Looking for support and answers as confused.

I have been recommended to join this website as I am confused by my lack of weight loss. About 5 weeks ago, I decided it was time to lose some weight. I am 18lbs heavier that I would really like. I cut out unhealthy snacks and have been careful about the type of food I eat. I am trying not to call it a diet as I want this to be a life change. I have aso been doing 20-30 mins exercise 5 times a week. This is either swimming or doing Jillian Michael's shredding DVD. I have also now started jogging. I am really proud of the changes I've made and I feel better as have more energy and coping with stress. BUT I haven't lost a pound. Not one! I am finding this so demoralising.
I am hoping this website will show me where I am going wrong.
Anyone else having this same problem, or solved this problem.
Thank you.


  • binariiangel
    binariiangel Posts: 146 Member
    Sorry you're getting so frustrated. It's actually pretty common that this happens. Did you take measurements before you started? If so did you take measurements now? You may not be losing weight but I'm sure you're losing inches especially with Jillian Micheal's workout. Feel free to add me!
    Good luck on your journey and don't get frustrated!
  • tellym07
    tellym07 Posts: 1 Member
    You could be losing fat and gaining muscle. You might also not be drinking enough water, or possibly not eating enough calories. If your body doesn't get what it needs (protein and carbs) it will go into starvation mode and hold onto what you eat instead of burning off the unwanted fat. Change up your food and exercise for a week and see what happens.
  • I have the same problem. I lose it in spurts. I may go a whole week with out losing any and then the next week I will lose 3 pounds. I have a lot more to lose than you do though. I wouldn't worry so much about the number of pounds. You are doing this to be healthy so I am sure if you keep up what you are doing the weight will fall in line. Don't get too discouraged :)
  • jantim1990
    jantim1990 Posts: 48 Member
    You may be replacing fat with muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat--this could be one possibility why it seems you are not losing any weight. Sometimes you need to shake things up and do something different your body isnt expecting. (If you get in a rut, your body does too.) Try eating some (healthy) foods that you havent eaten in a while or do some exercise that is completely different from what you do now, like dancing or zumba or bike riding. Just some ideas. Hope it helps. Feel free to add me as friend if you want. Good Luck! :smile:
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Hi are you keeping your food diary religiously??
    This is one of the most important things you can do!

    Ideally, IMO, plan your day in the morning and stick to it. Make sure you don`t guess at weights of food. It is so easy to think you are eating a 100gms of something when really it is 150gms and it all adds up.

    Someone has posted muscle weighs heavier than fat...this is not true....a 1lb of muscle weighs just the same as 1lb of fat.

    Eat more protein to build muscle and fat is an important dietary need also.

    Well done on changing your lifestyle so far, but really keep and eye on exactly the amounts you eat as the only way you can lose weight is to have a deficit at this time....you can change the deficit and calorie intake later once you get in tune with how your own body and metabolism work.

    Good luck, and don`t give up x
  • AR1978
    AR1978 Posts: 11
    London and friendless. Add me