Why not me?? (discouraged)



  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    If you are doing any lifting that could be why the scale is moving up not down. If you are gaining any muscle it weighs more than fat. Don't give up...keep at it and it sounds counter-intuitive but you should eat back most of your exercise cals if not all of them. I usually try to eat back at least half. This helps stabilize your metabolism to burn even more...hang in there! :-)
  • mukamom
    mukamom Posts: 207 Member
    Are you eating enough??? Can't see your diary. If you don't have enough fuel, your weight loss slows or can stop.

    How do your clothes feel?

    Have you started strength training? More muscle means more calories burned at rest.

    Do you measure waist, hip, thigh? Inches lost means you're doing it right.

    Research and learn and experiment. Find what works for you!

    If it is any consolation, I'm stuck too, so I'm upping my cals.
  • I can honestly say I have been there more days than I would like to admit.

    What I did was I mentally had to accept that some people see success in numbers (the scale) and others see it in inches (the way your clothes fit) and I totally agree it is frustrating to see friends lose in numbers and you are STILL in your range. But you have to start looking at the way your clothes fit and try to think of it this way because you dont see the scale going down doesnt mean that you are not loosing.

    Honeslty, I dont care what the evil scale reads as long as I can look sexy in a size 14.
  • schwim
    schwim Posts: 65
    definitely measure your inches and see if there is progress there. the scale isn't everything. sometimes you're exercising and eating well for weeks and the scale wont budge but you'll be getting smaller and then finally the scale catches up and moves downward. stick with a sensible plan for at least 3 weeks and only switch things up if there are no results at all (ie inches or lbs).
  • lowpro1983
    lowpro1983 Posts: 305 Member
    Don't give up!!!!! Sounds like you are doing everything that you should be doing and it will all catch up at some point. In addition to measurements, take pics of your progress. That helps me a lot!! Keep your head up ...and keep pressing forward!!!! Awesome job!
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    One week isn't enough time to see much of a difference, if any. Remember, you didn't gain the weight overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight. Also, you need to make sure you're eating enough and always above your BMR. Determine your TDEE and cut down from those calories, not your BMR. A lot of people choose not to eat back their exercise calories and others do. I'm one of those who does.

    The weight gain you're seeing is most likely water. One week isn't enough time to build muscle. Step away from the scale; it is NOT your friend. Our weight fluctuates throughout the day and from day to day. If you have to get on a scale, do it once a week. Your clothes are a better indicator.

    Whatever you decide to do, keep at it and don't be discouraged by the numbers on the scale (I say just throw the damned thing out) and focus on just getting healthier. By eating right (and enough) and exercising, the weight will come off. Good luck!
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I feel your pain. I've been really dedicated and even bought personal training sessions, since mid-December. I haven't been perfect but feel I've done pretty good and have not dropped a thing. You just have to stick with it - it takes time for results. Try to have fun with it and not make it stressful. I realized that I was stressing myself out and getting depressed over it because I was so focused on what I was eating everyday that ALL I thought about was eating.

    Try baby steps -- first find a fitness goal and a fun workout and focus on upping your workouts. I find eating healthy comes naturally when I work out more as I don't have the desire to eat a bunch of junk when I just worked out for an hour.

    I don't think what I do are "fad" diets - but some people might not agree. And I don't like to call them diets because I think they are more of a healthy way of eating but I find I do better with my eating habits if I find a healthy plan and go with it. I just found one in a Women's Day magazine. Its a meal plan for losing and it gives you the foods to eat. That's why I'm not logging any calories right now. I don't have to think about what I'm eating or logging everything. I make a meal plan from the example it gave me in the magazine and I go with it. Its easier for eating with my husband because I have my "plan."

    Do what ever works for you. This works for me because I'm not focusing on food all day long. Good luck and keep it up - you will notice results. A good one I did and I still think its a great program (I just like trying new things) is the Jay Robb Fat Burning Diet. I'm actually waiting for his new book to come out which is targeted specifically for women.

    Good luck!!
  • Thank you ALL for the wonderful support and suggestions!! This has really lifted my spirits, more than you know. It helps knowing others who have had or are having the same issues and want to help me.

    As far as my calorie intake, mine is set for 1210/day before exercise. I do eat back some if not half or all of my calories burned. I am drinking WAY more water than I use to, too.

    I have not measured myself since last week, my husband is actually going to do the measuring when he gets home from work today. I am doing weigh-ins and measurements every Monday. We will see what my measurements say but I am not getting my hopes up after just a week. Last week was my first week of FULLY working out 30-60 minutes per day for 5 days in a row. I hadn't been this active all winter so I know it will take time for my body to adjust again to being active.

    I will continue watching my calories and working out hard each week and hopefully I see some change soon so it will motivate me.

    I do watch my sodium, sugars, fats, etc. I try really hard to not go over on ANY of my daily goals. The only time I really go over on sugars is when I have a day full of eating fruits and veggies. Those days, I don't care about going over my goals because I know they are good sugars, not processed.

    To answer most of you, I do have my diary open for view but only to friends. Just personal preference :)
  • Shaysuki926
    Shaysuki926 Posts: 34 Member
    Search for a website that will tell you how many calories you should be eating to lose weight. I can't remember the ones I found but if you search and do a couple different ones, you should find your number. :) Don't get down on yourself, even though it is real easy to. Just know you are aware and making the effort to make a change...it will all fall into place. :) Good luck and stay positive! :D