Runners- Safety Measures?



  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I run on a trail that goes behind houses, then a few stores, then just rural/ industrial area. It's fairly abandoned, the odd person walking their dog and some dirtbikes or atvs. It's busier on Sundays, but funnily enough thats almost weirder.
    I've taken self defense and karate, and the one thing i learned was to run away if anything came up. So I try not to use up all my energy before I am back in town. If I see someone creepy, I grab my keys or a good sized rock. Pepperspray would be nice though. I have a 'mean' dog, but don't take him running, mainly because he gets too hot, but also I don't want to get him in trouble (he already has a criminal record for defending me once...)
    Once I'm running without the walking intervals, a running buddy would be great.

    Oh and my hubby always knows which trail I am on and for how long.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    kyt- I actually took a self defense class in college, it was great!

    Self defense techniques aren't something you learn once and then you know them and can employ them effectively. It is something that needs to be practiced until it is automatic. When you have to use it your sympathetic nervous system will likely be engaged and the way you perceive things and the way your body responds will be different than it is under normal circumstances. Krav Maga isn't necessary but knowing a few very simple techniques using gross motor skills in response to specific threat stimuli can be very helpful.

    Pepper spray isn't a magic bullet. It can be extremely effective but there is a small percentage of people that it won't affect and there are some that will keep fighting even though they are affected. And now their adrenaline is through the roof. It is possible to fight very effectively after having been sprayed. If you spray someone - spray them full in the face and then get out of the way and keep on running.

    When I'm running is the only time I'm not carrying a gun. I just haven't found a comfortable way to do it or I probably would. I run in the daytime on a trail full of other runners - plus I'm a pretty big guy with no wallet.

    Carrying yourself with confidence and looking like you're aware of the world around you go a long way to making you not look like a victim. Nothing is 100% but being aware and prepared will take you a long way.
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    kyt- I actually took a self defense class in college, it was great!

    Self defense techniques aren't something you learn once and then you know them and can employ them effectively. It is something that needs to be practiced until it is automatic. When you have to use it your sympathetic nervous system will likely be engaged and the way you perceive things and the way your body responds will be different than it is under normal circumstances. Krav Maga isn't necessary but knowing a few very simple techniques using gross motor skills in response to specific threat stimuli can be very helpful.

    Pepper spray isn't a magic bullet. It can be extremely effective but there is a small percentage of people that it won't affect and there are some that will keep fighting even though they are affected. And now their adrenaline is through the roof. It is possible to fight very effectively after having been sprayed. If you spray someone - spray them full in the face and then get out of the way and keep on running.

    When I'm running is the only time I'm not carrying a gun. I just haven't found a comfortable way to do it or I probably would. I run in the daytime on a trail full of other runners - plus I'm a pretty big guy with no wallet.

    Carrying yourself with confidence and looking like you're aware of the world around you go a long way to making you not look like a victim. Nothing is 100% but being aware and prepared will take you a long way.

    This is true, refreshing self defense skills is a good idea.
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    Maybe I just need to work on my sprinting abilities :)
  • Myrtlemama4
    Myrtlemama4 Posts: 92 Member
    Wow, scary...glad you listened to your gut instinct...reading that I was so nervous for you!
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    thanks! I'm glad I turned around too :)