
Hello, my name is Janice and I decided to do something wonderful for myself today and joined. I've been living with Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure since we miscarried our first and only pregnancy in 2001. I want to get the weight off to decrease the insulin that I take each day (my choice for the insulin as I get better 'control' on it and do not have the side effects of the oral medications), and finally feel healthy.
I would love to make some friends to walk this journey with.


  • oligard
    oligard Posts: 141
    Hey Janice,feel free to add me :drinker:
  • Avelhx2
    Avelhx2 Posts: 3
    Hi janice! Congrats on making your first steps to a healthier YOU!

    so happened that i am doing my assignment on diabetes type 2 :) and i love to be there to help you achieve that goal (:

    Just make sure you consult your doctor before performing any exercise or diet changes as it can lead to hypoglycemia.. Good luck!!!!
  • ulyseb01
    ulyseb01 Posts: 4
    Hi Janice.. So happy you joined my name us Wendy feel free to add me.. All changes are hard but together we can get through them..!!! :D