I cant get back to counting....

I am having a giant problem. I started calorie counting the second week of January and I have dropped 20 pounds. But the past 2 weeks I cannot get back on track. I havn't been counting, I have been eating horrible. I gained back 3 pounds. I cant get myself back on track. Has this happened to anyone before.....any tips to help get over this? What is wrong with me!

Also, how does everyone deal with going out on the weekends and calorie counting? Since its starting to get warmer out I have been going out more on the weekends and would like to have a couple drinks. Do you count for these or just work them off the next day?


  • bjbradl4
    bjbradl4 Posts: 6
    Been there my self just a few weeks ago. Take a deep breath and set a mini goal to track your calories tomorrow. Picture your meal plan and try to stick to it. if you don't, just be honest with yourself and enter your what you do have. I fell out of habit because I was eating things I knew I shouldn't. and I didn't want to feel guilty by it. By entering everything, it gave me incentive to get back on track. You can do it! :o)
  • bjbradl4
    bjbradl4 Posts: 6
    For the second part of your question. Going out gives you incentive to eat lo-cal items earlier in the day and save a few calories for later. The best thing, is to plan a head. If you're going to have a couple of drinks, make sure you do count them to stay true to your program, but do something to burn extra calories earlier in the day. Cleaning the house, taking the dog for a long walk (they will love you for this one) do extra cardio or strength training. Not only does it burn the extra calories, it helps to boost your metabolism for the rest of the day.
  • i am having this problem too.

    while i was at my other job (4am-1pm) i was able to get free food, which meant i could get the salad and grilled chicken. i was doing great. i had lost 52 pounds. also i could work out after i got off work.

    then i started my new job (5pm-3am) and they dont really offer any healthy options.

    in the 3 months ive been working there, ive gained back 15 pounds. bc its completely different hours then my last job its really hard to track everything. plus, i am a night eater. and when they have no area to keep food if i brought anything, i have to eat something.
  • I have this problem right now too. I was doing great with tracking in January, but then fell off the wagon toward the end of the month and didn't really visit this site any between then and now. I had lost almost 7 pounds during the time I was active, but then it's all back on now.

    To me, it's as though calorie counting/tracking becomes a chore...and allowing myself one day off sends me into a downward spiral.

    I realize I don't really have any good advice for this, but I wanted you to know you aren't alone. I look forward to any advice others give! :)