Need some specific friends

MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
i have some great friends on my list, but I'm in need of some I can relate to a littlemore and are closer to my boat.

I've been on MFP for years and a steady gym goer. Was getting close to my goal (last 5 lbs) when I got pregnant. I gained only 30 lbs and worked out the whole time - ready to spring right back into my old routine postpartum. But my baby was born with a major heart defect and we spent 5 of the next 6 months in the hospital. I was breastfeeding so I was still losing regardless of my diet and no exercise. We lost my son in December and I've had no motivation to get things back on track. I'm trying to now, but i think I need some friends who maybe had similar bumps in the road and are back going strong or trying to get back in to it to keep me back on track.


  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    While I don't meet your criteria, I just wanted to say that I am so sorry for your loss and that I can definitely empathize with how you are feeling. I hope you are able to find the support system you need on here... Kindest regards!
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    i am so sorry for your loss!! i will keep you and your family in my prayers! I did have a miscarriage about 6 years ago and it was the most devistating thing in my life, I know not as upsetting as what you went through i know! I have had 2 kids since then and am in awe of how God used that experience to make me stronger and to help others through their miscarriages. I know it is not even close to the same thing you went through, but i am open to a friend request , support and encouragement for you through this journey :)
  • grumpya
    grumpya Posts: 54 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss. I had a still born baby many years ago, I also had a child who was sick when he was young & I have been through a terrible time in the last few years. Although my experiences are not the same as yours I can empathise with your grief & your difficulties in getting back on track
    All I can say is your weight may be important to you but the most important thing at the moment is for you and your partner to grieve & support each other. It is still very early days for you both & it takes a long time until you feel that life can ever be anythying you would call normal again. I think by trying to lose weight you may be putting too much pressure on yourself & maybe setting yourself a goal of maintaining your weight for a little while will ease the pressure & allow you time to heal. Everyone takes a different amount of time to grieve & to get back to whatever your new "normal" will be. Don't be hard on yourself, give yourself time & you will know when the time is right to seriously get back into gym & dieting.
    Sending you love & good wishes
  • dga226
    dga226 Posts: 224 Member
    Sorry for your lost and hope you and everyone gets stronger with each passing day. Keep your head up and take one day at a time and things will work out
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am SO sorry for your loss! Obviously there is no reason to feel bad about not gym-going & nutrition when life hits you that hard; not in my book anyway. I hope all gets better for you from here on out. :flowerforyou:
  • rjsbdsjas
    rjsbdsjas Posts: 20
    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I married later (34) so didn't even really try to get pregnant until well after many people have had several children. I had a miscarriage in 2005 and was devastated. After a difficult pregnancy I gave birth to a wonderful little girl in 2008, but will never be able to forget grieving through the infertility and then miscarriage.

    This really may not be the time to stress too much about not feeling motivated to go to the gym; this is really a time to take care of yourself and your partner emotionally as you heal. I read an awesome blog on MFP (don't remember whose blog, though!) yesterday talking about each individual being a house with four rooms - a physical room, mental room, emotional room and spiritual room. Each room in the house needs to be tended to for the house to run smoothly. I ignored my emotional and mental rooms for many years. Sometimes it is easy to just try to keep pushing on than to deal with emotions.

    I don't exactly fit your needs, but would be glad to be a friend on MFP if you would like.

    Best wishes as you walk through this time of grieving.

  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    I admire your strength!! and like the others will be here t support you..
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 282 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss. I am in a slightly similar situation. Or maybe you wont see it that way, anyway I friend requested you with some details about me. See if its what you are looking for.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Thanks guys. I think it's time to get back in to it. I had 5 months in the hospital going - I deserve that desert from the cafeteria, and then a couple months after we lost Gabe of just not caring what i ate and no motivation for logging - we also moved cross country just a month later, so a lot of changes, and I think it's time to get back to making an effort.