What helped you lose the most weight?

I find keeping a food log really helpful.


  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    Riding my bike every day
  • NanniesKitchen
    Just being consistent with diet and exercise. Once I stop I just gain it back again..
  • quinto1025
    quinto1025 Posts: 53 Member
    changing the way I eat
  • reggiestarkey
    reggiestarkey Posts: 7 Member
    I work on lot on my laptop late at night in the kitchen. I have moved to a different room to avoid late night snacking. Out of site, out of mind!
  • hpynh2o
    hpynh2o Posts: 194 Member
    Accountability. To myself, to my friends, to my family... And a good set of before and during photos to look back on.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    The time I lost the most weight...it was forcing myself to make the food I ate. Some days i was just too lazy to cook.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    changing the way I eat

    This, entirely. Smaller portions, cutting fast food, dropping soda, no more potato chip binges or goldfish cracker nom-parties. And it's working, which is enough motivation for me to keep it up and to keep flipping off that Jumbo Cupcake in the fridge instead of introducing it to my face.
  • bdsweetie21
    Consistency. If you decide to chill out one day and not go to the gym, then make sure you go the next day and not take more than 2 days of relaxation a week. Also, If you cheat on your diet, make sure you don't again for the rest of the week. I always allow one day out of the week to go off my diet... but when I say "go off my diet" I mean to still have a deficit in my caloric intake, but maybe I'll have a desert with dinner, or to have a dinner that is, no more than, 200cal over my norm: always trying my best to choose healthier foods, even when I cheat... so if I have a desert, it would be a piece of dark chocolate, or strawberries with sugar.