Help- I'm gaining weight!!!

Hi everyone,

I've been on here for a month now and I have been sticking to my calories everyday (I'm logging absolutely everything and weighing my food) and I'm exercising for an hour everyday (then eating about half of my exercise calories like everyone says)

The problem is that I am gaining weight!!! Since I started I am 3kg heavier (6.6 pounds) I don't know what is going wrong. :cry: I have lost inches on my hips and neck but wasn't really expecting a gain

Has anyone else had this problem?? then gone on to lose?? I'm really disheartened this is the first time I have tried to lose weight in a sensible way (previously I lost 35kg (77 pounds) really unhealthily 5 years ago then put it all on again)

Help!!! :cry: :cry:


  • abr25
    abr25 Posts: 179
    gaining muscle? muscle weighs more than fat....are u loosing any inches?
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    I have found that if I don't eat all of my exercise calories I gain also. I would try to eat all of your calories and see what happens.
  • Younger_at_50
    Younger_at_50 Posts: 24 Member
    Hmm .. What's your daily calorie intake (not including exercise calories) and how much water are you drinking?
  • Mikey777
    This is happening to me as well! During the first week I lost about 6 pounds. I was excited but didn't get too happy because I thought it was probably water weight....

    Now I am on my 4th week and I've actually gained a pound back. It really zaps my motivation because the scale isn't moving even though I only eat about 1300 calories a day even if I workout! I thought maybe I was losing inches so I tried on a few outfits and my clothes are still too change.

    I eat very healthy fresh vegetarian foods and I avoid processed foods so I just can't figure this out. I am considering adding even more exercise. I run for 40 minutes 3 times per week (including hills) and I go to aerobics class about 2 times per week.

    In your case it sounds like you are losing inches so that is a good are probably gaining muscle. Also do you weigh yourself the same time each day? I do it first think in the morning and I make sure I am nude so the clothes, full stomach, and bladder don't impact the reading.
  • loulabelle
    loulabelle Posts: 21 Member
    My calories are 1410 per day without exercise cals and I am drinking about 2.5L of water on average???
  • thomasjc
    When you exercise are you getting your heart rate to a level like 120+ and keeping it there for at least 20-30 minutes. Try eating more whole foods and getting away from the processed foods. If it doesn't have a mother or come from the ground dont eat it. I was 412lbs on 5/11/2009 today I was 372.6. I switched to whole foods , I drink nothing but water and workout 30-50 mins per day. Its working for me.
  • Younger_at_50
    Younger_at_50 Posts: 24 Member
    It sounds like you're doing the right things and you are definitely losing inches so you still seem to be on the right track. I'm no expert, but maybe you can skip eating your exercise calories for a week and see if that jolts your metabolism. Then gradually add eating more of those exercise calories.

    You're doing so well, have patience :flowerforyou:
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    make sure you're not overestimating the calories you burn while exercising.
  • KristyO
    KristyO Posts: 126
    When you exercise are you getting your heart rate to a level like 120+ and keeping it there for at least 20-30 minutes. Try eating more whole foods and getting away from the processed foods. If it doesn't have a mother or come from the ground dont eat it. I was 412lbs on 5/11/2009 today I was 372.6. I switched to whole foods , I drink nothing but water and workout 30-50 mins per day. Its working for me.

    "If it doesn't have a mother or come from the ground, don't eat it" - I love that! And I completely agree. "Diet" foods are bad...nothing but processed junk that is full of hidden dangers like salt and sugar. Plus, if you have zero willpower like me, just having a box of reduced fat cheeze its in the house will mean the whole box is gone in one sitting. Portion sizes are too hard control, so why bother?

    anyway, great job so far...really proud of you! :happy:
  • loulabelle
    loulabelle Posts: 21 Member
    thanks everyone
    I guess I'll just keep at it :smile: