T.H.E. (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Week 25



  • Buttonnose
    Wow...lots has happened since I was here last.
    Sorry I haven't been in touch. And I didn't weigh in on last Friday either. Not the right time to weigh in...and that would only defeat me in my progress...so feel it is best not to at that time.

    Anyways, because of it...off track again, but again this week...I will fight to get back on track.
    I like the approach though that Kristi had...going to keep that in mind. I am starting to take the attitude it isn't that I am doing a diet to lose weight, but more so I am choosing to eat differently and exercise to become healthier...as a 50 year old woman next month I am becoming more and more aware that it is my time in life to enjoy - kids are raised and have kids of their own and approaching retirement within 5 to 7 years. So if I want to enjoy that time I have to take care of myself. So time for me to be happy and healthy without the stress trying to achieve that goal with the wrong attitude or that is just going to make me miserable and give up. Going to take it as it comes and work on it at my pace, what I am comfortable with. If I go up, I go up...remember what goes up must come down (unless you live on the moon - lol)...so I will go down too with proper eating and exercise. If a miss a day or so...so what...it isn't the end of the world....just a bump in the road and we all have them.

    LosingIt - Glad to hear Charlie is doing okay.

    Everyone else...stay strong...and take care. Well that's it for me...back to my gardening.
    Hugs to you all.

  • prayerfulmom
    Paw-oh that is a great nonscale victory!

    L4G- =( poor kitty. Congrats on the new job.

    IG-congrats on the movement and the logging.

    Manda-welcome back.

    CB- it is a new day. Shake it off girlfriend. The past is the past. The importance of the past is to learn from it and move forward.

    Lulu-great advice.

    A4-gosh. I am sorry for your experience. Money is a funny thing. I was always loaning my parents money. I’ve wiped the slate clean a few times but try to not loan money anymore but give opportunities to work it off. You know I think the reason it hurt so much is it was about your precious little ones. In his head it was the debt but it fulfilled a beautiful dream for you. Praying you can all find the forgiveness. Forgiveness doesn’t mean allowing one to harm you again in the same way. Healthy boundaries are key. Sorry for your experience.

    Kristi-so good to see your smiling face

    I just got back from a weekend away. Holy moly. I live in the valley. We went to the mountains. I did hill climb cycling. It kicked my butt! It was miles of climbing. Intense.

    My goals for August:
    *decrease run mileage and really focus on speed
    *8 swim sessions
    *300+ miles cycling

    Need to get moving.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    hey ya'll, we're home safe and sound. got in about 1 am this morning, took us longer getting back than to get there, more potty stops... nice thing about the drive home is we were able to talk thru and work thru what had happened and move on from it, so it isn't affecting our life now that we're home.

    the one thing we realized is the issue with my dad was not about money. when someone tells you how much you cost your whole life, that it cost $300 to adopt you, that you had braces and glasses and they helped you a bit in college, when that comes into a conversation (using that term loosely) about an $800 loan you've only partially paid back - well, it's not really about money. we also feel that the entire week was strange and have a feeling it had something to do with our children's race... not sure, just a gut feeling. anyway well we need to protect our children from such things and so we will do so, although we know this event is permanently etched in their minds - my six yr old is still saying, "grandpa was naughty, he needs a time-OUT!"

    ate crap the whole trip, started with fruit and stuff but ended up eating fast food too. don't care, we just wanted to get home. i never touched the oreos, by the way. so will wait a few days and drink my water, I'm seriously dehydrated, and then weigh in and see the damage.

    can't wait to get back to the gym and back to my "real life".

    hubby stll has 2 more weeks off of work! he may go back a week early to save his vacation days for later but he's staying home this week, so we're trying to think of family things to do. so fun!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    glad you made it home safe adopt4, and I think you are right about it being more than money with your dad. So sorry. Poor guy.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    so i got curious and weighed myself after a large breakfast, 2 cans of pop, knowing i'd eaten junk for two days and have serious retained water weight, plus TOM... and was up 3 pounds. Which i think means, i'm up really at most a pound if that! i'm usually up 2-3 at tom anyway... so i'm pretty psyched to think that i didn't do as bad as i feared.

    took a shower, feel human...need to get to the grocery store before my kids starve to death, thought we'd be gone for 3 weeks so we have no fresh stuff in the house... kids think they're being tortured, LOL.

    i am so frakin' happy to be home!!! we bonded as a family, hubby and i bonded closer together, hubby and i had lots of talks in the van while the boys slept, we hadn't talked that much in years (about just whatever). boys are obnoxious and naughty today but they've been in a carseat for 48 hours, can't blame 'em too much. drinking my second diet coke of the day, it will be my last pop until tomorrow, and i need to get back on the water wagon. probably won't hit the gym today, have a lot of work to do around the house, laundry, clean the car, groceries, etc. but will definitely be drinking my water and getting some good fresh fruits and veggies at the store. can't wait to eat fresh veggies after all that junk.
  • indianagranny
    Just a quick hi everyone. Running late - exercised instead of posting. will try to check in tomorrow. need to get earlier start to get everything done.

    glad Charlie is better.

    Hi Kristi

    Glad u are home safely Adopt4

    Debbie - did you drink your water today and log and exercise??????

    gotta roll girls

  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Such a sad night. A good friend passed away over the weekend and her wake was tonight. She raised her kids as a single mom (their dad was killed in a motorcycle accident when they were very young) and her kids are now 18 and 23. My friend had been very ill for a couple of months -diabetes- and died late Saturday night. She had no family other than her children and now they have no mother. Absolutely breaks my heart. They will, of course, be folded into our extended family - but just so sad. And a grand reminder of just how fragile life is.:cry:

    Kristi - loooooove seeing you here. I miss you - don't stay away, okay?

    Prayerfulmom- missed you too. You always have such good words:)

    Indianagranny - you are so good to get in your exercise- I need your energy woman!

    My left forearm is covered in poison ivy rash and blisters. Driving me INSANE with itching!

    night all - off to bed:yawn: Talk to you tomorrow.
  • pawprint061
    Sorry to hear about your friend Lulu. That's very sad.

    I hope everyone is getting in their water. Let's remember how important the water is guys. Keep drinking it. It really sucks when we have family problems. I've been going through them for the past few months also. It's hard on us. But we do what we can and we have to move on. We can't make our families understand what they don't want to... there is always something that gets in the way. My mother didn't give me up for adoption, she just left me in the hospital after I born. She gave my older sister up for adoption who we've never met. She has my two younger sisters and they are her life. My youngest sister is 14 and she treats her like she's 12. But anyways....

    I'm doing pretty good on calories. Only went over once this week so far. I went shopping today and got my lean cuisines and low calorie stuff. I'm doing pretty good shopping. My butt is getting smaller and flatter. I'm starting to see small changes. But it's time for bed... I'm so tired. Haven't been sleeping well lately.
  • manda1111
    manda1111 Posts: 113
    so in other news I got my book back from the editor i sent it to. I have lots of small corrections to make but over all he really liked it and didn't have a lot of comments about the storylint itself so that was really encouraging. I'm going to see my sister next week and then I go back to work. I week of meetings and then the children come. I think that I will have my book ready to be sent off to the pubishing houses by the end of Sept! That is so exciting, this is the culmination of over three years of work. In the mean time I have 18 chps done on the sequal so I'll be working on that while I wait on replies.

    that's all for now
  • prayerfulmom
    Good reminders of how precious life is and how we ought to care for these earthly vessels we are in.

    Have we hydrated?

    Have we nourished our bodies with wholesome nonengineered foods?

    Have we moved our bodies?

    I've managed a swim and a bike ride this morning. Need to hydrate and nourish.
  • pawprint061
    Feeling good
    So I'm feeling pretty good. I'm very happy with the way things are going with my current weight loss. I can see small changes finally. My butt isn't as big...which I'm happy with. It's getting flatter lol. I have to look at what I'm doing not as a diet but as a lifestyle change. I have to adapt to it, which I am doing pretty well. I never realized how much the amount of calories really played in my life until now. I've already lost about a total of 10 pounds since I started this back a few months ago. I can't say for certain the exact amount because of I don't know what my true weight was when I started. All I know is that clothes are starting to fit better. That is what matters to me. The calorie counting and the walking help me the most. Walking is awesome... So I say, to anyone who wants to lose the weight and thinks that walking will do...keep doing it....keep walking it will help. Burn the calories and you will see results.... might be slow at first but if you keep to it you will be glad that you did. I was ready to give up but I'm glad that I didn't. I've cut my calories back and now I know that what I was eating was adding and preventing me from losing the weight. I've cut back alot. You can still enjoy food while watching calories. I've cut out alot of the junk food... and serving size really does help. You'd be amazed how many calories we put into our bodies with out realizing it... I know I used to consume over 2,000 a day. So, now that I've cut back I'm losing the weight and along with exercise... it's so worth it. I shop for food differently now. I'm not giving up anytime soon. I will achieve my goal... I have already achieved one. I am now onto my second one. It also helps to have some one who supports you. It helps a lot. It's encouraging. I am so glad that I found the support not only though Jason and my real life friends but I have a found a community on line of support and friends and they're great. I get alot of support with Jason and it's nice. Back when I thought of it just being a diet he was the one telling me that its a lifestyle change not just a diet. Diets don't work. I see that now. I still can enjoy food. I just change how I eat.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    thanks for the reminder on water. i hadn't started getting mine in yet today so i got up and went and got my first dose of it..
  • pawprint061
    stillkristi-Nice to hear from you... glad your still with us.

    LosingIt4good-How's Charlie? I hope he's getting better.

    Lorann-Way to go for getting in your water.

    Momma2four-get back on track girl. you can do it.

    Buttonnose-this is your time to take care of you girl. you still got lots of living to do... make the best of it and have some fun while doing it lol.

    adopt4-I can imagine turning to food while going through what you went through. I'm glad that you didn't put pounds on. That must feel awesome. I don't know if I could resist the oreos though... that would be hard. just hang in there and focus on your family and live your life. don't live your life around other people and what they want and don't mold yourself to be some perfect daughter for some some one who can't treat you with any respect.

    manda1111-way to go on the book. we'll all have to go out and buy it when it comes out.

    That's about it for now. We are still kinda quiet on here girls.... I think some of us are spending to much time farming lol. I was up until 4 in the morning farming the other night lol. Most of that though was because TOM is here. And boy oh boy... I haven't had the visit since May. That's when everything hit the fan with my mom and then the next month I cut my calories back and joined MFP so my body is finally getting adjusted. It sure doesn't stop the pain lol.

    That's it for now, later everyone.
  • healthymom2009
    Yes it is week 26.


    Why are so many of us experciencing TOM at the same time??? No excuse, but sure throws a wrench in my plans. No exercise, over on calories by 300. Not too bad. Hard to stay focussed. Also, pulled a muscle in my neck today and can hardly move. Took painkillers and am going to bed. It will be better by morning...or else!
  • Buttonnose
    Well somewhat back on track this week. Not logging my food everyday...but watching what I eat and trying to get out for a walk everyday. That is where I have to get back on track...is logging and then checking in everynight. Stupid Farm Town has distracted me. LOL. You would think with all that plowing, harvesting and planting we would be losing some weight....LOL.

    Next week as of the 13th - you all won't hear from me till about the 23rd. Taking off on vacation, but should be a healthy one though as we are heading to Manitoulin Island and going to be doing some hiking which is something hubby and I both enjoy. We have rented a cottage so should be able to keep up with my food as well as we will be doing most of our eating there and sometimes going out to restaurants. I am so excited it is hard for me to sit still - being at work in my chair is driving me crazy as I just want to get up and go NOW - lol. Love my family dearly...but looking so forward to just some alone time..just hubby and me away from it all.

    I went up a bit from last weigh in...but hoping to get myself back down to where I was couple of weeks ago or even more if possible. Have to get into strength training soon...but will focus on that after vacation. Have membership at gym and don't use it...but time to get back to it. So for now just cardio.

    Well hope all is well with everyone.

    A bottle of water :drinker: and Hugs to you all. :happy:
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    still working on getting back on track. I am drinking water and starting to post a little. I got breakfast and lunch posted yesterday didn't make it for dinner. I am sooo addicted to my 3 farms!! i'm going to need an intervention! I talked to Jim about getting my treadmill back but with my son's knee being hurt and he is on crutches I don't have him to help me move it. So as soon as he is better I will get it back and see if I can walk on the treadmill and farm at the same time LOL

    42 days til I go to Vegas and 12lbs to meet my goal of loing 25lb before Vegas. Beginning to doubt I'll make it. My energy is gone, I have a goal but can't motivate. I NEED PRAYER!
  • Buttonnose
    CrazyBee says - I am sooo addicted to my 3 farms!!

    CrazyBee...you are too funny, but I know what you mean about being addicted. I too was finding myself that way..but said no more. My solution is to plant crops that take 3 to 4 days to mature. Go in once a day to check on your farm and water your flowers and then get yourself out of there. LOL. Everyone here must think we are NUTZ...lol This facebook game is very addicting so those of you that have not started playing it - STAY AWAY....stay FAR, FAR AWAY from it. LOL

    Anyways, good luck Crazy Bee....:flowerforyou:
    and lots of :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • Buttonnose
    CrazyBee...you are too funny, but I know what you mean about being addicted. I too was finding myself that way..but said no more. My solution is to plant crops that take 3 to 4 days to mature. Go in once a day to check on your farm and water your flowers and then get yourself out of there. LOL. Everyone here must think we are NUTZ...lol This facebook game is very addicting so those of you that have not started playing it - STAY AWAY....stay FAR, FAR AWAY from it. LOL

    Anyways, good luck Crazy Bee....:flowerforyou:
    and lots of :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • prayerfulmom
    wow, pretty quiet here. Hope all you farmers are getting in your water and some nutritous fruits and veggies:laugh: I am learning not to get started of farming on face book. You ladies are addicts=) I'm cracking the whip. You need to get to business!
    My ride home today will put me at 100 miles already for the week. I'm here to tell you my legs know it. Will need to rest them tomorrow and skip my run and swim.
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Oreos are still unopened... :happy: although i may open them soon and give them to the kids to get RID OF THEM. Oreos are the devil... LOL

    Now that I am home and stressed I find I am not only not eating enough, but eating really poor choices. Yesterday I had a piece of apple pie, a bowl of cereal, a bowl of ice cream. Yeah, those were my 3 meals yesterday. D'OH! So today I am working on eating better, although I haven't had lunch yet and am not really interested in food for eating, just for comfort. Will stop at the store and get some nutrigrain waffles with fruit, i love those, they are low cal and fill you up. those are my new snacky thing that's a bit sweet and filling and not overloaded on cals at all.

    still have not heard a reply from my folks after emailing them that we are home. really stressing about it becuz it hurts my kids. how can you ignore your grandkids just because you're mad at their mom? that just seems to WRONG to me. stupid people anyway. they are getting a time limit here and they can either get over it enough to talk to their grandkids or they won't ever have access, i am not having them pop in and out of their lives every time they get pissed off, like their other grandma. made that mistake once, not doing it again.

    found out with the problems with our van that the engine should have seized up by now... yah, find that out AFTER we have driven in 4000 miles. sheesh. looking into replacing it... not sure if we'll qualify, but we can at least find out. and if not, well, i won't be driving much...