Hot (bikram) yoga...

Soo I thought I'd share!

I just got done with a 90 minute session of bikram yoga and I loved it!!! I was really really worried, I don't really know why but my sis talked me into it. You sweat soo much but it feels so good to be dripping like that, it felt like I had just jumped in a pool when I got out! haha So I just wanted to share, I will be going back, O and I burned 268 calories according to my hrm, more than I thought I would, I probably won't normally wear it but I was just curious. Anyone see good results from doing this? I'd love to hear stories :happy:

~Leash :heart:


  • bates
    bates Posts: 122
    Soo I thought I'd share!

    I just got done with a 90 minute session of bikram yoga and I loved it!!! I was really really worried, I don't really know why but my sis talked me into it. You sweat soo much but it feels so good to be dripping like that, it felt like I had just jumped in a pool when I got out! haha So I just wanted to share, I will be going back, O and I burned 268 calories according to my hrm, more than I thought I would, I probably won't normally wear it but I was just curious. Anyone see good results from doing this? I'd love to hear stories :happy:

    ~Leash :heart:

    I've never done bikram, but have done yoga when I was going to school, and I was sweating when doing that. Sicne moving to the OC I am looking for some classes but they are expensive
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Yea not cheap thats for sure... I got 2 weeks for 15 dollars.. but thats just a one time thing, after that its 135 a month for unlimited.

    ~Leash :heart:
  • leavinglasvegas
    I'm looking for aplace to do this where I live, so far no luck. Jenny McCarthy did an article in Shape and swears by this. But she said she just got a DVD and does it in her garage. If I had a thermostat in my garage, I'd try it her way, but I don't.....:ohwell:
  • RecliningFigure
    RecliningFigure Posts: 214 Member
    I follow a master yoga teacher that has never steered me wrong. She is dead set against this kind of yoga. It can be dangerious. She's been teaching yoga for 20+ years, and her master teacher, over 50+. She's the kind of teacher who can look at you in your form, and move you 1/2 an inch and allofa sudden you feel what you're supposed to be feeling. I know that there is a following for this kind of yoga (and I also hear it's fairly new in established yoga years). But I also know that the people I really trust in yoga consider this kind to have more risks and few benefits (beyond what you get in yoga without the extra heat). I don't want to discourage you because I think yoga is the best. But you might want to do some research on this form.
  • sarakenna1
    sarakenna1 Posts: 261
    I love bikram. I bet its not the best choice for people with high blood pressure, but for people in decent shape who are familiar with other types of yoga, I think its a great break from the norm. I find bikrim yoga moves to be simpler (though not easier!) then other types of yoga. I have heard that it is a relatively "new" type of yoga, and so I can see how yogi's who have mastered older, more traditional types might look down on it. My sister has done it for 2 years and is in top shape. I've only done it twice because there isn't a place near me, but I did enjoy it a lot and would do it regularly if I had the option. You feel strangly refreshed afterword! It doesn't burn many more calories then regular yoga, but it is a unique and relaxing experience.
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    I :heart: Bikram!! I went back today after 1 1/2 yrs away, it was fabulous. My new HRM said I burned 589 cal. :love: :love: I can't wait to get all my poor muscles stretched out & flexible again.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I was doing it but my doctor recommended I stop - work on my weight loss and cardiovascular health then go back to resume flexibility. I googled "calories burned in Bikram Yoga" and went to a site that gave you the number according to weight and duration of the class. I got 1600 calories! I thought that was a little on the high side. I didn't have a HRM at that time so I had no way of tracking...
    personally, I don't think this type of yoga will help you lose weight (other than sweating it out), but it does get your HR up, although not in a fat burning zone unless you are already fit and pushing the limits of your flexibility... I think if you are at your target weight you may see a difference in your body as you muscles get elongated from the stretching, but I will not believe the claims that it is good for weight loss.

    I did buy a 10 session or 3 month membership (whichever comes first) for 140$...

    And I do plan to go back, but my primary focus at this point is to focus on my cardiovascular health only.
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    I love Bikram! I've only taken one class but it was the amazing! I felt so *cleansed* the toxins all sweated out. It was my first intro to yoga. I just haven't had the money to get a membership to a studio. Although I could just do regular yoga outside this summer and get the same sweat! :tongue: