For those of you that have done P90X

I can't do a single pull up but I see so many pull ups on this. Did you substitute something else for the pull ups? Did you just skip them? Did you try them every time it came up? Did you ever get to the point where you could do them? This might sound like a stupid question but I am starting tonight and don't want the pull ups to do me in. My DH has also agreed to try it with me and I don't want him to further injure his bad shoulder joint attempting them.


  • cincymomof3
    cincymomof3 Posts: 329 Member
    Bump b/c I'd love to know too! :)
  • warrenvalley
    warrenvalley Posts: 30 Member
    Use exercise bands. You can get them with an attachment that allows you to fasten them to a door. The DVDs show you how to mimic a pullup with the bands. We exercise in our basement so have the bands rigged up in between floor joists.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I started it this morning. They do several variations, one guy will demonstrate with bands, a girl demonstrates how to use a chair to assist you as well. Just one day down and I love how helpful they are in showing modifications for the exercises, and the multiple ways you can use bands or weights. Good luck!
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    Use exercise bands. You can get them with an attachment that allows you to fasten them to a door. The DVDs show you how to mimic a pullup with the bands. We exercise in our basement so have the bands rigged up in between floor joists.

  • emcohen
    emcohen Posts: 46
    I used a chair as an assist until I was able to do pull ups.

    Now that the pull up bar doesn't work in my apartment, I bought bands. Not as intense, but better than nothing!
  • dwightdegroff
    dwightdegroff Posts: 97 Member
    It is very easy to use a chair/box/whatever to assist during pull-ups until you can do them un-assisted. give it a try and see what you think. :)
  • MarkRHerrmann
    MarkRHerrmann Posts: 1 Member
    I used an excercise ball to help support then did the pullups. Seemed to work fine and was able to increase the reps and build arm and shoulder strength. If you have an excercise ball, give it a try!
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    Resistance bands are key. Lots of machines at the gym have some sort of resistance device. You can also start with lat pull downs to increase strength.

    I couldn't do them and worked at them every single day even if just one and now I can do 5 resistant free

    Just saw the P90X thing -- def resistance bands -- do what you can at 100% even if it's none. At least you try :)
  • rieson
    rieson Posts: 16 Member
    You can use either resistance bands or use a chair to assit as long as needed. They show variations in the video. It is very possible to go from not being able to complete a single pull-up (me:) to finally able to accomplish one and then more.
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    yes, i used bands as well...feel free to message/add me, im a beachbody coach! p90x is a GREAT program!
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    As everyone above... exercise bands, or chair assist - depending on your level.

    To be honest, I don't know that I will ever be great at pull-ups (I think I can manage like 2.5 might laugh - but it's a huge improvement from just hanging there shaking!!) but it really doesn't matter at all - you get an amazing workout anyway just doing the modifications.

    Good luck - and enjoy P90X, it's fantastic!!
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    For my 1st round we used to have a Bow Flex, so I just modified by doing pull downs, but now since we don't have the bow flex anymore I just use my hand weights--usually between 8 to 12 lbs depending on the exercise.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Thanks all. I'll have him try both see what hurts the least. I'll see which works best for me.
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    I actually started doing P90 first to strength train. At first I couldn't do a single pull up, but after finishing P90's strength training I was able to to do 3-5 unassisted.