High calorie *healthy* breakfasts



  • pumalama
    pumalama Posts: 140 Member

    of just go to the main site of soscuisine and type breakfast in the search box. There are 3 pages of breakfast with calories and nutritional info available. Fell free to add items or to take larger portions of the ones that you like if you need more calories.
  • deegeyspazms
    deegeyspazms Posts: 56 Member
    My current favourite is blueberries with plain yoghurt, oats, desiccated coconut and pumpkin seeds - scrummy! I've cut sugar out of my diet, but you could add honey. Makes you feel sooo healthy!
  • twisted88
    twisted88 Posts: 294 Member
    I make these every weekend for a yummy alternative to my normal breakfasts.

    English muffin, toasted (~120 cal)
    3/4 - 1 oz, cheddar cheese (~90-120 cal) (any other cheese would work as well)
    2 Morningstar breakfast links (80 cal)
    1/2 - 1 oz avocado, sliced (25-50 cal)

    For total of 315-390 cal.

    (I like my cheese melted, so I put it on the English muffin while it toasts.)

    It's not a super high calorie breakfast, but it's yummy and filling, especially when served with some fruit.
  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    Also, I think I forgot to say: congratulations and well done! A close friend of mine is also fighting back against her eating disorder and I'm really inspired and seriously stoked to hear from people tough enough to work at overcoming it.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    bump :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Eggs are super sources of protein and can add calories to your breakfast.

    Bananas are on the higher-calorie end for fruit as well. Oats, fresh breads, jam.
  • ChefSuzzieQ
    ChefSuzzieQ Posts: 119
    I would change your egg whites to two whole eggs. And the Avocado is an excellent idea. Whole wheat bread or a muffin with a little butter would work, or I make my egg yolks runny and use that to keep my toast from being too dry. Add any fruit you want to your breakfast.

    I like to make chocolate banana peanut butter smoothies. You can use chocolate protein powder or cocoa powder, a whole banana fresh or frozen and TBS or two of PB. Add ice or milk or greek yogurt. The calories will depend on what you use (protein or cocoa, milk or water) My husband and I love them. I am sure my kids would too but I make it with protein powder so they don't get any.
  • o_delaisse
    o_delaisse Posts: 193 Member
    Thanks everyone for these great ideas - feel much clearer now :) Going food shopping today so will get some of these ingredients in :) Thank you <3
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    My favorite breakfast is 3 whole scrambled cheesy eggs. (One ounce of sharp cheddar cheese) And one piece of whole wheat toast with real butter. Don't forget the coffee with real cream. It's quick and easy. I often have to leave early to work.
  • michal121
    michal121 Posts: 5
    Breakfast is important because it gives us energy. Fruits are good in breakfast high calorie fruits are Bananas, apples, oranges and grapes. Wheat Chex, Shredded Wheat, Cheerios, Oat Squares, granola are also high calorie food.
    isabel de los rios scam
  • Breakfast is important because it gives us energy. Fruits are good in breakfast high calorie fruits are Bananas, apples, oranges and grapes. Wheat Chex, Shredded Wheat, Cheerios, Oat Squares, granola are also high calorie food.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    I'm really struggling with my calorie intake at the moment as I have an eating disorder and feel more comfortable under-eating, but, in my experience, this under-eating has done nothing but make me ill and drive me half insane, so for the past 4 weeks I've been working on increasing my intake. I've asked for advice before on high calorie *healthy* snacks, and thanks to people's great suggestions I've increased my calories by around 500 (honestly am so grateful for people's advice, really it has helped me BIG TIME).

    My problem now is that these healthy high calorie snacks is only getting me so far - I'm still about 150 calories from my BMR. I'm up to three meals a day, and what I'd like to work on this week is my breakfasts. I started having breakfasts only last week, and am surprised at how quickly I've taken to them. I've only been having yoghurt or scrambled egg whites, and I would like to bulk them up a bit, perhaps even make my breakfast the biggest meal of the day.

    I've spent the past hour looking up ideas on MFP and the internet, but I have to be honest - everything seemed to be the low calorie option, and right now after spending so much time on it, I'm on information-overload, kind of upset, and totally lost and I would really appreciate a little help. I really need to keep on pushing and pushing my comfort zone (a month ago I could never have imagined I'd deliberately go over 1000 calories, let alone aim for 1443 (my BMR), so I *am* getting there, but sometimes I do need a little help.

    So, do you have any suggestions for a high calorie healthy breakfast? The only two things I'd say no to are PB on toast and milk because I have that in the evening and really like it then, and meat because I'm a vegetarian. That said, I could always find the meat-free / Quorn style substitutes. It would be so good if anyone had ideas, it's really important to me to get to my BMR and having a big breakfast would be such an important break-through for me.

    (And I'm sorry this is yet another "breakfast ideas" post - as I say, right now I feel really lost, confused, and kind of upset reading through a ton of information to try and find something that would apply to me. Even if I do get replies to this, I'll try again tomorrow when my head is clear and I'm calmer).

    why the struggle to eat your bmr? mine is 1630 a day.. yet my calorie intake is 1480! and im loosing wt ( i eat half or more if needed of my exercise cals back also) ...
    sorry your struggling.. yes by all means keep eating breakfast! I myself love a higher calorie 'real'/filling breakfast to start off my day! and unless im in a way hurry or something I never really eat cereal...
    I like a fried whole egg (or two) with toast ( get sarah lee wheat light) but u can get regular/higher cal bread of course) I toast it.. and use laughing cow 'wedge' on top (like a smear) and egg on top of that (lil yolk) so so good.. and other toast maybe some avacado for spread.. yumo.. higher healthy fat and higher cal and GRIP of protein also!!!
    also I like greek yogurt cuz protein amount... and I mae greek yogurt pancakes too
    my friend jut gave me a recipe today for flourles pancakes! super easy too she says she loves em
    imma make em tomorrow... ONE banana (mashed up) one whole egg and an egg white.... thats it!!! stir and make em like pancakes!!! 17 grams protein! (and u can add syrup for more cals) ...