P90x Calorie Counter

Hey everyone! I have been doing P90x for almost three weeks now and I have been inputting my calories according to what exercises are closest to the P90x workouts according to my Team Beachbody coach (i.e he said Kenpo X is close to kick-boxing with Turbo Jam or Chest & Back is close to strength training). However, I just found this link that calculates the amount of calories burned in a P90x workout based on your weight, length of the workout, and intensity of the workout. I was wondering if you think this link is more accurate (that way I can input these numbers instead)? Here is the link:


Let me know :)


  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi-- I just finished one full round of P90x, and started right back up again on another round a few weeks ago. My calories burned are all over the place! I would say definitely invest in a heart rate monitor, but until then, I think this link you found is probably a little more accurate than using what MFP has in their database.

    Just looking at this quickly, it looks like it is relatively close to what I have averaged on: Chest and Back, Plyo, Shoulders and arms, Chest, Triceps. Back and Biceps. It's definitely projecting high for me on Yoga, Kenpo, Cardio X, Core, Legs and Back and Stretch. Ab Ripper for me varies a lot depending, but this seems like an ok projection but sometimes I can burn quite a bit higher. I used the "mid" intensity.

    Again, we are all different, and the workouts vary so much from day to day, week to week...definitely look into a Heart Rate Monitor if you can!

    Good luck with your program!
  • genuinelyfrans
    Thanks! For now, I will use this and when I get a heart rate monitor, I will be able to input more accurate calorie amounts.
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    I would also agree that this is decent, but some are above and some are below - I always burn more on the Ab Ripper X, and always, always, always burn less on the Yoga X, although I'm working my *kitten* off :happy:
  • AsaraFuriosa
    AsaraFuriosa Posts: 293 Member
    Thanks! For now, I will use this and when I get a heart rate monitor, I will be able to input more accurate calorie amounts.

    This exactly ^^^ I've been hoping that my estimated calorie burn was close. Ive been planning on getting a HRM
    as soon as I can afford one! This will be very helpful until then! Thanks allot!!!!!!
  • genuinelyfrans
    Lol your welcome, I just stumbled upon this link one day and thought it looked good so that is why I asked to see if everyone thought this would be good for estimating calories.
  • amie0724
    amie0724 Posts: 48 Member
    I had to return p90x because I am looking to get lean . I know there is a lean version ,but there is no way I am fusing muscle with fat . Right now I am running 24 miles a week and the weight is burning off . Good luck on that program . I trained that way many years back and lost a ton of weight . The problem is as soon as you stop the fat goes over the muscle and you look bigger and thicker than ever. This is why I chose cardio , cardio , cardio . :)
  • Myles_D23
    Myles_D23 Posts: 51 Member
    Wow, dude good find. I have been putting in a generic number based off of blogs and other peoples numbers. Based on my size I have been under shooting my calories, I've been burning more than I have putting down. This will surely help

  • genuinelyfrans
    Your welcome! I have been undershooting my calories too while over shooting on one or two (i.e. Ab Ripper X) so hopefully this will be a more accurate estimate.
  • NateDad
    NateDad Posts: 55
    I find that my HRM says I burn way more than what MFP suggests for "similar" workouts to P90x. I'm 34, 6'1, 175lbs, and I burn 650-1000 calories depending on which day. For example, yesterday I did chest and back, with ab ripper X, and burned 925 calories. MFP would probably say it would be half that.

    The best thing to do is get a heart rate monitor, so you know how much you're burning, so you can know how much to eat. If you have too much of a calorie deficit, your body will go into starvation mode, and you'll lose muscle and lose energy. If you eat back your exercise calories, you'll get strong, still lose weight, and feel awesome. Plus, then you don't have to worry about every little calorie. I had a big stack of pancakes and maple syrup today, but I'll be under my calories thanks to Plyometrics. :)
  • ddahoud
    ddahoud Posts: 1
    Thanks a lot! I have been inputting more calories then actually burned.
  • roodledoodle
    Thanks for that link! I haven't got a HRM yet and am on week 11 of P90x and have been wondering roughly how many cals I'm buring on the weight training days, this is a fantastic guide - many thanks for that. Even if it's not 100% accurate it gives a good estimate :happy:
  • roodledoodle
    I was just wondering, could anybody please let me know how you log the calories for weight training days as MFP doesn't count any for P90x. Sorry to sound thick :blushing:

  • knittybitties
    I signed onto p90x calorie counter that you provided and it gives me a webhost.com free web thing. It worked earlier. does the calorie counter only allow you to sign in once? today on yoga I burned 1077 calories!
  • BobSassafrass
    BobSassafrass Posts: 85 Member
    Keep in mind cheaper HRMs can be very deceiving as well. I have a Timex that says easily double what MFP does for every single exercise. I found when I used general cricuit training on MFP as a measure for plyo the numbers were very very close to p90xcalories.com and very very close to half what my HRM said. I trust the website but I always double check that it makes sense.

    I also compare everything to jogging which most people say is the best calorie burn you can do and on average burns 600 calories an hour.

    To the person who got a free webhost thing, it is because the site is hosted on a free web host so they are limited in bandwith. When someone posts the site here, it gets hammered and goes down till the end of the month. But google keeps a cachce of most popular sites, you can access it here:
  • BobSassafrass
    BobSassafrass Posts: 85 Member
    I was just wondering, could anybody please let me know how you log the calories for weight training days as MFP doesn't count any for P90x. Sorry to sound thick :blushing:


    Go to exercise > my exercises > create exercise
    Then put the info in, you would need to use p90xcalories.com or your HRM output to get the calories though.
  • tjross1004
    tjross1004 Posts: 3 Member
    I have used this source before; but it seems odd it doesn't ask gender??

    You can cross reference this with other resources and get a pretty good idea though.