Whose trying to lose 20-30lbs? I need help.



  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    I'm also 5'5" and trying to lose 25-30 lbs. I'm on 1246 calories per day BUT I exercise and eat back those calories so I'm closer to 1350 per day. I've been losing a steady pound every five days or so. I'm also older (much older!) and I have my daughter mentoring me which has really helped. Also, be sure to take your measurements - that could be the difference in keeping you motivated when you see those inches disappear even if the pounds aren't going as fast as you'd like. Please feel free to add me if you like.
  • jplucheck
    jplucheck Posts: 275 Member
    Try upping your calories and intensifying your workouts. I have found when my calorie intake is low I tend to binge more and give up easier. I upped mine to 1460 and feel satisfied during the day and I am still losing weight. I have about 30-35 lbs left to go. I am also taking measurements when you see yourself getting thinner and healthier it doesn't really matter what the scale says. Good luck you will get there just don't give up :-)

    Yes that's one thing EVERYONE'S told me to do....take pictures and measurements, that way if the scale doesn't give you what you want, you may notice differences else where. Thanks for the great advice. I am afraid to up my calories but again I've seen that on several threads as well. How do I know how much I should increase by?

    Stat with eating at least your BMR

    OMG REALLY? thats like 1400-1500 calories?! i would never think it would work out like that, i guess it just seems like so much but perhaps not.

    Its definitely worth trying, I was doing around 1200 for awhile, lost a lot at first then was stuck in a plateau, someone suggested I was not eating enough and should try eating at least my BMR and then one day a week binge and eat double that. I tried it and it pushed me past my plateau and have been losing ever since. When I start to see to a plateau I up the calories again and guess what I lose rather than gain. Just don't go eat a bunch of junk food to get the extra calories, that would only defeat the purpose. If after a few weeks it doesn't work for you try something else, but I would try eating more than 1200.
  • Navotc
    Navotc Posts: 97
    I am 5' 6" and need to lose about 30 lbs total - I've lost about 12-13 so far. I'm not a college student - graduated a long time ago, but feel free to add me if you like.
  • sparklefly74
    sparklefly74 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm 5'7", a college student (again) and trying to lose 30 lbs. I started at 1200 cal but I found that I just couldn't stick to it so I upped it a little. I don't work out enough right now, so I need to find ways to sneak it in. I'll send you a friend request.
  • dh2312
    dh2312 Posts: 33
    I'm 5'7", a college student (again) and trying to lose 30 lbs. I started at 1200 cal but I found that I just couldn't stick to it so I upped it a little. I don't work out enough right now, so I need to find ways to sneak it in. I'll send you a friend request.

    Thank you got it!
  • pulsate
    pulsate Posts: 10 Member
    Hullo! :)

    I'm about 5'2, and have a first goal of losing about 30 lbs. Once I get there, I'll see how I feel and up the anty if need be. I don't want to be rail thin, but my goal is to be a head turner. :)
    I've been finding it a bit hard to stay motivated myself, but having the support and the people cheering you on always seems to help.
    I'm trying to do a lot of meal preparation, so I know what to expect to eat throughout a day. Knowing your safe places and what you can fall back on as your "quick foods" tends to be helping me a lot.
    I want to get into the habit of going for extra walks after work, and I want to focus on not eating the calories back that I've exercised off throughout the day. Need to make some wiser choices!
    As bad as it sounds, getting into a routine that you know is easy, makes it that much easier to follow.

    I'd love for us to support one another! :)
  • kittymoney
    kittymoney Posts: 115 Member
    i am same height and have about 20 for sure i want to lose ultimately want to lose 35. add me if you like to be friends through this journey
  • Oomsy89
    Oomsy89 Posts: 4
    I jus wanted to share a little something with you that helped me get to my goal weight! its a 90 day challenge by body by vi. visalus science! its absolutely amazing! lose weight,get fit, shape up,or jus get extra nutrient if you want! either or all of the above.it had helped me alot. all my life i was criticized about my body so i finally decided to do something about it now im telling everyone who said i couldn't do it... "TOLD YOU SO" best 3 words in this aspect i have ever said.if you could jus take a few short moments to watch a couple links and jus give me some feed back on what YOU thought and if its something you'd be interested in. its also a super fantastic product to fuel your muscles after a great workout, full of protein,fiber and vitamins!
    diabetic or know anyone who is, show them this. my friends mom is diabetic and after taking this she was taken off meds and is controlling her blood sugar on her own and has even lost unwanted weight.



    this is not a add, im jus promoting a super fantastic product
  • seamonkey789
    seamonkey789 Posts: 233
    I'm also 5'5 and trying to lose about 20-25 if you want to add me.

    I originally had mine set at 1200 a day, then I went in and put I wanted to lose the weight slower and MFP upped my calories to closer to my BMR.

    Also, TAPE MEASURE! If you start lifting, track your measurements. I'm doing a 5'5 lifting program in addition to cardio