Hi, I'm new here again...

dcazll Posts: 65 Member
So this is the second time I'm attempting this. The first time round I lost 10 pounds, doesn't sound like much right, but I'm only 5"2 and only about 10 - 20 pounds over weight. I say only, but those 10 pounds are bl***y hard to shift and as I'm short it's really noticble, a few pounds go a looong way on my frame.

So obviously I'm back because I've put back on some of the weight I initially lost (duh), because I still think I'm 17 inside and can eat what I want. So lesson learnt and I'm back to try and loose this weight slowly and healthy and try to make a healthy lifestyle change. I know it's not going to be a walk in the park because I loooove chocolate, but I belive in having a little treat, just not the whole cake.

So from tomorrow I am going to be healthy and the pounds are going to drop off (I can dream can't I). Oh and I forgot to mention. I have the best goal to work towards, I'm getting married next year, so that gives me 15months to get the perfect figure for my perfect dress.

Please feel free to add me, one thing I learnt from this site before is that support is a great help, so I hope I can be a good support to you


  • vdalex01
    vdalex01 Posts: 2
    Congrats on your engagement! I am about the same height and have around the same weight loss goals (about 15 - 20 lbs). Although I never stopped using the site completely I took a long hiatus and about a month ago I really started back working out and eating right.

    Good luck with your goals and your special day!

    -- Victoria
  • tpot74
    tpot74 Posts: 80 Member
    Lets do this. I fell off this past week, but ready to get back on track. I'm 5'1 with 40+ lbs to lose.
  • grandma365
    grandma365 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi i to am getting back into losing this weight. It seems like when we lived in MO i had lost a lot of weight. Now that i live in Tx i have gained almost all back. so I need to get back to doing this everyday. I have even added the app to my cell phone to help me keep track. Tomorrow i weigh in and start all over. So i think that we all can do this. Lets help each other out. Lets lose the pounds and inches together.:smile:
  • jcriscuolo
    jcriscuolo Posts: 319 Member
    Welcome back and stick with it. Good luck.
  • Hi, I was recommended to this site by a fitness instructor who said it was brilliant from the support side. I joined yesterday and so far so good. I have tried every diet in the book so lets see if this site can help.

    Any tips that you want to share - on how to keep motivated etc.

    My problem has been that I have been going to the gym since the new year and while I am more toned and my body tighter I am still not shedding the fat around my stomach. I have only lost 5 pounds in total too. Last week I had a really good week and had weighed in at t he local slimming club and found that I had put on a pound. It was so de-motivating!!

  • dcazll
    dcazll Posts: 65 Member
    Congrats on your engagement! I am about the same height and have around the same weight loss goals (about 15 - 20 lbs). Although I never stopped using the site completely I took a long hiatus and about a month ago I really started back working out and eating right.

    Good luck with your goals and your special day!

    -- Victoria

    Thank you for the congrats, we've been engaged for 10 years so it feels really weird when people congrtulate me lol, but I'm not complaining, it's like getting engaged all over again!

    Good luck on your journey!
  • dcazll
    dcazll Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you for all the other messages and I will stick with it this time, I've learnt my lesson (i'm not 17, i'm not 17). Kbev, the support on this site is fantastic, but it's no good without the will power and determination. I've heard that when your loosing weight you should ignore the scales and just go by how your clothes feel. If your toned and your body is tighter then you must be looking better, which is what people are going to see. Unless you walk around with a sign around your neck with your weight on it lol.