Eating just to get my Cals up :(

I'm really struggling.. I was averaging 500 - 700 cals a day I am now trying to eat 1000 as i want to be fit and healthy and lose weight. MFP suggests i have 1200. Today i'm at 1000 calories and i feel so bad.. I'm trying to get my body out of 'Starvation Mode' and burn fat rather then store it..

This is my break down of food today;

Breakfast - weight watchers yoghurt and Banana

Mid morning snack - Grapes

Lunch - weight watchers yoghurt and packet of sunbites

Mid afternoon snack - apple

tea - Tortelini with salad and new potatoes

Evening snack - 1x slice of bread with coleslaw ( like a sandwich i guess)

I feel like i'm just eating to get to 1000 calories. I feel really guilty for eating! I'm 11 stone and my goal is 9.7 stone. I feel so fat and full and bloated and fat. Do i really need to eat more to lose more? I know i can't restrict anymore as i'm just getting fatter when i do eat.. I do feel so guilty for eating so much i wish i could un do it all. My eating is so all over the place as i don't know what to eat. Am i eating the right things? Will i lose weight soon? I've been going to the gym for the last 6 weeks and not lost anything or toned up.. Tomorrow i am starting to do weights as well as cardio..

Help!! :cry:


  • cjm109
    cjm109 Posts: 264 Member
    You are definately not eating enough if you are working out as well. I average between 1200-1700 cals per day, depending if it's a cardio only day or cardio/weights day.

    I'm a firm believer in balance of a carb and protien snack. If I do carbs, it's always whole grain and no more than 2 servings per day. Fruits are also only 2 servings per day, usually lower sugar friuts. My typical day is: greek yogurt w/ fruit for breakfast, cottage cheese w/fruit snack, protien/veggies/carb ifcarb day, snack of veggies and cheese or egg, dinner protien/veggies and almost always no carb at dinner.

    I also try to eat foods as close to their natural state as possible, also I don't do alot of non fat, low fat...just moderation and portion control. I also plan ahead so I know what the next day will be like.

    That is what works for me....what works for you can be totally different...I read alot about lifestyle change and kind of went on my own from there

    Try different ways of eating and exersizing and find what fits best for you, everyone is an individual. What works for one may not work for you.

    Good luck with your journey and remember slow and steady wins the race....just be consistant and you'll see results.
  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 482 Member
    I say this in a supportive manner. Have you seen a doctor or sought help for a eating disorder? Eating 500-700 calories is extremely low. Are you a vegetarian? I don't see any meat or poultry listed. I also don't see any nuts, avocados, peanut butter, etc.

    Are you afraid of food?
  • SaraJRosburg
    SaraJRosburg Posts: 43 Member
    You may also be eatting too much sugar, fruit is really good for you, but 3 servings plus yogurt is probably too much.

    I would try adding more protein - lean meat (chicken, fish) during your lunch and maybe try some oatmeal for your mid-morning snack.
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Put peanut butter on your apple or bread then BAM! magically you're at 1200 calories and your body will thank you.
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member

    Are you afraid of food?

    Yes. Its been an issue for a few years now and i think this is why i'm struggling so much. I'm seeing my doctor for something else on Wednesday and was going to speak to him about this too..
  • gurganuss
    gurganuss Posts: 78 Member
    I eat at night to get my calories up. I find I eat a lot carbs. I eat popcorn, or snack bars, or krave cereal. But I have to in order to get my calories up. I need to work on splitting it up better during the day so I am not cramming it in before bed. But I have lost 17.4 pds since the beginning of the year. MFP says I am in starvation mode, but I am really not. I am not starving, but I do work out.
  • Jenna1971
    Jenna1971 Posts: 28
    I would ditch the weight watchers food, eat foods that are not out of a box and add more protein and veggies to your diet. I would also seek medical help - eating 500-700 calories is putting your body in starvation mode and is not healthy. It will hang on to the fat rather than letting it go since it is starved for food. Thats just my two cents.
  • jching29
    jching29 Posts: 163
    Suey, I have the same problem! Unless we go out to eat, I almost never make my calorie goals...generally I average about 850-900. So lately, I've been including a lot of lean proteins and and carbs into my diet. Dave's Killer Breads work well, with a little butter...they're tasty and filling, but rather calorie-heavy (in my opinion) so having one or two a day when you're not eating enough calories usually gets the job done. I also try to work red meats into my diet (I'm more of a chicken fan myself, so red meat isn't really my go-to favorite.) Also, veggie omelets work wonders! Start off with an egg, some veggies and cheese, and you usually don't have to worry about the rest of the day :)

    Good luck!
  • dsuppa1997
    Problem with what you are eating is its in no way well balanced, you need to add some higher calorie foods in there a yogurt and a bag of chips is not lunch. If youre not a vegetarion add some chicken, fish or the occasional red meat to your diet. You will see how easy it is to hit that 1200 mark when you eat ACTUAL food. If you area vegetarion add some nuts, peanut butter etc..... You may also want to consider adding something like a protien shake if you honestly can't eat the 1200 calories. I would have to agree with the previous poster though that asked if you had spoken to a dr about this, because in all honesty this sounds like a problem that is either leading to an eating disorder if it is not already there.
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Also, don't be afraid to eat real food. Fruit and yogurt has got to get really boring.

    I'm glad you are going to see a doctor, it sounds you have some irrational thoughts regarding food. I wish you the best.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    If you are having trouble getting to the appropriate amount of calories just to keep your body functioning properly then there is by no means any reason you should be eating diet food like weight watcher products. Eat more calorie dense foods. For example- the whole egg, not the egg white. 2% milk, not fat-free. Peanut butter, olive oil, nuts, and avocados have a lot of good fats and are calorie dense. Good luck.
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    You are definately not eating enough if you are working out as well. I average between 1200-1700 cals per day, depending if it's a cardio only day or cardio/weights day.

    I'm a firm believer in balance of a carb and protien snack. If I do carbs, it's always whole grain and no more than 2 servings per day. Fruits are also only 2 servings per day, usually lower sugar friuts. My typical day is: greek yogurt w/ fruit for breakfast, cottage cheese w/fruit snack, protien/veggies/carb ifcarb day, snack of veggies and cheese or egg, dinner protien/veggies and almost always no carb at dinner.

    I also try to eat foods as close to their natural state as possible, also I don't do alot of non fat, low fat...just moderation and portion control. I also plan ahead so I know what the next day will be like.

    That is what works for me....what works for you can be totally different...I read alot about lifestyle change and kind of went on my own from there

    Try different ways of eating and exersizing and find what fits best for you, everyone is an individual. What works for one may not work for you.

    Good luck with your journey and remember slow and steady wins the race....just be consistant and you'll see results.

    Thanks for your advice and input. I am making a life style change by trying to eat more and exercising i just get frustrated that after 6 weeks of gym i haven't lost any weight or toned up. Consistancy is an issue for me food wise.
  • shalinimunjal
    shalinimunjal Posts: 192 Member
    For breakfast - try eating a whole wheat toast with eggs or PB on top. Oatmeal with milk is close to 300 cals and very filling!
    Lunch - Try a wrap or sandwich with hummus, avocado, cheese, grilled veggies and add a lean meat if you eat meat.
    Dinner - For me it's more like rice and beans, or wheat pasta, or indian chapati with curry, etc.
    Snacks - Nuts are great for snacking throughout the day. Also cheese, fruit, PB, greek yogurt, etc. will keep you up on protein and fiber and keep your energy level up.

    You definitely need to eat more than what you're eating. I've never struggled with an ED so I don't know what it's like. Please get some help!!
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    I would ditch the weight watchers food, eat foods that are not out of a box and add more protein and veggies to your diet. I would also seek medical help - eating 500-700 calories is putting your body in starvation mode and is not healthy. It will hang on to the fat rather than letting it go since it is starved for food. Thats just my two cents.

    Your two cents are right thou.. i went through a binge starvation cycle and actually put on nearly 2 stone as my body is just hanging onto the fat and i'm struggling to shift it..
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    I'm not vegetarian i'm just lazy i guess.. I want to try and cook more with chicken and beef that will help i guess. The other issue with buying things out of packets is that it gives me the calorie content on the outside so i can know definately how many calories i've had and also make a choice on what i want for lunch depending on how i feel..

    I always seek out the lowest calorie item when shopping (force of habit) so i have weight watchers and low calorie foods. I generally spend ages in the super market seeking out the lowest calorie version of what i want to buy. I think maybe i should replace my foods with stuff that isn't low calorie maybe that would help.

    I do worry about eating a large breakfast and lunch. I used to have ham wraps for lunch ham and salad as well they were nice and low.. You guys are giving me good ideas on what to eat.. i'm sorry guys i don't like peanut butter lol you all keep suggesting it.. I do however love Ryvita and all their different flavour varieties..
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member

    Are you afraid of food?

    Yes. Its been an issue for a few years now and i think this is why i'm struggling so much. I'm seeing my doctor for something else on Wednesday and was going to speak to him about this too..

    The hard part is learning to associate food with energy, instead of body image. I don't know how to do that, but its something to consider.
  • betholiver
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I would definitely eat more. If you don't want to "eat just to eat" try tossing in some calorie dense foods that are still super healthy, like buts or dried fruit. I would also add more protein.

    Remember, food is fuel. Eating food won't make you fat, eating the wrong kinds of food will though. As long as what you're putting in your body is good for you, you shouldn't feel any guilt.
  • hounds726
    hounds726 Posts: 63
    Just someone else's opinion for what it is worth:

    The reason that you aren't seeing a change in the gym is because your body does not have anything to build on and it is eating at lean muscle mass just to keep itself functioning. You need more calories in order for your body to actually burn fat and build lean muscle mass. Calories, healthy ones. Protein, veggies, fruits.

    Best of luck to you :)
  • x__abbi__x
    x__abbi__x Posts: 97 Member
    I know exactly how you are feeling hun, I managed 851 cals and had exercised away 854 so I was into minus numbers. I'm eating until i'm full yet its not enough. If you need anyone to rant to at all add/message me :) xx