Anyone doing MFP AND Slimming World?

Im thinking of rejoining slimming world but still want to stay on MFP was looking to make contact with any members on here that do this. How you find it, how you have got your food diary set up, that sort of thing.

Basically, ive started doing workouts before work and im just finding that im so hungry all the time now and struggling to stay below my cals value. With slimming world i just felt i could eat so much more. Plus i miss the group and the leader

Help - my progress is just so slow!


  • MissLMAshcroft
    I'd really appreciate some help with this too! I'd initially lost a stone on Slimming World but started to get fed up of writing everything down..Now I've joined here I'm confused with the calorie to syn ratio etc!

    I've no idea how may calories I was consuming on a daily Slimming World basis..So I'm sort of worried that what I eat may exceed the 1500 calorie limit I've been set.

    Any help would be muchly apppreciated :smile:

    Lou x
  • fitbitshaza
    I have recently joint Slimming World, and I have to say I find the principles confusing! I have a history of binge eating so being told I can eat all this free food, is not doing too good for my mindset!

    I think I will read the magazine and use their recipes but not sure how long I will be following it for, as I do like MFP! It is easier to use, you know where you stand and there is no is this free, healthy a or b or syned etc!
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    I do both but to be honest the two do not work in tandem and I've found that mfp better suits my needs. I overeat and measuring my rice, pasta etc has paid dividends and taught me more about 'superfree' foods and their importance. I go to sw every week and bear their principles in mind but don't follow the 'eat as much as you like' element as I know that yes it works but it doesn't address the overeating problem and when you then 'fall off the wagon' you can still eat an entire horse, I'm hoping that my counting my calories and learning about smaller portion size when I 'fall off the wagon' I'll only be able to manage one leg of the horse.....thus far it's working for me.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Im thinking of rejoining slimming world but still want to stay on MFP was looking to make contact with any members on here that do this. How you find it, how you have got your food diary set up, that sort of thing.

    Basically, ive started doing workouts before work and im just finding that im so hungry all the time now and struggling to stay below my cals value. With slimming world i just felt i could eat so much more. Plus i miss the group and the leader

    Help - my progress is just so slow!

    Unfortunately the two aren't compatible, as Slimming World has so many "unlimited" foods.

    You say you are now working out and getting hungry, are you eating your exercise calories too?
  • penwithlass
    penwithlass Posts: 3 Member
    I lost 4.5 stone with SW in 2008 /9 but then I got poorly, couldnt exercise as much as I had been doing and about half of it went back on over the next couple of years.
    I went back to SW in Jan 2012 but my losses were negligible, half a pound here and there so I felt I was wasting my money. As part of my recovery plan I have monthly sessions with my GP and to cut a long story short I was told I wasnt eating enough to compensate for my 5 miles a day walk to and from work ( dont drive now !)
    I got a fitbit on 8th March, synched with MFP account on 13th March and have lost 2.5 lbs so far. I am now eating a sensible amount and walking every day.
    So although I will sing the praises of Food Optimising to the heavens, it worked for me once - but my situation is now very different and it no longer suits my needs. I will stick with my MFP and my Fitbit because its working. My goal is to get back to 9 .5 stone in time for my Mums 75th birthday in August.
  • clairerose11
    clairerose11 Posts: 95 Member
    Sorry to bump up an old thread, I recently joined Slimming World but am finding it hard to get my head around... not the actual principles of the diet as such, but that there are 'free foods'. I too have a history of binge eating, or eating till I am way past full and I think this diet just sort of supports that really...

    I started last week and I weighed myself this morning. I am a pound heavier.

    I am thinking that MFP might be the best choice for me as it teaches me portion control, keeps me on a tighter leash as such! I am still going to go and weigh in at class though as that then motivates me more, and I wouldn't want to have put on in front of the leader lol..

    Oh yes, also feel there's no motivation to exercise either, as you don't earn anything :(

    What do you all think, could it work? I need *something* to work lol
  • EmRobo
    EmRobo Posts: 146 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    I am following Slimming world, but I use MFP to log all my food and my exercise, and for the friends and support too

    I can follow both quite easily, I follow the green day as I am a vegetarian, but where as I would just pile my plate hight with pasta, I measure it and log it, and if I need to eat more food to make up for my exercises, I will still eat superfree and free foods, such as strawberries, kiwi's, bananas and low fat yoghurt etc

    Just this last week I have altered my food diary on MFP so it is the same as slimming world, so I can keep an eye on my syns as I was going over my syns at one point (still losing weight)

    I think its good to take information from both slimming world and MFP