Team UK: August

curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Hi guys, so i thought id post a new board for August.

Did everyone reach their goals for July? i didnt but i dont mind because ive finally found something that works.

Again this month: set yourself a goal you want to achieve by the end of the month.

Mine is 140lbs

Also set youself you daily goals for water, food, and a weekly goal for fitness


  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Hey Katie :smile: I love the beginning of the month, start again where failed before. I have tried many things previously and got lost so hoping this month will be better.

    I have a fitness goal for August: 1 hr cycling to add to my target of 5000 km by my birthday. Plus I am toning my muscles, 1 hr of circuits and free weights, kettle bell training and core exercise.

    Food wise I am still experimenting :wink:

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  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    well i survived the TOTM and didnt put on any weight!
    so this week im on the weight loss again and hoping for another 2lb loss this week.

    how is everyone else? enjoying your weekends?

    [edit] oo yeah i had another update, i did my measurements this morning and i only have 5inches to lose all over by body to be back to what i was. 2 off my hips, 1 off my waist and 2 off my chest
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109

    so i reached my goal for july and then some :happy: managed to lose an extra 2lbs than i planned and lost overall 8lbs in july !!!

    so my target for the end of august is to get to around 12st 2-3lbs but really it would be great if i could round it off at 12st this month but i have partys and a holiday this month so i won;t get my hopes up on losing as much as last month:smile:

    nywy hope everyone has had a good weekend and that we've all reached our targets or better:bigsmile:

    Created by - Free Diet Plans
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    i got lost somewhere this month. was doing really well before my week away. i knew it would be hard away from home with no where to exercise and only one menu to choose from. mind you i really enjoyed it.

    so i got back from hols last night and finished off with a curry before getting back to normality.
    this morning 12st 5 i was glad it was no higher. i have a feeling that alot is just sodium and water and you know what its like after having a hideous week. i am hoping for 11st 13 for end of the month also. so im with you on that sean.

    i will see how it goes. last week it was three cooked meals a day and pub every night. this week it is apples and early nights. sigh!!
    ps it was well worth the weight gain. best week ever and it won't be long before im back on track. its good to shake it up. oh and i have my HR monitor now too. looking forward to using it tonight.
    Good luck with august everyone.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Lets just say im not going to look at the scales this week!!... :noway:

    Bad Bad weekend.. :grumble:

    New week/ New Month... im ready for a challange..... 10stone by the 21st... - Fingers crossed!!

    * (9.8 by september) *
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    im sure it wasnt too bad, and anyway you had a reason, i ate bad due to TTOTM and only put on 1/2lbs

    went to the gym this morning - getting back on track this week - another 950cals burned today. one thing i noticed today is my recovery time after exercise is a lot shorter than it was, i also felt like i had to work harder to burn the calories today aswell

    [edit] ive changed my ticker too to show each small goal, showing my full goal seemed too far away
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    LOL.. I certainly did have a reason.. BUT i know i will just get back to being good during the week.. it seems to be working for me so im happy with that! :happy:
    I thing it was a downward spiral since thursdays pick n mix session!! Ha ha! :laugh:

    So anyways - i hope to burn about 500+ at the gym today! I want to go back down to 1,200 during the week.. bit scared of bumping up the cals! even though i dont seem to care on the weekends! :indifferent:

    x:heart: x
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i wasnt losing anything at 1200cals and now im losing 2lb a week at 1400cal
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    I didn't have a target for July, so I didn't lose that much overall. I feel as if I'm getting bored of this dieting business!! I'm just not putting my mind to it therefore no results. Only a month to my holiday as well!!
    I always eat over 1200cals, I seem to like things that have lots of calories! I am exercising more than I was, and I will be using my weights now that I bought.
    My aim for the end of August/my holiday is to lose 4pounds, hopefully I can manage that. I do feel as if my stomach is a tiny bit flatter, I've lost half an inch off it in a month.

    I need some willpower!!!!!!!

    Amy x
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Oh jeez, I've just inputted my food for today and it is the worst ever!!! I will actually have put on a pound just from today. Not the best way to start the month.
    I feel sick :sick:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i burned almost 1000cal at the gym yesterday and when i weighed in this morning i had put on weight??? i cant have built up muscle in the space of one day - i drank a ltr of water and didnt have a lot of salt so i really dont get it
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    I hate the scales atm.. driving me mad.. one day i've lost a lb... next i have put on... whooo knows... we fluctulate 5lb each day apparently?!! after the weekend i dont know whats going on with my weight... i was lazy last night n didnt go to the gym.. was in a foul mood (period) and so i went straight home after work.. tonight i will be gyming it!! might go to legs bums and tums.. its been a while since i've been and i burn some serious cals there!!? tempting!! might book it! and go to the gym for a bit... gonna try burn 850cals today... as i didnt do n e thing yest!!

    hope everyone is doing ok?? :flowerforyou:
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Oh jeez, I've just inputted my food for today and it is the worst ever!!! I will actually have put on a pound just from today. Not the best way to start the month.
    I feel sick :sick:

    ha ha... Amy, i know what you mean... i had a weekend like that... blerghhh :sick: :sick:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    I hate the scales atm.. driving me mad.. one day i've lost a lb... next i have put on...

    im the same, i hate it right now, but i cant bring myself to not weigh in
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    I hate the scales atm.. driving me mad.. one day i've lost a lb... next i have put on...

    im the same, i hate it right now, but i cant bring myself to not weigh in

    I just weigh myself once a week and use the tape measure once a month. I prefer the tape measure! Scales are the worst! I weighed myself at my boyfriend's house on Sunday then I weighed myself on my scales when I got home and I was a different weight!
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i went to body combat this morning and OH MY GOSH! according to my HRM i burned 650cals in the class and 300 on the walk to and from the gym! thats how much i usually burn in two hours at the gym.

    and i love the scale again today :laugh: i weighed myself and i was 149.6lbs! so almost another lb gone

    i just need to collapse now, my body has given up lol
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    soo lost another pound but its sort of strange..

    monday i did only have a 2 slice granary bread, ham and pickle (no butter) then on the night i i had a lotttt drink n we had a takeaway but i only ate 1 slice of pizza, half a tub of chips n bits of kebab meat and then yest i spent most the day sleepin but had crisps, choc, yoghurts, cheeese!! and then i weighed in this morning a lb down from my last weigh in on sunday but im not complainin

    nywyyy hopefully back to workout sesh 2morra sins its bn a week n half sins my last one:indifferent: but iv stil bn losing

    alsoo jus a lil over 2 weeks til i go on holiday and im trying to get down to 12st and iv worked it out as trying to lose at least 1lb more this week or 2lbs if i really can and then 3lb or 2lbs next week depending on how much i lose this week and then the final 2lb the week after that so fingers crossed, i think i can do it:bigsmile: :drinker: :happy:

    Created by - Free Calorie Chart
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Where are you going on holiday Sean? My holiday is my target too, 27 days to go! I don't even have an ideal weight in mind, just a flatter stomach,

    I was very bad at work today. The woman I sit beside brought in mini cakes from Marks & Spencers and Haribos, and I couldn't resist! I then had a steak pie for dinner as it was the only thing I had in my freezer. Had sweetcorn, peas and carrots with it so that wasn't too bad. I resisted the chips the boyfriend had (except 2 small ones) !

    Hope everyone else is resisting more than me? My fridge is full of apples and tangerines but I've not touched them!

    Amy x
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    ok i hate the scale again today, lol, im not weighing in till monday now
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    ditto above. i want to throw mine out the window.
    Mind you I went up 5 pounds over hols and now back down 2 of those in the first four days back from hol. i was hoping for that. But i still feel like i have lost 4 weeks work but i haven't been near cigarettes for ages now so i suppose that is much healthier than a few pounds lol.
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