are you eating out of boredom? or emotion, or is it just a habit like the eating on the sofa after dinner?

    Once you understand why write down some strategies on how to cope. What are you going to do instead of eating on the sofa? If its a habit the only way to change it is to start doing something different and keep at it.

    There are plenty of strategies for dealing with emotional eating too, when I was trying to tackle my emotional eating I gradually started to replace comfort food with walking and tea. When I was feeling upset I would stop and consciously sit and have a big cup of my favorite tea or go for a nice long walk. What will work for you will be individual but you have to start with understanding why you are doing what you are doing.

    I hope that helps. You can do this!
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    No I m full but I can't stop eating. One of this bad habit after dinner after cleaning up the dishes I sit myself on the coach with cookies, chips and raisins. This is what I can't stop

    throw junk outta you're house and replace with healthy snacks
  • JustYandy
    JustYandy Posts: 221 Member
    try walking after dinner
  • GymTennis
    GymTennis Posts: 133 Member
    Eat lean meat like chicken breast and veggies, drink a lot of water .. 1500 cal in broccoli, peas and carrots etc ..That's a lot of food.. It will keep you full .. Whenever you feel like eating extra do push ups or something instead.. Or go for a walk or whatever, to keep your mind occupied .. More exercise means only more space for food anyway..
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    You CAN stop. But that's it - you need to believe you can stop. As someone else posted - why are you eating in the first place? Most people eat out of emotions or out of boredom. And stop it. Do try to go for a walk, play a game, call a friend. Anything to break that habit. My habit used to be snacking as soon as I walked in the door. I worked to occupy myself between the time I am home and the time I go to bed to not eat out of boredom.

    And we don't buy junk food. We have had Halloween candy and I've been allowing myself candy if it fits in my calories. But not more. You will find pretzels in our house. No potato chips, no candy bars (usually) no ice cream. Nothing. They are treats.

    But you CAN do it. What do you want more? To eat junk and feel the consequences or to practice more self control and avoid the junk and reach your goals?

    We can't do it for you :)
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    No I m full but I can't stop eating. One of this bad habit after dinner after cleaning up the dishes I sit myself on the coach with cookies, chips and raisins. This is what I can't stop

    Then plan your day differently.

    First and foremost plan your whole day of food ahead of time. Plan breakfast, lunch, dinner and all your snacks including whatever you sit on the couch and eat later--the night before. Period.

    Make everything you eat fit in your calorie budget before you eat it.

    ETA: Also, when I really want to eat and I've used my budget for the day I come watch cooking shows or read recipes or just look at the "Show me what your meals look like" thread here. I get inspiration for cooking food and I forget about actually wanting to eat it.

    When I first started logging my food and counting calories I would brush my teeth when I wanted to eat. Or floss. Or use mouth wash. The three things broken up usually got me from evening snack through until bedtime.
  • mrsarab
    mrsarab Posts: 2 Member
    I think you might be eating to "come down" or relax in front of the tv. Instead of using food to relax and instead of parking it in front of the tv where you allow yourself to binge without thought, try these things. They helped me lose:
    Drink a full glass of water EVERY single time you urinate. Refill so to speak. Add lime or lemon juice if you hate drinking plain water. The water flushes your system and also makes you feel full faster when you do eat.
    After you eat dinner indulge in a sweet flavored (without sugar added) hot tea. One of my favorites is licorice spice tea by Stash but there are others. If you like the taste of black licorice get some of this right away. It kills that "must have sweets" craving that seems to always follow a meal. It is sweet, enjoyable, calorie free naturally and also relaxing.
    Take your after dinner tea straight to the bathroom and indulge in a long relaxing hot soak in the tub or a hot shower instead of parking in front of the tv. This may help you unwind more than the tv will.
    If you have certain shows you can't miss and have to mindlessly nosh in front of the tv, prepare a plate of celery, carrot sticks, green pepper strips, fresh raw broccoli and other similar vegetables. Add some berries or other fruit as a treat. Stick with the healthy snacks when in front of the tv as it wont matter HOW much you eat and the crunching of the vegetables is psychologically satisfying.
    If the urge for something a little more carby overcomes you, try to stick with unbuttered popcorn.
    Again suck back that water constantly. The weight will fall off.
  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    There is something else going on if you feel you have no control over eating. It isn't about physical hunger, it is about any number of other things that you are using food as a drug to fix. I agree that you need to stop yourself, but you need a replacement activity to help you do that. I suggest starting with a journal to explore how you're feeling when you can't seem to stop eating. If you feel anxious because of your eating or while you're eating, you might want to consider seeing a therapist for more pointed exploration into what's going on. I also recommend, from personal experience, that you increase the amount of protein in your diet while simultaneously decreasing the carbohydrate content. That changed the viscious cycle I experienced with overeating, at least to a degree. Always reach for water first and keep drinking it instead of eating until you KNOW you are physically hungry. And as others have said and more will say, leave the house and get some physical activity going or go have sex. Both will boost endorphins in your body and make you feel better, overall, and less like eating to assuage the enormous dissatisfaction you must have that you need to keep feeding yourself. Take an honest but uncritical look at your behavior and acknowledge what you see. Then decide how to change it.
  • sybrix
    sybrix Posts: 134 Member
    This may not work for you, but try replacing the TV with something more engaging that is a distraction you can't zone out and munch to. Video games (if you're not an avid gamer, even casual Facebook and mobile games are a nice distraction that passes hours usually spent zoning out in front of the TV), board games, knitting, reading, drawing, painting, something that keeps your hands and brain occupied.