not seeing results......

nali_12 Posts: 172 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone. I've been on this site and decreasing my calories since july 16th and I've been working out for evena few weeks before that. I really kicked my workout in gear about the same time as I became a member on this site. I'm stumped as I don't feel I'm seeing any results. I only want to lose about 5 lbs. and I'm not even really concerned about the weight so much as how I look and feel (I don't want muffin top in my favorite jeans :) My weight has gone down by 2 lbs or so but it always fluctuates. Sometimes I'm down to 128 and sometimes I'm back up to 130 (I know when I'm lifting weights, muscle weighs more so the scale is not a good judge) but unless I measured my neck, waist and hips in different spots my measurements didn't even change in a couple weeks. I make healthy eating choices I'm just not sure what else I can do or if it's just going to take more time? I realize I don't have a ton of weight to lose and maybe that's why my body is not wanting to let it go??? After 3 babies though I want a firmer tummy. Any thoughts?

whew, that was a long post!


  • I feel exactly the same as you, tracking my food & exercise since June, staying within my calorie range, I blame my lack of change to fighting peri-menopause I'm 46 and only need to loose 10lbs! So I stopped tracking on this site. Sorry I am no help, if you find the answer I'd love to hear it!

    I wish this site had a dietican or someone to help us out w/all our questions!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    May I ask what your deficit is on a daily basis? Are you cutting 500 calories from your 'maintenence' calories or less than that?
  • BigAnn
    BigAnn Posts: 38
    I'm in the same boat. I lost 26 pounds over six months. Now that I've added exercise I haven't lost any weight (even gained two pounds back) and have not lost any inches. Sometimes I feel like why bother.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I looked at your food diary and you seem to be eating a lot of processed foods. You may be better of eating a lot more fruits and veggies. Although it does look like, on the most part, you are staying within your calories, they aren't good calories.

    You don't have a lot to lose and it will not fall off overnight. You may be better focusing on toning your body. Muscle burns more calories than fat does. Aerobics and weights will help. If you are hoping to get your pre-baby body back after 3 kids, it probably won't happen. If you are looking to get toned and healthy looking,, you can achieve that.
  • How tall are you? If you are at a comfortable weight for your body type that may be why you aren't losing the weight. I know for me to get down to 125 (Currently at 135) I have to really kick my own *kitten* to lose the weight. You can't slack off at all or you will notice a difference, at least I do. I would say pick up the cardio and that may help, and try to cut out processed foods.

  • nali_12
    nali_12 Posts: 172 Member
    thanks for everyone's replies....

    in response: I'm 5'5

    i'm surprised to hear that many think I eat too many processed foods. The only processed things I can really think of that I eat regularly are kashi go lean bars, bread (if I have a sandwich) and the spaghetti noodles i ate last night. If you looked at sunday, that wasn't a good day. I was fasting for religious purposes and then was at a family dinner where the main food was sandwiches. Since I had been fasting I kind of let my self eat whatever, within reason. I usually give myself one free meal a week (although lately my free meal has still been within my calorie limit) and other than that I eat a lot of salads and lean meat. I try to follow the abs diet pretty closely. I'm not looking for my prebaby body..just toned and healthy. This program cut 250 calories from my maintenance and then I work out everyday. I think what this program says I acutally burn from my workout daily is lower than I'm actually burning. For my weight circuit workout it says I only burn 73 calories which I really don't think is right and it's always off from what my elliptical says I burn and what I enter time wise and what it calculates.

    I'm thinking maybe it's just going to take awhile longer to notice inches being lost???

    thanks for everyone's responses
  • nali_12
    nali_12 Posts: 172 Member
    thanks for everyone's replies....

    in response: I'm 5'5

    i'm surprised to hear that many think I eat too many processed foods. The only processed things I can really think of that I eat regularly are kashi go lean bars, bread (if I have a sandwich) and the spaghetti noodles i ate last night. If you looked at sunday, that wasn't a good day. I was fasting for religious purposes and then was at a family dinner where the main food was sandwiches. Since I had been fasting I kind of let my self eat whatever, within reason. I usually give myself one free meal a week (although lately my free meal has still been within my calorie limit) and other than that I eat a lot of salads and lean meat. I try to follow the abs diet pretty closely. I'm not looking for my prebaby body..just toned and healthy. This program cut 250 calories from my maintenance and then I work out everyday. I think what this program says I acutally burn from my workout daily is lower than I'm actually burning. For my weight circuit workout it says I only burn 73 calories which I really don't think is right and it's always off from what my elliptical says I burn and what I enter time wise and what it calculates.

    I'm thinking maybe it's just going to take awhile longer to notice inches being lost???

    thanks for everyone's responses
  • fayesuave
    fayesuave Posts: 4 Member
    I didn't see any results for 6 months and then finally it happened. So it may take a while. Also, you may want to start watching your sodium and sugar, and avoid processed foods. Switching to nutrient dense foods may help you with that last bit of weight.
  • nali_12
    nali_12 Posts: 172 Member
    ok, so i just went back to my food diary and maybe I am eating more processed foods than I thought! :)

    I will work on that!
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    Hey everyone. I've been on this site and decreasing my calories since july 16th and I've been working out for evena few weeks before that. I really kicked my workout in gear about the same time as I became a member on this site. I'm stumped as I don't feel I'm seeing any results. I only want to lose about 5 lbs. and I'm not even really concerned about the weight so much as how I look and feel (I don't want muffin top in my favorite jeans :) My weight has gone down by 2 lbs or so but it always fluctuates. Sometimes I'm down to 128 and sometimes I'm back up to 130 (I know when I'm lifting weights, muscle weighs more so the scale is not a good judge) but unless I measured my neck, waist and hips in different spots my measurements didn't even change in a couple weeks. I make healthy eating choices I'm just not sure what else I can do or if it's just going to take more time? I realize I don't have a ton of weight to lose and maybe that's why my body is not wanting to let it go??? After 3 babies though I want a firmer tummy. Any thoughts?

    whew, that was a long post!

    I am in EXACTLY the same boat and feeling the same frustration - while I don't like that it's happening to anyone it does feel better to know it's not just me! If I could get rid of this muffin top and tone up everything else I'd be a happy girl, also not quite as concerned about what the scale says.
    I had twins 18 months ago and while I know my body may have changed as a result, I don't feel like that means I have to accept this roll of fat I am carrying around on my waist - ug. Hang in there!
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