i need help!!

i have horrible eating habits and i can't change them! any super easy food ideas for someone who basically eats cereal and carbs all day? i need to make a change..


  • kcsirois
    kcsirois Posts: 5
    broccoli and cauliflower is good for curving carb cravings
  • arleylange
    First, get rid of "can't." Can't is a potty word that will keep you from succeeding in anything you try.

    Next, make sure you drink enough water and get enough sleep. What!? When you are dehydrated and don't get enough sleep, your body tries to make up for being so tired by craving quick-digesting carbs (the bad kind with refined flours and sugars).

    Third, think about eating a fruit and or vegetable at every meal and snack. If you're really craving something sugary, grab a piece of fruit (bananas are very sweet).

    Remember, you will have greater success if you look at getting healthy (weight loss is a side effect of a healthy lifestyle, so focus on the health side) as a long-term lifestyle change. Overhauling your whole diet and exercise routine in one day usually doesn't work in the long run, so focus on getting really good at one habit (like drinking water or eating three veggies a day) at a time. Breathe, you can do this!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Make gradual changes. Instead of a bag of crackers, have a bag of carrots. Feel free to look at my diary for some snack ideas and such. Just focus on what is a sustainable plan for you. If you cut out everything you love, you won't be successful. Remember, moderation is key!
  • JarJar86
    JarJar86 Posts: 3
    It's definitely hard to curve cravings! I'm one for sweets and it's been a battle trying to find healthy substitutes when a craving for Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey hits me. Here are some easy and healthy substitutions for meals/snacks...

    *fruit salad (if you don't wanna go through the peeling/cutting process then just get it premade)-- top the fruit with a reduced fat or fat free yogurt and granola.
    *egg whites with reduced fat or fat free cheese, add salsa or pico de gallo on top.
    *oatmeal with skim milk---add some cut up apple, berries or banana to it.

    *turkey (or any deli meat of choice), reduced fat or fat free cheese, and hummus (or low cal condiment of choice) wrapped up in romaine lettuce.
    *reduced fat veggie burger chopped on top a bed of greens, add some chopped up cucumber or baby carrots with hummus (or low cal dressing of choice) on side.
    *grilled cheese-- made with reduced calorie wheat bread and reduced fat cheese, add veggies and hummus on side.
    *egg salad (mixed with reduced fat or fat free mayo) in a whole wheat wrap.

    *Grilled/baked/broiled chicken breast, brown rice or baked sweet potato and veggie of choice.(steemed broccoli, steemed esparagus, cooked carrots, cooked spinach are my go to veggies)...
    *Grilled steak tips, brown rice or baked sweet potato and veggie of choice.
    *Ground turkey burger (seasoned however you like-- i personally like sweet bourbon bbq sauce), mixed with cooked peppers and onion.

    *reduced calorie Jell-O pudding cup. There are the 60 calorie snack pack chocolate mousse temptation cups! YUM!
    *serving of peanut butter or almond butter mixed with a drizzle of honey.
    *Edy's frozen fruit bars.
    *sugar free Jell-O pack with a dob of fat free cool whip on top.
    *skinny cow ice cream bar of choice.

    *popped chips.
    *reduced fat string cheese.
    *almonds (blue diamond habenero bbq flavored are my favorite!)
    *banana with pb.
    *greek yogurt with granola.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    Drink water...plenty of water!

    As a Mountain Dew maniac drinker (at least three 20 oz/day), I thought it would be difficult to stop the cravings. Oddly enough, when I started drinking the 8+ glasses of water, I never missed the soda and still don't. The last time I had the urge to drink a MD, I walked into my kitchen and poured myself a cup or 2 of water. It was cheaper and better for me. Took my craving and my hunger away immediately.

    Just a thought!
  • JarJar86
    JarJar86 Posts: 3
    ...and it's challenging to cut out the bad-eating-habits, but you CAN do it! leave little motivating note-cards around your apartment, at work and in your car- reminding you why you want to make these healthy changes in your life.
    and i definitely find that drinking a glass or two of water before meals helps make me feel full faster. i eat more slowly in order for my body to keep up with me during meals.
    personally, it's difficult for me to avoid the junk food when it's in my house-- so i avoid even purchasing unhealthy weaknesses (i.e., ice cream --for me at least) if i know i won't be able to resist.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    Try making your sweet treat a reward. I love Diet Pepsi, and it's my reward in the evening for drinking 8 servings of water throughout the day. Three things happened: 1. I drink a lot less Diet Pepsi (1-2 a day), and 2. I like water better. 3. My diet pepsi cravings have decreased dramatically.
  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
    At the grocery store they have 160 calorie bags of your favorite chips in a big bag. I started out using those. That way I didn't have to give up my favorite foods, I just learned to control the portion size. I only allowed myself 1 per day.