
taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
Starting to feel a bit discouraged. Been here for about 2 months and besides the initial 8 lbs, I havent really lost alot of weight. Sure I've lost an inch or 2 but overall, its nothing significant enough to encourage me. My diet have always been a problem and is my main thing I wanna work at but this is really frustrating


  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    8lbs in 2 months is actually pretty good, a nice healthy sustainable 1lb per week. It really takes time to lose the weight. Keeping at it is the only way to make it work. Don't give up on yourself so soon.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    That's really a fantastic weight loss for such a short time. Don't lose faith in the program; you're changing your life for the better! It took a long time to put weight on, and it will take a long time to get weight off. Just keep with it and you WILL see results! It's a marathon, not a sprint.
  • MJR819
    MJR819 Posts: 28
    Can't be said much you weigh is not always the best indication of getting healthy or motivation. Look at your excersize from when you started till today. I've watched the duration get longer, the workouts get more intense, and your posts about how you feel and what you can do steadily increase as well. Dude, you are doing awesome and that number may not change fast, but look at all you have accomplished. You are doing an amazing job and the diet will come. I still struggle with mine as well, but I look at the energy I have and how I feel and what I can do with my kids now as my motivation. I would just assume not even weigh's just a number...and doesn't really reflect how I feel. Oh, and that inch or two...that's just awesome as well! Keep up the kick *kitten* work, you are really doing amazing!