Anyone want to start a new challenge?



  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    alright well i hope she does something soon! anyway i need to go get something done in some ways this site is bad for me i spend too much time on it!:tongue: i will check back later and see if anything started if not maybe someone will just have to start it now that there is all this attention i need something to light a fire under my butt!:laugh:
  • Hahaha!! Well i wont be on here till Morning, in about 15 minutes, as im leaving work. Its 4.40PM here in UK. So i hope this gets started soon. Tomorrow would b a great day, so that i wouldnt be a day late (if we started tonight/today i mean)

    Speak soon laydee's (Im hoping there are no men as of yet now ive sed that)

  • Hey i want to join the 28lbs or less:wink: How do i do it? Or what do i do? Let me know !! :wink:
  • Hey i want to join the 28lbs or less:wink: How do i do it? Or what do i do? Let me know !! :wink:

    Just find the post, and tell them in your in :happy:

    Mimi will welcome you :smile:

  • Hey i want to join the 28lbs or less:wink: How do i do it? Or what do i do? Let me know !! :wink:

    Just find the post, and tell them in your in :happy:

    Mimi will welcome you :smile:

    DETERMINED2Drop Posts: 285 Member
    Sorry everyone! I had class... I apologize everyone.

    I like all the ideas. I think that in the morning we should state our goals: Exercise or Food Goals... and then check in at night to make sure we did them or at least tried. We can state if we went over our calories or got off our bums and exercised! Anything else you would want to do?

    What should we call this "Challenge"?

    We could also pass along crunches and sits up like you said...
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member
    I really wanted to do the no fast food for 30 days idea. That is really a true CHALLENGE and that is what I need the most help with - resisting temptation!

    I would suggest that everyone commit to watching Fast Food Nation first and then go 30 days without so much as a delicious golden French Fry!!

    Can we include that?
  • cinandchris
    cinandchris Posts: 229 Member
    so what happened? i want a challenge too :tongue:
    DETERMINED2Drop Posts: 285 Member
    Sure, lets include that as well. Let's start making some rules...

    -No Fast Food
    -Try to Stay Within Calories
    -Complete all Exercise Goals

    We need a name for the challenge as well... should we just call it Fast Food Challenge?
  • nikiholm
    nikiholm Posts: 19
    So, no Panera!!! Or is that not considered fast food. No drive thru...not a fast food restaurant. ??
  • nikiholm
    nikiholm Posts: 19
  • I know I just joined, but his sounds great, nothing like a jump start....sounds great.
    DETERMINED2Drop Posts: 285 Member
    I don't know... what do you think? I was thinking actual fast food. Like Burger King, Wendy, Taco Bell, McDonald's, and all that stuff.

    My Birthday is the 16th and my Parents are coming for a visit and taking me to Applebees... so I can't consider that fast food. Haha.
    DETERMINED2Drop Posts: 285 Member
    I know I just joined, but his sounds great, nothing like a jump start....sounds great.

    Welcome Kelly! You are welcome to join... we are just figuring out the rules and plan.

    But I'll probably post a topic in the morning... so everyone can state there goals and then once at night to check in and see if everyone did it!
  • nikiholm
    nikiholm Posts: 19
    I think places like BK, Wendy's, Taco Bell, etc. are the ones to stay away from. I was just curious...because it does depend on what each person considers fast food. Some in my office consider Panera, Subway and those to be fast why I thought of it.

    I will post in the mornings to reveal the previous days totals. :tongue:
  • wow, now that's a challenge....especially when my son works at McD's and always wants to bring things home....:ohwell:
  • nicole0177
    nicole0177 Posts: 377
    i need a challenge but i was looking has one been decided yet?

    is it a fitness challenge or food challenge?
  • Beccilynn
    Beccilynn Posts: 177
    When I did the no fast food , it did not include resturaunts ,, ONLY true fast drive though fast food between that and your ONLY allocated sugar that you are allocated so pretty much no soda's LOL which for me was hard cause I love coca cola !
  • nikiholm
    nikiholm Posts: 19
    :tongue: That would definitely be hard for me, my son loves McD's and Carl's jr.
  • Beccilynn
    Beccilynn Posts: 177
    What's a challenge without a CHALLENGE?? :flowerforyou:
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