Newbie here! :)

Hi everyone! I'm Liz and I'm new to MFP. I've been lurking on the boards this weekend and I've read a lot of encouraging and inspirational posts so I thought I'd come out and introduce myself.

I'm 22 years old, 5'4 and weighed 202 lbs when I started this whole thing on Friday. And now I'm 197! Did not know that was even possible! I'm counting calories and working out but to be honest I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't know what exercising I should be doing and don't know what I should be eating. Right now I'm doing the 1250 calorie / per day that MFP suggested. I'm doing around 60 minutes of cardio most days and on other days I do my xbox kinect Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout with Jillian Michaels for maybe 20 or so minutes because honestly that's all I can handle from her right now. She's tough ;)

Anyways I'm feeling really good about "this time"... I've tried losing weight and dieting here and there but nothing sticks. This is definitely different. I feel different. I feel a lifestyle change coming on and I'm already feeling healthier and happier. I just hope I can keep saying no to eating out which was my biggest weakness. Well thank you all for reading and I'm sure I'll have tons of questions along the way so I look forward to making MFP friends!


  • amie0724
    amie0724 Posts: 48 Member
    wow, that is excellent progress . It sounds like you are doing goood and that you are on an excellent start . Good for you! Congratulations
  • mrchris1983
    heyhun i am new on here. do you use msn? im looking for people starting with mfp now to motivate me and keep in touch x
  • nel0311
    nel0311 Posts: 248
    You go girl. sounds like you have a good idea for the start! you are going to do just fine. Congrats on the weight loss. feel free to add me!
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I started at 180 and am now at 130, aiming for 115 and a toned body!

    I believe in making baby steps. It took me 2 years to lose 50lbs and because I did it slowly my skin kept its firmness and I changed my whole lifestyle, it wasn't a fad!

    I started by still eating crappy food (processed, high sugar, lots of ingredients on label, fast food, NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE) and I lost weight doing this but keeping to 1300 calories, but I was always STARVING and it wasn't maintainable. My body wasn't getting the nutrients it needed.

    Very gradually, I changed things. I cut out diet soda over time. I started to incorporate fresh fruit and veg into my diet, and lean protein and wholegrains.

    Next step was learning how to cook! That has opened up a multitude of possibilities and really helped me to lose weight, I had control over exactly what was going into my food.

    Finally, I gave up milk (switched to almond milk or soy milk) and gave up meat products (still eat the odd bit of fish) and my health has taken such a huge upturn.

    Now, I understand my body and what it wants...I can tell if I'm really hungry or if I'm just having a craving.

    Drink green tea/herbal teas when you think you want some food...if after 20 minutes you're still hungry but you're not due a meal, eat some fresh or dried fruit or drink a low-cal soup like miso or a broth! That really helps. And chew sugar free gum!

    I lost the weight by going to the gym a lot then slowly incorporating walking to make it to 10,000 steps most days (about 7km for me)

    Feel free to add me and ask me any questions you'd like as I'm new on here and looking for friends! xxxxx
  • Lizziefresh
    Lizziefresh Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all so much for the support and advice! I'm so glad I found this place.